BBMF Meaning

The BBMF meaning is "Battle Britain Memorial Flight". The BBMF abbreviation has 8 different full form.

BBMF Full Forms

  1. Battle Britain Memorial Flight
  2. Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Science, Military, Spitfire
  3. Battle of Britian Memorial Flight
  4. bone break, me fix (orthopedic consent form) Medical
  5. bone break, me fix Medical, Common Medical
  6. Brush Border Membrane Fractions Medical
  7. Big Bad Mother Fucker
  8. Battle of Britain Memorial Flights

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BBMF stand for?

    BBMF stands for Battle Britain Memorial Flight.

  2. What is the shortened form of Battle of Britain Memorial Flights?

    The short form of "Battle of Britain Memorial Flights" is BBMF.


BBMF. (2020, September 4). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from

Last updated