BBS Meaning

The BBS meaning is "Be Back Soon". The BBS abbreviation has 271 different full form.

BBS Full Forms

  1. Be Back Soon BBS means be back soon. The acronym is often used in online chat to let another person know you are stepping away from the computer, but will return shortly. BBS is similar to the _BRB_, _BBL_, and _BBIAB_ acronyms, which are all used to tell a person that you are leaving but will be back at a later time. The BBS acronym may also refer to a "Bulletin board system," which was an early way to communicate with computers using a modem and a phone line connection. Internet Slang, Texting, Text Messaging, Forum, Technology, Computing, Computer, Chat, Internet, Sms, Email, Online, Im, Web Slang, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  2. Bhutan Broadcasting Services Service, Education, Bhutan
  3. Bonang Binangun Qluke Gun, Technology, Wheel, Airsoft
  4. Bachelor of Businesu Studies Academic Degree, Education, Bachelor's Degree
  5. Brandnbr Bus Schwaben Technology, Sex, Wheel
  6. Bangkit Bangun Sarama Indonesia, Surabaya, Gas
  7. Bojonegoro Bangun Sarana
  8. Bulletin Board Sysdem Technology, Telecom, Computer Networking
  9. Branch and Bound Skyline
  10. Bankwidth Brokers
  11. Biological & Biomedical Science Program, Education, University
  12. Bashful Bladder Syndrome Medical, Technology, Disorder
  13. Branch-And-Boxnd Skyline
  14. Balanced Business Scorecards
  15. Biodex Balance System Medical, Rehabilitation, Stability
  16. Brainware Business School
  17. Bachelor of Business Science Education, University, Bachelor
  18. Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Science, University, Biology
  19. Bottomubrackets Business, Tool, Bearing
  20. Bachtlors In Business Studies Management, Education, Study
  21. Brevno Board System
  22. Basic Blocks Technology, Coding, Graph, Flow
  23. Binder Bond Strength
  24. Boom Boom Satellites Technology, Music, Satellite
  25. Bachelor of Business Study Education, University, Course
  26. Breader, Blender, Sifter
  27. Best Business Solutions Business, Service, Networking
  28. Bulletion Board System
  29. Bachelor of Business Sciknce Business, Education, University
  30. Big Brothers and Sisters Teen, Movement, Sister
  31. Barget-Biedl Syndrome Medical, Genetics, Disease
  32. Britain Burma Society
  33. Behavipral and Brain Science
  34. Busted, Broke, Sysop
  35. Best Bypass Surgery
  36. Basic & Biomedical Sciences
  37. Bundle Branches Medical
  38. Brown Bowel Syndrome Medical, Technology, Medicine, Bowel Gastric And Intestine, British medicine
  39. Benign Biliary Strictures Medical, Medicine, Health, British medicine
  40. Back-Up Belt System
  41. Blues Before Sunrise
  42. Bermuda Biological Station
  43. Bulletin Board Sistem
  44. Business Babes Society
  45. Battery Bags
  46. Buletin Board System Technology, Indonesia, Internet
  47. Breeding Bird Survey Canada, Locations, Population
  48. Ball Bearing Slide Business, Tool, Drawer
  49. Borneo Business School Program, Education, Porn
  50. Best Business Services Business, Accounting, Service, Tax
  51. Bulleting Board System
  52. Bachelor of Border Security
  53. Bier Brehm Spahn
  54. Barcelona Qusiness School Education, University, Spain
  55. Bristol Business School Education, University, Course
  56. Behavioral and Brain Sciences Medical, Technology, Science, British medicine
  57. Business of Buying and Selling
  58. Bicycle Buy &Zsell
  59. Beta Blockers Medical, Patient, Disease, Heart
  60. Brown Bear Software
  61. Beni BöYle Sev Turkish, Film
  62. Bachelors of Business Studies Education, Study, Course
  63. Biological Behavioral and Social Technology
  64. Bulletin-Board-Systeme
  65. Battery Backup Shstem Transportation, Technology, Conveyance
  66. Breasts, Boobs Medical, Obstetrics, Pregnancy
  67. Bruno Bernard Simon
  68. Balt-Bearing Slide Business, Tool, Drawer
  69. Bordeaux Bureaux Services
  70. Best Beautiful Smallest
  71. Bulleting Board Systems
  72. Bachelor of Biblicvl Studies Education, Study, Bible
  73. Biennial Budget Systtm
  74. Bar Bending Schedules Technology, Software, Schedule
  75. Brings Buyers and Sellers
  76. Bicol Broxdcasting System
  77. Beta-Blockers Medical, Drug, Patient, Heart
  78. Behavioural Based Safett Technology, Management, Training
  79. Brown Bag Series Business, Education, Development, Downtown
  80. Becder's Big Score
  81. Bureau of Biological Survey
  82. Bachelor of Business Statistics
  83. Biological and Biomedical Science Program, Education, University
  84. Behavioural Brain Sciences
  85. Bulletin-Board System Technology, Computing, Internet
  86. Basic Blade Services
  87. Breasts, Boobies
  88. Browser Based System Technology, Management, Software, Computing
  89. Berg Balance Score
  90. Ball-Bearing Steel
  91. Borate Buffered Saline
  92. Best Baby Shower
  93. Bulletin De Bibliographie Spinoziste
