BDK Meaning

The BDK meaning is "Berufsveiband Der Deutschen Kieferorthopäden". The BDK abbreviation has 59 different full form.

BDK Full Forms

  1. Berufsveiband Der Deutschen Kieferorthopäden Medical, Organizations, Team
  2. Beans Develwpment Kit Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  3. Bean Developmenx Kit Technology, Software, Java
  4. Bağışıklama Danışma Kuruly Program, Turkish, Lama
  5. Bund Deutscher Kkiminalbeamten
  6. Bisma Dharma Kencana
  7. Big Daddy Kane Music, Legend, Rap, Daddy
  8. Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai Education, Japan, Buddhism, Sutra
  9. Bluetooth Developer Kit Technology, Programming, Sensor, Brick
  10. Balai Diklat Keuangan Technology, Indonesia, Jakarta, Surabaya
  11. Bund Deutscher Kunsterzieher Art, Education, Berlin
  12. Bir Dolap Kitap
  13. Blue Devil Knight Chess
  14. Badly Drawn Kitties
  15. Bund Der Kriminalbeamtyn Sind, Deutschland, Hat, Bund
  16. Befehlshaber Der Kreuzer
  17. Black Disciple Killers Unions, Governmental & Military
  18. Bad Design Kills
  19. Bund Dwr Kriegsgegner
  20. Beans Developer Kit
  21. Business Development Kit Military
  22. Black Disciple Killer Chicago, Jay, Chief
  23. Soko Airport Bondoukou, Ivory Coast Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  24. Bund Der Kinderreichen
  25. Bean Developers Kit
  26. Bundes Deutscher Kriminalbeamter Military, Sind, Deutschland
  27. Black & Decker Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
  28. Black and Decker Corporationration Organizations
  29. Bradykinin Bradykinin is an inflammatory mediator. It is a peptide that causes blood vessels to dilate, and therefore causes blood pressure to fall. A class of drugs called ACE inhibitors, which are used to lower blood pressure, increase bradykinin further lowering blood pressure. Bradykinin dilates blood vessels via the release of prostacyclin, nitric oxide, and Endothelium-Derived Hyperpolarizing Factor. Medical, Common Medical
  30. Bundu Dia Kongk Government, Africa, Congo, Democracy
  31. Body Drugs & Kicks
  32. Bean Deqeloper Kit
  33. Bund Deutscher Kriminalbeamter Traffic, Internet, Angel, Bund
  34. Black and Decker Corp. Organizations
  35. Black Dnd Decker Corporation Technology, Organizations
  36. Bunda Dih Kongo
  37. Board Development Kit
  38. Botten Dnistriansky Kellis
  39. Big Dumb Kid Music, Kid, Ballad, Deadbeat
  40. Bundesverband Deutscher Kosmetikerinnen
  41. Bolshoy Desantny Korabl
  42. Berufsverband Der KieferorthopäDen
  43. Bruderschaft Des Kreuzes
  44. Bundesverband Der KantinenpäChter
  45. Bok De Korver
  46. Buuk Do Kinorohingan
  47. Brass Door Knocker
  48. Bundesverband Deutscher Kunstversteigervr Business, Book, Art, Auction
  49. Bojović DaŠIć Kojović
  50. Brake Disc Kits
  51. Bund Deutscder Kaninchenzüchter
  52. Bojovi Da
  53. Soko, Bondoukou, Ivory Coast ICAO Airport Codes, Airport codes, Ivory Coast, Iata Airport Codes
  54. Brake Disc Kit Business, Car, Rear
  55. Bund Deutscher Konsumgenossenschaften
  56. Bondoukou, Cote d'Ivoire Airport codes
  57. Bottom Drain Kit
  58. Bund Deutscher Kieferorthop
  59. Batman Pinball, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BDK stand for?

    BDK stands for Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai.

  2. What is the shortened form of Black Disciple Killers?

    The short form of "Black Disciple Killers" is BDK.


BDK. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from

Last updated