BBL in Technology Meaning

The BBL meaning in Technology terms is "Be Back Later". There are 12 related meanings of the BBL Technology abbreviation.

BBL on Technology Full Forms

  1. Be Back Later
  2. Byrrel
  3. Bird Banding Lab
  4. Barrel The section of a molding machine that contains the feed screw, also the section where resin heating and mixing occurs. OR Cylinder that contains the screw and the heaters. Built to withstand pressure of 7,500-20,000 psi. OR Section of the extrusion machine that contains the plastic extrusion feed screw, which can be single or twin screw. This is also the section where resin heating and mixing occurs.
  5. Bird Banding Laboratory
  6. Brainsbehavior Laboratory
  7. Balgzand Bacton Line
  8. Bangzand-Bacton Line
  9. Bottom Boundary Luyer
  10. Borough, Block, Lnd Lot
  11. Beach Break Live
  12. Brain & Behaviour Laboratory

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BBL stand for Technology?

    BBL stands for Bird Banding Lab in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Bird Banding Laboratory in Technology?

    The short form of "Bird Banding Laboratory" is BBL for Technology.


BBL in Technology. (2021, September 8). Retrieved March 6, 2025 from

Last updated