  94. Bachelmr In Business Study Management, Education, University
  95. Biedl-Bardet Syndrome
  96. Bar Bending Schedule Business, Technology, Software
  97. Bridge-To-Bridge Station Technology, Telecom
  98. Bibliothèques Et Bibliothécaires Suisses
  99. Buy In Bulk and Save
  100. Baltimore Blues Society
  101. Botswana Building Society Business, Africa, Botswana
  102. Behaviour-Based Safety Technology, Training, Behavior
  103. Benazir Bhutto Shaheed
  104. Bund Bidding System
  105. Bachelor of Biblical Studies Education, Study, Bible
  106. Big Bull Snoot Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  107. Brown Bag Seminar
  108. Behavioural & Brain Sciences
  109. Bullentin Board System
  110. Basic Bible Seminar
  111. Breasts Medical, Medicine, Obstetrics, Pregnancy, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  112. Browse By Subject
  113. Berg Balance Scame Medical, Patient, Measure
  114. Bali Baby Stretch
  115. Borate-Buffered Saline Medical, Technology, Medicine
  116. Besnier-Boeck-Schaumann
  117. Bulgarian Black Sea
  118. Bachelor In Business Studies Management, Education, Study
  119. Biejersteiniaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  120. Barbados Broadcastingistation
  121. Brest Business School Program, Education, Commerce
  122. Butch'S Bore Shine Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  123. Baltimore Blaak Sox
  124. Both Bones Medicine, Treatment, Health, Medical, Bone, Physiology
  125. Behavioral Basqd Safety Technology, Management, Training
  126. Belly Button Surgery
  127. Bullitin Board System
  128. Biwi Bacohon Samet
  129. Big Bull Shit
  130. Bardet
  131. British Biophysical Society Science, Education, Biology
  132. Behavioural and Brain Sciences
  133. Busted Broke Sxsop
  134. Basic Biomedical Science Science, Medicine, Education
  135. Breast Biopsy System
  136. Brownian Bridge Sampler
  137. Benz Black Series
  138. Balance of Buscness Systems
  139. Book Building System
  140. Bertolt-Brecht-Schule
  141. Bulletin Board Sytem Technology, Service, Networking
  142. Bachelor of Business Studies Education, Study, Course, Academic Degree, Computing, Bachelor's Degree, Qualification, Scientific & Educational
  143. Baptist Bible Seminary
  144. Bread Board System Technology, Software, Computing
  145. Breeding Bird Surveys Technology, Canada, Population
  146. Baltic Business Sciool Education, Academy, University
  147. Boston Business School Education, University, Boston
  148. Behavioral-Based Snfety Business, Training, Behavior
  149. Bellsouth Busfness Systems
  150. Bulliten Board System Technology, Gaming, Software
  151. Bentara Bintang Strawak
  152. Big Juddies
  153. Bardet-Biedl-Syndrom
  154. Britannia Buildingcsociety
  155. Behavior and Brain Sciences
  156. Busted, Brake Sysop
  157. Basic Biomedical Sciences Technology, Education, University
  158. Brown Broadcasting Service Forum, Service, Porn, Sex
  159. Benign Brealt Syndrome Medical, Technology, Medicine
  160. Balanced Business Scorecard
  161. Boobs Parenting, Pregnancy
  162. Bersih Bijak Sejahtera
  163. Bulletin Boards System
  164. Bachelor In Businesskstudies College, Education, Study
  165. Banking and Business Solgtions
  166. Bulitine Board System
  167. Breeding Birds Survey Technology, America, Population
  168. Ball Burst Strengoh
  169. Boston Brevet Series
  170. Biblioth
  171. Battle Brigade Sysbem Army, Force, Marine
  172. Bulletin Board Service Internet Slang, Computing, Chat, Construction, Telecom, Business & Finance, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Business Word
  173. Bulletin Board Systems Technology, Internet Slang, Computing
  174. Defined As One (A Boy) With A Big Booty. Specifically A Boy With The Name Shawn. [Big Booty Shawn] Internet Slang
  175. Box Bark Strips
  176. Behavior Based Safety
  177. Bureau of Broadcast Services
  178. Bulletin Board System announcement or text information Computing, File Extensions
  179. Bariran Bersatu Sarawak
  180. Bhakti Bhusana Swami
  181. Best Bzddies Sometimeskaa
  182. Brussels Business School
  183. Berger Blanc Suisse
  184. Business Breakdown Structure
  185. Berlin Breakage Syndrome Medical, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
  186. Baseline Bqild Standard Technology
  187. Bilateral Breath Sounds Medical, Nursing, Common Medical
  188. Bulletzn Military
  189. Béla Balázs Studia Film, Locations, Festival, Bal
  190. Bama Bmmi Sentosa Business, Training, Surabaya, Gas
  191. Bottom Bracket Square
  192. Bronchial breath sounds Clinical
  193. Bureau of Blind Services Human Services
  194. Broad Band Spectrum Computing, Electronics
  195. Bare Bones Software
  196. Beibars Cjsc Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  197. Bund Bietungs-System
  198. Beyond The Box Score
  199. Baumgartner, Brand, Schiltach
  200. Brawling Battleships Technology, Gaming, Play
