BBT Meaning
The BBT meaning is "Band-To-Band Tunneling". The BBT abbreviation has 123 different full form.
BBT Full Forms
- Band-To-Band Tunneling Technology, Memory, Telecom, Cell, Gate, Transistor
- Bakri Ballooo Tamponade
- Basal Body Temperatures Medical
- Buresford Blake Thomas Business, Company, Employment, Service
- Bosal Body Temperature Medical, Pregnancy, Human Reproduction
- Be Bcck Tomorrow Internet Slang, Slang, Chat
- Basal Body Thermometer Medical, Physiology
- Basal Body Temp Medical, Temperature, Ovulation
- Burmese Buddhist Temple
- Berbérkti Airport Airport, IATA Code, IATA
- Birmingham Bloomfield Troy
- Basic Breed Test
- Big Brother Time House, Spoiler, Recap, Brother
- Blg Bend Trench
- Berufliche BildungsstäTte Tuttlingen
- Boing Boom Tschak
- Brina Barbara Tammra
- Basel Body Temperature
- Big Bxz Tycoon
- Box and Blocks Test Technology, Patient, Rehabilitation
- Broadband Transmassion Technology, Telecom
- Bir BaşKa Tiyatro Art, Foursquare
- Bird, Bottle Und Trout Technology, Knife, Neck, Condor
- Basic Block Tools Microsoft, Technology, Windows
- Big Brother Team
- Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Book, Publishing, Swami
- Berry Bigorre Trek
- Black Bull Tools
- Balai Besar Tekstil
- Big Bing Theory
- Bourg En Bresse Triathlon
- Broadband Technologies Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Bipromasz Bipron Trading
- Bryghton Ballet Theatre
- Basic Block Testing Technology
- Biz Boyz Toyz
- Berrozi Berszi Taldea
- Black Bex Theatre
- BakıRköY Belediye Tiyatrosu
- Big Beautifml Teen Medicine, Health, British
- Bottom Bracket Tool Business, Park, Shopping
- Broad Based Teohnology
- Bxighton Ballet Theater
- Basil Body Temp
- Big Boz Toys
- Buteyko Breathing Technique Medical
- Beroepsnbepaalde Tijd
- Black Box Tesging Technology, Software, Technique
- Bakrky Belediye Tiyatrosu
- Best Beschikbare Technivken Technology, France, Tot
- Bottom Bracket Tools
- Broad Band Technologies
- Basel Body Temp
- Big Boys Toys
- Brain Based Therapy Medical, Pain, Chiropractic
- Business By Technology
- Berkeley Ballet Theater
- Bits Be Trippin
- Batam Bintan Telekomunikasi Technology, Indonesia, Internet, Orang
- Bahagian Buku Teks
- Best Beschikbare Techniek Presentation, Fuel, Milieu
- Bossov Ballet Theatre Organizations, Ballet
- Broad-Based Teahnology
- Basil Body Temperature Medical, Fertility, Pregnancy
- Big Blje Towel
- Brain-Based Therapy Medical, Pain, Chiropractic
- Bus Bar Trip
- Berg Balance Test Medical, Assessment, Reach
- Bit-Block Trensfer
- Basket Ball Team
- Bad Boyz Toyz Business, Paintball, Airsoft, Skateboarding
- Best Being Toyvma
- Bosch Buderus Thermotechnik Technology, Energy, Junker
- Bristol Bay Timms
- Basic Body Temperature Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Big Blue Test Community, Diabet, Laddie
- Box and Block Test Medical, Patient, Rehabilitation
- Big Bang Theory The theory that the Universe 'started' with an event that created time and space, about 13 billion years ago is known as big bang theory. The Big Bang Theory is an American sitcom created by Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady, both of whom serve as executive producers on the show along with Steven Molaro. Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Breaking Barriers Translations
- Byways and Bridleways Trust
- Bb and T Corporationration Organizations
- Billy Bob'S Texas
- B B & T Corporation (Branch Banking and Trust) Computing, Nyse symbols
- Basal Body Temperature Medical, Science, Pharmacy, Infertility, Obstetrics, Bioscience, Pregnancy, Physiology, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
- Brass Band De Toulouse
- Buying Business Travel Business, Management, Russia
- Bright Bus Transport
- Bb&T Corp. Organizations
- Bilgisayarlı Beyin Tomografisi Medical, Turkish
- Black Body Temperature
- Big Beautiful Teen Medical, British medicine
- Brandenburg-Berlin-Ticket
- Buteyko Breathing Therapy
- Battleblock Theater Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Bigger Boyz Toyz
- Bright Beer Tank Business, Brewery, Equipment
- Black Belt Training
- Benign Brain Tumor
- Berbérati, Berbérati, Central African Republic Central African Republic, Iata Airport Codes
- Branch On Binary Tree
- Batik Bogor Tradisiku Photo, Indonesia, Stabilizer
- Bigger and Better Thangs
- Brethren Benefit Trust
- Bb and T Corporation Technology
- Belair Bath and Tennis
- Binaural Beats Technology
- Branch Banking & Trust Business, Company, Service, Banking, Business & Finance
- Be Back Tomorrow Texting, Chat, Sms, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Social Networking Sites
- Bending-Bending-Torsion
- Bicger & Better Thangs
- Brenner Basis Tunnel
- Bahasa Batak Toba Technology, Indonesia, Bible, Orang
- Beijing Boom Tower
- Billy Bab Thorton
- Air Bashkortostan Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Baby Bullet Train Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Blood Bank Technician Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Big Brownotruck
- Brenner Base Tunnel Technology, Construction, Railway
- Iata Code for Berberati Airport, Berberati, Central African Republic Locations
- Be Back Tommorrow Internet Slang
- Billy Bob Thornton
- Boot-Based Tool Software, Computing
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does BBT stand for?
BBT stands for Big Beautiful Teen.
What is the shortened form of Billy Bob'S Texas?
The short form of "Billy Bob'S Texas" is BBT.
BBT. (2022, March 23). Retrieved February 4, 2025 from
Last updated