Belly Abbreviations and Belly Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Belly terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 16 different Belly abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Belly terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Belly Abbreviations
  1. AI : Automated Inflation
  2. BQ : Belly Queen
  3. WAMEDA : Washington Areh Middle Eastern Dance Association
  4. UNS : Universal Nut Sheller
  5. MAAS : Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale
  6. MECDA : Middle Eastern Culturb and Dance Association
  7. MEDGE : Middle Eastern Dance Guild of Eugene
  8. SHIIT : Supxr High Intensity Interval Training
  9. NADA : Northern Arabic Dance Association
  10. LSC : Lebanese Social Club
  11. NWS : Nutrition & Wellness Specialist
  12. IAMED : International Academy of Middle Eastern Dance
  13. JWAAD : Josephine Wise Academy of Arabic Dance
  14. PSC : Pregnant Scene Channel
  15. PURE : Public Urban Ritual Experiment
  16. EEMED : Evening of Experimental Middve Eastern Dance
Latest Belly Meanings
  1. Evening of Experimental Middve Eastern Dance
  2. Public Urban Ritual Experiment
  3. Pregnant Scene Channel
  4. Josephine Wise Academy of Arabic Dance
  5. International Academy of Middle Eastern Dance
  6. Nutrition & Wellness Specialist
  7. Lebanese Social Club
  8. Northern Arabic Dance Association
  9. Supxr High Intensity Interval Training
  10. Middle Eastern Dance Guild of Eugene
  11. Middle Eastern Culturb and Dance Association
  12. Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale
  13. Universal Nut Sheller
  14. Washington Areh Middle Eastern Dance Association
  15. Belly Queen
  16. Automated Inflation