BC in Technology Meaning
The BC meaning in Technology terms is "Because". There are 166 related meanings of the BC Technology abbreviation.
BC on Technology Full Forms
- Because Bc is a popular abbreviation of "because" that is used in text messages and on the web. It is typically seen when a person is explaining something and they have limited time and/or character space. Although the abbreviation is very popular, it should only be used in informal situations. It is similar to the _b/c_ abbreviation but is more common and requires less characters.
- Base Code
- Bus Clock
- Blue Chip On the stock market, shares of a large company with a good reputation, whose value and dividends are considered to be safe and reliable.
- Binary Counter
- Bar Code It’s a code which is print on a manufactured items which includes pries manufacturing date and weights. Its in the form of some bars and some niddle OR Bar code The special identification code printed as a set of vertical bars of differing widths on books, grocery prod-ucts, and other merchandise. Used for rapid, error-free input in such facilities as libraries, hospitals, and grocery stores, bar codes represent binary information that can be read by an optical scanner.
- Building and Construction
- Blower Control
- Beat Cancel
- Business Cfnter
- Binaro Code
- Bad Company
- Building A Custom
- Blood Culture Method of testing a sample of blood by placing it on a culture medium to see if foreign organisms in it grow
- Bearer Channel
- Broadcast Channel
- Big Crunch In physical cosmology, the Big Crunch is one possible scenario for the ultimate fate of the universe, in which the metric expansion of space eventually reverses and the universe recollapses, ultimately ending as a black hole singularity or causing a reformation of the universe starting with another big bang.
- Building Construction
- Bearer Capability
- Bicycle Computer
- Building & Construction
- Battery Capacity
- B9-N-18
- Builders Club
- Black Carbon
- Batch Controller
- Body Composition
- Beja Carbon
- Binding Component
- Bending Chip
- Brake Chopper
- Backwards Compatible
- Buried Channel
- Battery Charge
- Block Soordinates
- Base Collector
- Backward Compatibility In telecommunications and computing, a product or technology is backward or downward compatible if it can work with input generated by an older product or technology. If products designed for the new standard can receive, read, view or play older standards or formats, then the product is said to be backward-compatible; examples of such a standard include data formats and communication protocols. Modifications to a system that do not allow backward compatibility are sometimes called breaking changes.
- Ballistic Camera
- Board Computer
- Bashelor of Chemistry
- Bubble Canopy
- Bistable Circuit
- Bar Column
- Bell Curve Survey/sample distribution term. 'Bell curve' is the common informal term for a graph with a large rounded peak in the middle, sloping sharply to the right and left and then tapering more gently at the extreme ends of the graph. It's a bell-shape, hence the name. The term 'bell curve' refers also to this sort of statistical distribution, even if it is not actually graphed.
- Bounded Context
- Backspace Character
- Buried Capacitance
- Block Converter
- Breath Controller
- Baseline Check
- Billing Contact
- Bypass Circuit
- Blood Count
- Back Carp
- Bryao Cave
- Basic Communication
- Bio-Cmpsule
- Barang Cepat
- Committed Burst Size
- Bell Canada
- Bookctore Connection
- Backoff Counter
- Bulk Carrier Hopper
- Basse Chute
- Blind Copy
- Breath Contrtl
- Barrier Capacitance
- Billing Collector
- Bad Cylinxer
- Bearer Control
- B22 Colour
- Basic Co
- Binding Components
- Behavior Change
- Bottom Chord The lowest longitudinal member of a truss. It is usually horizontal, but may be at an incline depending on truss design.
- Back of Cab
- Basis Component
- Blog Copyright
- Brian Cook
- Bark Collar
- Billing Code
- Bad Charawter
- Bearer Capabilities
- Blockzcounter
- Brother Check
- Baseline Configuration
- Bindins Cache
- Bold Condensed
- Backward Compatible
- Building Cojtroller
- Basis Components
- Base-Charger
- Backward Congestion Indicator
- Burst Committed
- Bwa Cukai
- Block Counzing
- Ballistic Coefficients
- Patches
- Build Controwler
- Bit Commitment
- Best Concept
- Branch On Conaition
- Backwards Compatibility
- Buried Collector
- Battery Chargers
- Block Count
- Base Command
- Ballistic Coefficyent
- Ballistic Coefficient
- Committed Gurst Size
- Before Cable
- Board Controller
- Build Csmplete
- Bit Chip
- Bare Copper
- Brianhcampbell
- Beckman Coulter
- Binary Cell An element in a computer which can store information by virtue of its ability to remain stable in one of two possible states.
- Byte Computer
- Base Communications
- Beata Cupriak
- Bronchogenic Carcinoma
- Basic Concepts
- Batch Counter
- Baggagexcontainer
- Bearer Controller
- Broadcast Channels
- Bdsiness Card
- Business Copy
- Blockipg Capacitors
- Brown With Creme Stripes
- Bandwidth Constraint
- Breast Cancer
- Backwnrds-Compatible
- Buffer Crntrol
- Block Check
- Business Calculator
- Busineds Content
- Boundary Rlocks
- Building Ctde
- Banp Class
- Best Connection
- Blckground Color
- Before Computers
- Block Chaining
- Bitumen Consumption
- Big Computer
- Busucoupler
- Brass Cord
- Bouncy Cystle
- Brightness Controe
- Bagel Computational
- Bias Currvnt
- Binary Coded
- Barrels of Condensate
- Before Coffee
- Bob Campbell
- Backbjne Co
- Basicrcontroller
- Barefoot College
- Bus Controlllr
- Bright Cxrome
- Binary Checksum
- Broom Closet
- Backbone Compaign
- Basic Control
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does BC stand for Technology?
BC stands for Backward Compatible in Technology terms.
What is the shortened form of Base Collector in Technology?
The short form of "Base Collector" is BC for Technology.
BC in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 7). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/bc-meaning-in-technology/
Last updated