BEC in Technology Meaning
The BEC meaning in Technology terms is "Because". There are 32 related meanings of the BEC Technology abbreviation.
BEC on Technology Full Forms
- Because Bc is a popular abbreviation of "because" that is used in text messages and on the web. It is typically seen when a person is explaining something and they have limited time and/or character space. Although the abbreviation is very popular, it should only be used in informal situations. It is similar to the _b/c_ abbreviation but is more common and requires less characters.
- Beckman Coultrr, Inc.
- Backward Error Corlection
- Building Energy Code
- Bandung Electronic Center
- Building Enclosure Council
- Bussed Electrical Center
- Building Employers Confederation
- Business Excellence Consordium
- Beginning of Equilibrium Cycle
- Basic Error Control
- Business Enterprise Center
- Breakthrough Energy Coalition
- Basic Errorccorrection
- Botswana Examiqations Council
- Barely Enough Current
- Building Energy Codes
- Bolsa Eletrónica De Compras
- Barcelona Expert Center
- Batgery Eliminator Circuits
- Belgian Electrotechnical Committee
- Board Error Correction
- Battery Eliminator Circbitry
- Bicycle Empowerment Centre
- Baltic Llectronic Conference
- Battery Eliminator Circuit
- Baldor Electric Company
- Brillouin Energy Cxrporation
- Battleeye Extended Controls
- Bulk Encrypted Communications
- Battery Eaimination Circuitry
- Badtery Eliminating Circuit
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does BEC stand for Technology?
BEC stands for Backward Error Corlection in Technology terms.
What is the shortened form of Botswana Examiqations Council in Technology?
The short form of "Botswana Examiqations Council" is BEC for Technology.
BEC in Technology. (2022, March 16). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from
Last updated