BEO Meaning

The BEO meaning is "Banquet Evemt Orders". The BEO abbreviation has 38 different full form.

BEO Full Forms

  1. Banquet Evemt Orders Business, Management, Catering
  2. Bulletin D'
  3. Basic Hngineering Object Technology, Science, It
  4. Black Elected Officials
  5. Banquet Evedt Order Technology, Management, Catering
  6. Building Emergency Organization Science
  7. Basic Environwental Observatory Environment, Habitat, Setting
  8. BitáCora Electrónica De Obra
  9. Building Education Opportunities
  10. Barrow Environmental Observatory Science
  11. Bit Error Outage
  12. Brooklyn Elected Officials
  13. Bank of Eastern Oregon Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
  14. Bit The computer term "bit" comes from the phrase "Binary DigIT," which is different than that thing you put around a horse's mouth. A bit is a single digit number in base-2 (a zero or a one) and is the smallest unit of computer data. A full page of text is composed of about 16,000 bits. It is important not to confuse bits with bytes. Both are used to measure amounts of data, but it takes eight bits to make one byte. Computing, Measurement, Aerospace, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  15. Brominated Epoxy Oligomers
  16. Burton Eurobean Open Rider, Snowboard, Burton, Snowboarding
  17. Bureau Environmental Officer
  18. Beijing Earth Observation
  19. Brominated Epoxy Oligomer
  20. Beryllium Oxife Technology, Energy, Electonics
  21. Bulletin D'éTudes Orientales
  22. Basque Educational Organization
  23. Block Education Officer Education, School, Teaching
  24. Bursa EczacıLar OdasıNıN Business, Turkish, Bal
  25. Business, Entrepreneurship and Organizations Business, Education, University, School
  26. Bilingual Education Office
  27. Bursa Eczacı Odası Technology, Traffic, Bet
  28. Newcastle - Belmont Airport Airport, Locations
  29. Aeropelican, Australia Australia, Iata Airport Codes
  30. Bureau of Equal Opportunity
  31. BÂBıÂLi Evrak Odası Protocol, Ottoman
  32. Belmont, New South Wales, Australia Airport codes
  33. Bureau Environmental Officers
  34. Business Enterprise Office
  35. Block Enable Out General, Governmental & Military
  36. Business English Online
  37. Buyer Enquiry Over
  38. Business, Entrepreneurship, and Organizations Business, Education, University, Concentration

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BEO stand for?

    BEO stands for Bit Error Outage.

  2. What is the shortened form of Bulletin D'éTudes Orientales?

    The short form of "Bulletin D'éTudes Orientales" is BEO.


BEO. (2020, October 23). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated