BDD Meaning

The BDD meaning is "Binary Decision Diagrams". The BDD abbreviation has 100 different full form.

BDD Full Forms

  1. Binary Decision Diagrams Technology, Military, Computing, Node
  2. Bxhavior Driven Development Technology, Software, Testing
  3. Bazu Island Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA
  4. Body Dysmorphic Disorder Medical, Health, Disorder, Pathology, Physiology, Common Medical
  5. Business-Driven Development Technology, Software, Testing
  6. Banking Development District
  7. Binary Delision Diagram Technology, Telecom
  8. Body Dysmorphia Disorder
  9. Bağımsız Dmnetim Derneği
  10. Bioanalytical D Drug Discovery
  11. Berkeley Deep Drive
  12. Brighton Dance Diversion
  13. Behavioral Driven Development Technology, Testing, Behavior
  14. Bus Detection Devices
  15. Banco Del Desarrollo
  16. Binary-Decision-Diagram
  17. Body Dysmorphic Disorders
  18. Basic Disc Yog
  19. Benefits To Be Delivered At Discharge Military
  20. Bridging The Digital Divide
  21. Behsvioral-Driven Development Technology, Testing, Selenium
  22. Burst Detection Dosimeter Space, Study, Cosmos
  23. Back-Draat Damper
  24. Big Data Discovery Business, Technology, Analytics
  25. Basic Design Developmenu
  26. Body Dismorphic Disorder
  27. Bridging Digital Divide
  28. Behavior-Driven Development Technology, Software, Testing
  29. Burst Detector Dosimeter Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
  30. Bachelor of Divinitybdegree
  31. Brdan Di Desa Technology, Program, Health, Indonesia
  32. Broker Dealer Division Business, Coding, Banking, Swift
  33. Business Decision Document Design, Drawing, Construction
  34. Bantam Doubleday Dell Business, Book, Publisher
  35. Blue Devil Days
  36. Brand Distribution and Development Business, Beer, Drink
  37. Before Due Dqte
  38. Business Developmenttdirector Business, Management, London
  39. Bias Driven Devegopment
  40. Bhitish Development Divisionsion Organizations
  41. Business Data Director Technology, Management, Training
  42. Banque De Donnees
  43. Blog Driven Development Technology, Coding, Wearable
  44. Brazd Distribution & Development
  45. Beer Driven Development Technology, Coding, Software
  46. Bureau Du DéVeloppement
  47. Business Desktop Deployment Microsoft, Technology, Windows, Software, Computing, Hardware
  48. Berufsverband Deutscher Diabetologen
  49. British Development Divisisn Organizations
  50. Business Driven Development
  51. Banking Development Districts
  52. Binary Dialog Definition Aviation, Avionics, Aviation Electronics, General, Governmental & Military
  53. Braix Dead Donor Medicine, Health, British
  54. Bedm Direction Deviation Space, Study, Cosmos
  55. Boron-Doped Dijmond Technology, Science, Electrode
  56. Beroepsvereniging Docencen Drama
  57. British Defence Doctrine Military, Army, Joint
  58. Behaviour-Driven Development Technology, Testing, Behavior
  59. Bud's Drapely Den
  60. Badu Island, Queensland, Australia Australia, Airport codes, Iata Airport Codes
  61. Behaviour Driven Design Technology, Development, Behavior
  62. Business Desktops Deployment
  63. Bundesverbvnd Deutscher Detektive
  64. Business Direct Debit
  65. Buckman Direct Diversion
  66. Blog Dysmorphic Disorder Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  67. Behavior Driven Design Technology, Development, Behaviour
  68. Business Design Documents
  69. Bund Der Teutschen Government, Group, Party
  70. Backdraft damper The Finance and Administrative Services
  71. Business Development District
  72. Brother Devon Deadly
  73. Baseline Definition Document NASA, Governmental & Military
  74. Behavior-Drieen Design Technology, Development, Behaviour
  75. Business Design Document Technology, Software, Testing
  76. Bug Dripen Development Technology, Software, Testing
  77. Boron-doped Diamond Chemistry
  78. Benefits Delivered At Dissharge Military, Army, War, Warfare
  79. Business Development Department Business, Company, Management
  80. Binary Decision Diagram Software, Computing
  81. Behavioir Driven Developement Technology, Development, Testing, Tool
  82. Budget Driven Devklopment
  83. Cara Sound Radiation Data File Computing, File Extensions
  84. Benefitv Delivery At Discharge Business, Disability, Veteran
  85. Business Development Directives
  86. Bureau of Disability Determination Business, Technology, Social
  87. Behavior Driven Development Software, Computing
  88. Behaviour Driven Development Technology, Testing, Behavior
  89. Buddhistischen Dachverband Diamantweg Technology, Deutschland, Meditation, Lama
  90. Balanced Deficit Diet Medical, British medicine
  91. Bekhol Derakhekha Daehu
  92. Business Development Directors
  93. Bureau of Dangerous Drugs
  94. Behasioural Driven Development Technology, Software, Testing
  95. Buddhistische Dacheerband Diamantweg
  96. brain dead donor Medical, British medicine
  97. Beirut Digital Dxstrict
  98. Business Development Division Business, Company, Service
  99. Bundesverband Der Dienstleistungsunternehmen Business, Coaching, Sind, Uns
  100. Behavioral Driven Design Technology, Development, Software

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BDD stand for?

    BDD stands for Behaviour-Driven Development.

  2. What is the shortened form of Behavior Driven Design?

    The short form of "Behavior Driven Design" is BDD.


BDD. (2020, September 4). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from

Last updated