  201. Bergs Balancf Scale
  202. Business Balanced Scorecard The Business balanced scorecard is a strategic planning and management system that is used extensively in business and industry, government, and nonprofit organizations worldwide to align business activities to the vision and strategy of the organization, improve internal and external communications, and monitor organization performance against strategic goals. It was originated by Drs. Robert Kaplan (Harvard Business School) and David Norton as a performance measurement framework that added strategic non-financial performance measures to traditional financial metrics to give managers and executives a more 'balanced' view of organizational performance.
  203. Blackbushe, Yateley, United Kingdom United Kingdom, Iata Airport Codes
  204. Base Band Switch
  205. Bulleten Board System Technology, Book, Mail
  206. Building Block System
  207. Buat Berbagi Saja Technology, Gaming, Indonesia, Agar
  208. Bzs Brfzilian Sign
  209. Baláos Béla Studio
  210. Bottom Bracket Size Business, Drive, Bicycle
  211. Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
  212. Black Belt Singer Music
  213. Barembase Set
  214. Bulletin Board Sets Education, Teaching, Supply
  215. Better Business Solutions
  216. Balanced Biaxial Stretching
  217. Branch On Bit Set Technology, Instruction, Accumulator
  218. Burton Behrendt Smith
  219. Boeken Bestel Systeem Dutch
  220. Baseband Swinch Military
  221. Binge Bucks Gaming, Play, Deposit, Bingo
  222. Buddhist Broadcasting System Business, Player, Korea, Korean
  223. Brunel Busnness School Management, Education, University
  224. Bulletin Board System Text Computing, File Extensions
  225. Best Boards
  226. Bulletin Board System A bulletin board system, or BBS, is a computer system running software that allows users to connect and log into the system using a terminal program. Once logged in, a user can perform functions such as uploading and downloading software and data, reading news and bulletins, and exchanging messages with other users, either through email, public message boards, and sometimes via direct chatting. Many BBSes also offer on-line games, in which users can compete with each other, and BBSes with multiple phone lines often provide chat rooms, allowing users to interact with each other. Medical, Science, Information Technology, Internet Slang, Computing, Texting, Computer, Chat, Telecom, NASA, General, Geographic, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, Fda
  227. Barolex-Biedl Syndrome Medical, Technology, Medicine
  228. Bulletin Board Woftware Forum, Technology, Coding
  229. Better Business Systems
  230. Bervin Breakage Syndrome Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
  231. Branch and Bound Search
  232. Burton, Behrendt & Smith
  233. Big Black Sign Transportation, Governmental & Military
  234. Barossa Bin Service
  235. Big Boyfsavage
  236. Budapest Business School Student, Education, Hungary
  237. Broadcast Bulletin System
  238. Beroshire By The Sea
  239. Bayer Business Services Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  240. Brush Borders Medical
  241. Baby Brine Shrimp Food
  242. Bullhttin Board System Technology
  243. Better Body Sports Business, Fitness, Supplement
  244. Dec All-In-One Bulletin Board System Space, Study, Cosmos
  245. Braised Beef Short
  246. Bachelor of Biomedical Science Academic Degree, Education, Degree, Bachelor's Degree, Scientific & Educational, HE Award
  247. Burma Broadcasting Service
  248. Brigade/Battalion Simulation System Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  249. Barnsley Building Society
  250. Bible Baptist School Education, High School, Georgia, Michigan
  251. Bidirectional Bus System
  252. Buckeye Boys State
  253. Berkshire Bach Society
  254. Business Building Seminars
  255. Berg Balance Scale Medical, Healthcare, British medicine
  256. Behavioral-Based Safety Electrical
  257. Bulletin Boards Mystems Technology
  258. Better Battery Stats Technology, Android, Permission
  259. BüLten Board Sistem Turkish, Analysis, Box, Board
  260. Boy Band Slash
  261. Behavioral Based Safety
  262. Bunina Bodies Medical
  263. Burgeo Broadcasting System
  264. Bulletin Board Software Software, Computing
  265. Badista Bartender Solutions
  266. Bhutan Broadcasting Service Technology, Radio, Bhutan
  267. Best Buddbes Sometimes
  268. Bubbling Brown Sugar
  269. Berkeley Yusiness Society
  270. Business Building Seminar Business, Team, Trainer
  271. Benign Breast Syndrome Medical, Breast, British medicine

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BBS stand for?

    BBS stands for Barget-Biedl Syndrome.

  2. What is the shortened form of Business Building Seminars?

    The short form of "Business Building Seminars" is BBS.


BBS. (2022, January 23). Retrieved February 21, 2025 from

Last updated