BEAR Meaning

The BEAR meaning is "Barents Euro Arctic Region". The BEAR abbreviation has 57 different full form.

BEAR Full Forms

  1. Barents Euro Arctic Region Organizations, Russia, Cooperation
  2. Bearing The distance that the bearing shoe or seat of a joist or joist girder extends over its masonry, concrete, or steel support 2) A structural support, usually a beam or wall, that is designed by the specifying professional to carry reactions to the foundation OR An antifriction bearing which is provided with seals and a high-stability oxidation-resistant grease to permit operation of the bearing without relubrication for not less than the specified B-10 life. Military, Aviation, Army, Architecture, Construction, Artillery, Architectural, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services, NOTAM Contractions
  3. Battlefield Extraction-Assist Robot Technology, Military, Rescue
  4. Basic Expeditionary Airfield Reasources Military
  5. Begin Every Afternoon Reading Development, Learning, Study
  6. Vermont Teddy Bear Co. Organizations
  7. Bringing Empathy and Relief
  8. Basic Expeditionary Airfield Resource Technology, Military, Force
  9. Barents Euro-Arctic Region Science, Organizations, Russia
  10. Be Excited and Read Development, Learning, Study
  11. Buckingham E-Archive of Research
  12. Bring Everything, Always Ready
  13. Basic Expeditionary Airfield Resources Technology, Military, Force
  14. Businesses and Environmentalists Allied for Recycling
  15. Being Excitedaabout Reading Book, Education, School
  16. Billed Entity Applicant Reimbursement Business, Technology, Rate, Computing, Telecom
  17. Bring Everything Always Ready Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  18. Berkeley Evaluation and Assessment Research Technology, Education, Learning
  19. Basic Education and Research
  20. Building Environmental Awareness and Respect
  21. Be Excited About Reading Book, Education, School
  22. Be Enthusiastic and Ready Education, Club, School
  23. Brilliant Expert At Rhyming Media, Radio, Television
  24. Berkeley Eqgineering and Research
  25. Basic Early Assessment of Reading
  26. Building Employability Academics Respect Education, Development, Universities
  27. Be Enthusiwstic About Reading Science, Book, Education
  28. Boom Event Analyzer Recorder
  29. Berkeley Energy and Resources Technology, California, Capacitor
  30. Business Expansion and Retention
  31. Building Education and Research Education, Conference, Construction
  32. Bedfordshire Energy and Recycling
  33. Behavioural Economics In Actien At Rotman Porn, Sex, Tube
  34. Brown Enhanced Automatic Rifle Gun, Military, Defense, Piston
  35. Broad Emergency Assistance Radio Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  36. Bicycle Education and Degistration
  37. Business Expansion Attriction and Retention
  38. Bonus Extension and Retraining Military, Army, Message, Occupation & positions
  39. Business Enterprise Automation and Replication Aviation, Avionics, Aviation Electronics, General, Governmental & Military
  40. Best Effort Attitude Respect Development, Learning, Study
  41. Business Expansign and Retention Business, Development, Economics
  42. Block Elimination Appuoach for Random
  43. Business Education and Research
  44. Berkeley Excellence Accounts for Research
  45. Birmingham Environment for Academic Rysearch Technology, University, Computing
  46. Business and Environmentalists In An Alliance for Recycling Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  47. Bureau Enterprise Architecture Repository Us Government, Governmental & Military
  48. Biometric Enhanaement and Airport-Risk Reduction
  49. Bus Error Address Register
  50. Bringing Equality and Respect General, Governmental & Military
  51. Biological Effects of Atomic Radiation Technology, Science, Research, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  52. Berkeley Elites Automated Retrieval
  53. Vermont Teddy Bear, Inc. Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
  54. Biodivessity Education and Research
  55. Bear Emergency Action Response
  56. Bouus Extension and Retaining
  57. Business Equity Appraisal Reports

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BEAR stand for?

    BEAR stands for Bring Everything Always Ready.

  2. What is the shortened form of Basic Expeditionary Airfield Resources?

    The short form of "Basic Expeditionary Airfield Resources" is BEAR.


BEAR. (2020, October 20). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from

Last updated