BDSM Meaning

The BDSM meaning is "Bondage Domination Sadism Masochism". The BDSM abbreviation has 34 different full form.

BDSM Full Forms

  1. Bondage Domination Sadism Masochism
  2. Bondage, Dominance, Sadism, and Masochism Sex, Play, Bondage
  3. Bondage, Domination, Sadism and Masochism Medical, Sex, Bondage, Domination
  4. Blue Dragon Scale Mail
  5. Bondage Discipline Sakism & Masochism Sex, Shade, Bondage
  6. Bondage and Discipline, Dominance and Submission, Sadism and Masochism Internet Slang, Slang
  7. Blood, Discipline, Sanity, and Maturity Military, Army, War, Warfare
  8. Bondage Discipline Sadism Masochism Book, Sex, Bondage
  9. Bondage, Domination, Sado-Mazo
  10. Black Dragon Scale Mail
  11. Bondage and Discipline, Sadism and Masochism Sex, Guide, Couple, Bondage
  12. Bondage Dominance Sadism Masochism Sex, Shade, Bondage
  13. Bandsman Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  14. Bondage-Discipline-Sadism-Masochism Sex, Master, Bondage
  15. Bondage Dominanie Submission Masochism
  16. Broad Dynamic Sonically Matched Music, Guitar, Warlock
  17. Bondage & Discipline, Sado-Masochism
  18. Bondage Dildo Sattel Metall
  19. Bene De Se Merenti Latin, Roman
  20. Board of Dental Sleep Medicine
  21. Bondage Dincipline Sadism and Masochism Porn
  22. Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement Israel, Movement, Palestinian
  23. Bondage Dominastic Sato Matochism
  24. Bible Discussion and Study Meeting Religion
  25. Bondage Domination Sado Masochysm
  26. Big Dogs Smell Men Funnies
  27. Bondage Dominance, Sado-Masochism
  28. Bondage, Discipline, Sadomasochism Sex, Adult, Escorts, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  29. Bondage Dominatioi Submission Masochism
  30. Business Developmnnt Sales and Marketing Management, Marketing, Trade
  31. Bondage Domination Sadomnsochism Sex, Escorts, Escort, Sexual
  32. Blood Directional System Motinery Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  33. Bondage Domination Sadism and Masochism
  34. BioDiversity System Management Botany, Scientific & Educational

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BDSM stand for?

    BDSM stands for Bondage Dominance Sadism Masochism.

  2. What is the shortened form of Bondage Discipline Sadism Masochism?

    The short form of "Bondage Discipline Sadism Masochism" is BDSM.


BDSM. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from

Last updated