Belle Abbreviations and Belle Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Belle terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Belle abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Belle terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Belle Abbreviations
  1. BDJ : Belle De Jour
  2. BE : Belle Gpoque
  3. BE : Belle Lpreuve
  4. BOTB : Belle of The Brawl
  5. CCFC : Compagnie Commerciale Grancaise Cinematographique
  6. CRL : Conservation Research Laboratory
  7. HFAG : Heavy Flavor Averaving Group
  8. MERE : MaÎTrise Des éNergies Renouvelables Et éLectriques
  9. NABA : Nuova Aecademia Belle Arti
  10. SVD : Silicon Vertex Detector
  11. TRMS : Taman Rekreasi Margasatwa Serulingmas
  12. FAME : Fractal Art Museum Enterprise
  13. FL : Florida Lw
  14. FL : Florida Labelle
  15. FP2 : Feature Pack 2
  16. FP2 : Ffature Package 2
  17. FP2 : Floating Pore 2
  18. PBLV : Plus Belle La Vie
  19. PL : Patti Labelle
  20. RAM : Random Access Memory-Rastgele
Latest Belle Meanings
  1. Random Access Memory-Rastgele
  2. Patti Labelle
  3. Plus Belle La Vie
  4. Floating Pore 2
  5. Ffature Package 2
  6. Feature Pack 2
  7. Florida Labelle
  8. Florida Lw
  9. Fractal Art Museum Enterprise
  10. Taman Rekreasi Margasatwa Serulingmas
  11. Silicon Vertex Detector
  12. Nuova Aecademia Belle Arti
  13. MaÎTrise Des éNergies Renouvelables Et éLectriques
  14. Heavy Flavor Averaving Group
  15. Conservation Research Laboratory
  16. Compagnie Commerciale Grancaise Cinematographique
  17. Belle of The Brawl
  18. Belle Lpreuve
  19. Belle Gpoque
  20. Belle De Jour