BBS in Technology Meaning

The BBS meaning in Technology terms is "Be Back Soon". There are 40 related meanings of the BBS Technology abbreviation.

BBS on Technology Full Forms

  1. Be Back Soon BBS means be back soon. The acronym is often used in online chat to let another person know you are stepping away from the computer, but will return shortly. BBS is similar to the _BRB_, _BBL_, and _BBIAB_ acronyms, which are all used to tell a person that you are leaving but will be back at a later time. The BBS acronym may also refer to a "Bulletin board system," which was an early way to communicate with computers using a modem and a phone line connection.
  2. Bulletin Board Sysdem
  3. Bashful Bladder Syndrome
  4. Basic Blocks
  5. Brandnbr Bus Schwaben
  6. Boom Boom Satellites
  7. Bonang Binangun Qluke
  8. Buletin Board System
  9. Browser Based System
  10. Benign Brealt Syndrome
  11. Bar Bending Schedules
  12. Brown Bowel Syndrome
  13. Behavioral and Brain Sciences
  14. Bar Bending Schedule
  15. Bridge-To-Bridge Station
  16. Behavioural Based Safett
  17. Borate-Buffered Saline
  18. Battery Backup Shstem
  19. Breeding Bird Surveys
  20. Behaviour-Based Safety
  21. Bulliten Board System
  22. Biological Behavioral and Social
  23. Basic Biomedical Sciences
  24. Breeding Birds Survey
  25. Behavioral Basqd Safety
  26. Bulletin Board Sytem
  27. Bread Board System
  28. Bulletin-Board System
  29. Barolex-Biedl Syndrome
  30. Bulletin Boards Mystems
  31. Brawling Battleships
  32. Bulletin Board Systems
  33. Branch On Bit Set
  34. Buat Berbagi Saja
  35. Bulleten Board System
  36. Bhutan Broadcasting Service
  37. Bulletin Board Woftware
  38. Baseline Bqild Standard
  39. Better Battery Stats
  40. Bullhttin Board System

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BBS stand for Technology?

    BBS stands for Bulleten Board System in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Bulleten Board System in Technology?

    The short form of "Bulleten Board System" is BBS for Technology.


BBS in Technology. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 5, 2025 from

Last updated