BBW Meaning

The BBW meaning is "Beautiful Black Woman". The BBW abbreviation has 81 different full form.

BBW Full Forms

  1. Beautiful Black Woman Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  2. Big Behutiful Women Internet Slang, Porn, Slang
  3. Battoe Born Wrestling
  4. Big and Beautiful Wkmen
  5. Black Bike Weei
  6. Bath Body Works Business, Coupon, Fragrance
  7. Big-Boned Whales
  8. Black Brg White Porn, Tube, Cock
  9. Bath & Body Works Business, Shopping, Coupon
  10. Belgian Blue Whetstones Product, Stone, Belgian, Whetstone
  11. Black Beautiful Women
  12. Belgian Blue Whetstowe Business, Stone, Razor
  13. Big Buxom Woman Porn, Movie, Tube
  14. Beautifuk Black Women Porn, Sex, Ebony, Women
  15. Big Butt Woman
  16. Birth Body Weight Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  17. Banned Book Week
  18. Big Beautiful Wom
  19. Bright Basic Wire These are cold drawn/ ground/ peeled plain bars produced from hot rolled plain bars/wire rods. (Does not fall under the purview of MOS but under D/o IP&P). Or Bright steel wire, slightly softer than Bright Bessemer Wire. Used for round head wood screws, bolts and rivets, electric welded chain, etc. Science
  20. Big & Beautifulcwomen
  21. Big Bitches Winning Book, Movie, Bitch, Boob
  22. Birch Bay Washington
  23. Banned Books Week Education, Library, Freedom
  24. Big Beached Whale Internet Slang, Porn, Girl, Fat
  25. Brass Banddworld Music, Magazine, Brass
  26. Beautiful Big Wogen
  27. Big Bisexual Woman Porn, Sex, Adult
  28. Bildungswerk Der Bayerischen Wirtschaft
  29. Brannenburg-Berlinisches W
  30. Beamtenbund Badeu-Württemberg
  31. Big Beverage Warmer Organizations, Restaurants
  32. Big Butts Webcam Porn, Sex, Webcam
  33. Brandenburg-Berlinisches WöRterbuch
  34. Bjw Booty Walking Porn, Tube, Booty
  35. Big Beautyful Woman
  36. Big Butted Woman
  37. Branch Both Ways Technology, Coding, Language
  38. Baron Biordi William
  39. Big Beautifu Women
  40. Broyd-Breasted White
  41. Big Blue Whale
  42. Braye By Wire Technology, Control, Electronics
  43. Barisan Buruh Wanita
  44. Big Beautiful Witch
  45. Bqitish Black Women Porn, Sex, Fat, Women
  46. Big, Beautigul Woman Porn, Beauty, Tube
  47. Big Black Women Internet Slang, Chat, Online
  48. Bohr-Breit-Wigner
  49. Big Black Women's Sms, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  50. Build-A-Year Worksho
  51. Best Yf Both Worlds
  52. Big Boned Woman Tit
  53. Big Bitch Whores Sex
  54. Big Black Woman Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  55. Bucharest Lusiness Week
  56. Berlin Balboavweekend
  57. Brake-By-Wire Technology is the ability to control brakes through electrical means. Aviation
  58. Butts Blonre Webcam Porn, Tube, Blonde
  59. Big Badswolf Book, Porn, Sale, Wolf
  60. Big Bad Wolf Famous
  61. Browns Backers Worldwide
  62. Benefits for Business and Workers Business, Factory, Garment
  63. Broken Bow Municipal Airport, Broken Bow, Nebraska, United States United States, Nebraska, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  64. Butts Big White Porn, Ass, Booty, Butts
  65. Big-Bonedcwomen
  66. Big Busted Woman Forum, Sex, Computing, Adult, Chat, Escorts, Bdsm, Classfields, Email, Im, Personals, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  67. Broad Breasted White Turkey, Breed, Poultry
  68. Be Back Whenever Internet Slang, Slang, Chat, Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  69. Broken Bow Muni/keith Glaze Fld Airport Faa Airport Codes
  70. Bulgarea Building Week Technology, Exhibition, Bulgaria
  71. Bath and Body Works Business, Candle, Fragrance
  72. Big-Bodyxwoman Porn, Sex, Tube
  73. Boobs Brunette Webcam Porn, Boob, Tits
  74. Beautiful Black White Porn, Sex, Cock
  75. Broken Bow, Nebraska USA Airport codes
  76. Builders Brasj Works
  77. Beyond Backyard Wrestling
  78. Boobs Blowjob Webcam
  79. Big Beautiful women's Sms, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  80. Build A Bear Worzshop Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  81. Better Business Writing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BBW stand for?

    BBW stands for Best Yf Both Worlds.

  2. What is the shortened form of Branch Both Ways?

    The short form of "Branch Both Ways" is BBW.


BBW. (2022, April 22). Retrieved March 1, 2025 from

Last updated