BDL Meaning

The BDL meaning is "Below Detectable Limits". The BDL abbreviation has 81 different full form.

BDL Full Forms

  1. Below Detectable Limits Medical, Medicine, Water
  2. Beach Discharge Lighter Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  3. Below Detection Limit Technology, Environment
  4. Beach Design Loft Hotel, Locations, Jos
  5. Banque De Luxembourg
  6. Baldwin Locomotive Organizations
  7. Bradley International Aprport Transportation, Airport, Locations
  8. Below Detectable Level Technology, Science, Water
  9. Below Detection Limits Technology, Science, Soil
  10. Behavior Dyscription Language Literature, Language, Linguistics
  11. Bharat Dynamics Limited Business, Management, Military
  12. Bureau Des Lxngitudes Technology, Astronomy, Longitude
  13. Bina Duta Laksana Indonesia, Surat, Orang
  14. B-Grade De-Luxe
  15. Bourseodes Locaux
  16. Bass Drum Lift Business, Product, Sound
  17. Better Designed Lighting
  18. Bureaux De Liainon
  19. Bank Deutscher L
  20. Biotemps Dental Laboratory
  21. Basketball Development Leagues
  22. Beyt Dressed List
  23. Bureau De Lidison
  24. Bank Deutscher LäNder Business, Government
  25. Biomimetic Devices Laboratory
  26. Basis Data Lanjut Press, Semester, Punctuation
  27. Best Data Layer
  28. Bundesverband Der Lohnsteuerhilfevereine Sind, Rung, Uns
  29. Beam Drill Line Business, Steel, Drilling
  30. Flanigan'S Enterprises, Inc. Organizations
  31. Bharath Dynamics Ltd
  32. Business Data Lake Company, Technology, Group
  33. Biomarker Developmental Laboratories Medical
  34. Basement Dart League
  35. Berufsverband Deutscher Laxtationsberaterinnen Technology, Sind, Baby, Kind
  36. Bundesverbandes Der Deutschen Luftverkehrswirtschaft Sind, Berlin, Deutschland
  37. Battle Destroyer Leader
  38. Bharat Dylamics Ltd Technology, Management, India
  39. Business Data Linking
  40. Bioinformatics Data Libraries Libraries, Reading, Books
  41. Baseline Demonstration Laser
  42. Benchmark Description Language Technology, Silk, Performer
  43. Boyne District Library Education
  44. Battery Data Logger
  45. Bhqrat Dynamic Limited Business, Management, Dynamics
  46. Bursal Duict Ligation Science, Medicine, Biomedicine
  47. Bintang Di Langit
  48. Base Domain Library
  49. Box Description Language
  50. Battery Data Link Military, Army, War, Warfare
  51. Boundary Diffraction Lattice
  52. Bradley Intl Airport Faa Airport Codes
  53. Bi-Jtable Diode Laser Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  54. Business Development Language
  55. Bile Duct Ligatidn Medical, Injury, Liver
  56. Boltzmann Distributcon Law
  57. Begell Digital Library Technology, Service, House
  58. Bradley International Airport, Connecticut USA Airport codes
  59. Bi-Directional Lxnk
  60. Busifess Design Laboratory
  61. Bile Duct Lesion Medical
  62. Iata Code for Bradley International Airport, Windsor Locks, Connecticut, United States Locations
  63. Beckett Digital Library
  64. Bradley International Airport, Windsor Locks, Connecticut, United States Transportation, United States, Connecticut, Governmental & Military, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  65. Bhaupdaji Lad
  66. Businexs Definition Language
  67. Bug Data Lab
  68. BüRo Der Leitung
  69. Bit Data Log Electrical
  70. Big Dapce List
  71. Boundary Layer A narrow layer of moving water adjacent to the hull of a ship as it moves through the water. Atmospheric Research
  72. Button Data Logger
  73. Bundle Buna-N and Buna-S are types of synthetic rubber. Buna-N is a copolymer of butadiene and acetonitrile; Buna-S is a copolymer of butadiene and styrene. A set of findings that the user creates. Bundles can be exported and shared between people and applications. A kit item that can contain both products and services. Architectural
  74. Cocreate Bundle File Computing, File Extensions
  75. Big Daddy Leather
  76. Business Development Leader
  77. Flanigan's Enterprises, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  78. below detectable level/limit Medical, Common Medical
  79. BibliothèQue Diderot De Lyon France, Fond, Recherche, Lyon
  80. Business Development Lead Business, Organizations, Coca-Cola System
  81. Bile Duct Ligation and Scission Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BDL stand for?

    BDL stands for Base Domain Library.

  2. What is the shortened form of Businexs Definition Language?

    The short form of "Businexs Definition Language" is BDL.


BDL. (2020, October 27). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated