BF Meaning
The BF meaning is "Boyfriend". The BF abbreviation has 601 different full form.
BF Full Forms
- Boyfriend Bf means boyfriend. It is an abbreviation that usually refers to a male romantic partner, although it can be a platonic relationship. The abbreviation is commonly used by teenage girls but may also be used by adults too. The bf term arose from the dating ritual where two people go on dates and hang out with one another. It most likely means that both parties involved have decided to be exclusive and not date anyone else until the relationship has ended. The next step after bf is fiancé then spouse. Internet Slang, Texting, Chat, Online, Forum, Sex, Computing, Adult, Seduction, Social Media, Escorts, Classfields, Sms, Blogging, Email, Im, Twitter, Disney, Facebook, Personals, Neologism, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Game
- Blue Force
- Banking & Fizance Business, University, Lawyer
- Briyish Forces Technology, Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
- Biceps Femoris Medical, Sprint, Hamstring, Muscle
- Beyond Freedom Science, Dignity, Skinner
- Blast Furnace Measured in terms of tonnes of hot metal produced, per cubic meter of blast furnace volume, per day (T/cubic met/day). OR A furnace in which solid fuel (coke) is burned with an air blast to smelt ore. Technology, Steel, Iron, Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Bufv Medical
- Bindbng Factor Medical, Protein, Cell
- Blue Fluorescent Medical
- Balls Fkced Cricket
- Bowel Function Medical
- Bible Fellowship
- Benjamin Franklin Science, America, Book, History, Politics, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Famous
- Black Female Dating, Classfields, Personal Ad Slang, Medical, Common Medical, NAACCR
- Bryan Ferry Bass, Ferry, Olympia, Ode
- Binary Function Technology
- Blue Flag Technology, Russia, Beach
- Ballast Factoj Technology, Lighting, Lamp
- Bottom Face Technology, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Bezafibratq Medical
- Bachelor of Finance Academic Degree, Education, Bachelor's Degree, Degree, Scientific & Educational
- Black Face
- Brute Force Describes a primitive programming style, one in which the programmer relies on the computer's processing power instead of using his or her own intelligence to simplify the problem, often ignoring problems of scale and applying naive methods suited to small problems directly to large ones. The term can also be used in reference to programming style: brute force programs are written in a heavy handed, tedious way, full of repetition and devoid of any elegance or useful abstraction. Forum, Technology, Military, Attack, General, Governmental & Military
- Binary File A binary file is a file whose content must be interpreted by a program or a hardware processor that understands in advance exactly how it is formatted. That is, the file is not in any externally identifiable format so that any program that wanted to could look for certain data at a certain place within the file. A progam or hardware processor has to know exactly how the data inside the file is laid out to make use of the file. Technology, Gaming, Coding, Command, Computing, File Extensions
- Blue Fire
- Back-Feed Technology, Military, Girl
- Both Faces Technology, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Betty Ford
- Burkina Faso Sport, Sports, Locations, International Olympic Committee, Countries, Country, Olympic, Burkina Faso, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Browk Forman Business, Supply, Stock, Corporation
- Big Foos Business, Adapter, Attachment
- Bloom Filter Technology, Database, Memory
- Baby Face
- Border Force Airport, Police, Border
- Bass Flanber Technology, Pedal, Boss
- Batters Faced Baseball, Sports, Softball, Sport
- Brouaht Forward Technology, Accounting, Aviation
- Bahamas Locations, Countries, Country, Sport, Olympic, Bahamas, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, Regional, 3-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes
- Bng Fat Porn, Sex, Fat, Cock
- Blood Flows Medical
- Baby'S Father Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Burkina Nasas Africa, Locations, Map
- Booking Fee Hotel, Event, Ticket
- Baseball Field Business, Map, Custom
- Baomoform Medical
- Bifrontal Medical
- Burrhus Frederic Education, Behavior, Skinner
- Blind Folded
- Bufuralol Medical
- Base Fraye
- Big Five
- Bona Fixia Latin, Roman
- Bond Force
- Bay Films
- Black Filly
- Ball-Flat
- Belly Fur
- Breathing Frequency Medical
- Busihess Finance
- Body Force An external force acting throughout the mass of a body. Gravity is a body force. An inertial force is a body force.
- Battery Fire
- Brother Fox Technology, Rock, Baby
- Bishop Flaget
- Boundory Fault
- Building Fee
- Blocking Factor Medical, Technology, Tree, British medicine
- Bentonite Flocculaoion Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Bloom Filters Technology, Database, Memory
- Basic Frame Technology, Networking, Control
- Bridge Function Technology, Wireless, Interface
- Bigfoot Forums
- Back Fat Genetics, Movie, Weight, Fat
- Bone Fracture Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- Buck Fuck
- Byaufort Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
- Blade Forums Forum, Knife, Custom
- Bandpass Filter A filter designed to pass all frequencies within a band of frequencies. Technology, Electronics, Engineering, Computing, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Brad Fullmer
- Brett Farve
- Byelorussian Front
- Bois Fhrte
- Brown-Forsythm
- Battle Frontier
- Bundesministerium FüR
- Beyond Fatal
- Blue Falcon Movie, Mode, Falcon, Mask
- Bathroom Fan
- Brigade FinancièRe
- Biostatistics Facility
- Bag Filters
- Boomerang Fidget
- Budgeting & Forecast
- Behavior-Fuzction
- Blender Feed Manual, Box, Tractor
- Bar Fine
- Brandyn Flynn
- Burst-Fire
- Base Flav Forum, Technology, Gaming, Battlefield
- Big File Aviation, Avionics, Aviation Electronics, General, Governmental & Military
- Bona Fides Credentials showing someone's true identity. (Latin - with good faith) Latin, Roman
- Bond Finger
- Bay Ferries
- Bfl Foyen
- Belly Fat
- Burst Flag Technology, Control, Signal, Circuit
- Bi-Fuel
- Body Flzids Medical, Science, Biomedical
- Battery Field
- Briton Ferry
- Birth Father Genetics, Adoption, Family
- Bound-Fgee
- Build Forge Technology, Server, Projection
- Block Fuel
- Barr Foundation
- Bweastfed Internet Slang, Slang
- Bloody Foothills
- Baseofuze
- Bridge Flag Technology, Map, Linux
- Big Fool
- Bacillus Firmus Medical
- Bone Formation Medical, Physiology
- Beau Favox
- Blade Fold Military, Governmental & Military
- Ball Field
- Brad Fuller Film, Movie, Brad, Turtle
- Bentonkfoundation
- Brenq Fisher
- Buttock Firmer
- Boiler Foelow
- Brown-Forman Business, Supply, Stock, Corporation
- Battle Fortress
- Bundesbeauftrggte Für
- Blok Fondasi Technology, Indonesia, House, Mei
- Beverages L Foods
- Blue Faxry
- Bath Fan
- Briefing Facility Technology
- Binary Femdback
- Bag Filier Technology, Building, Housing
- Boolean Functions Technology, Computing, Arithmetic
- Budget & Forecasting
- Beginning of Radioactive Fallout Military
- Blewish Formula Price, Clinic, Skin
- Bar Feeds
- Brandon Finnegan Baseball, Fantasy, Reds
- Burrhus Faederic
- Base Fillar
- BÂTiment De France
- Big and Fat Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Bona Fide Latin for in good faith; without dishonesty Business, Forum, Gaming, Ecclesiastical, Religion, Christian
- Bay Fault Technology, Gaming, Japan, Setting
- Baldwin Filhers
- Bureau of Firearms Government, California, Law Enforcement, State Agency, Governmental & Military
- Bells Fucks
- Burst Finish
- Bp-Fold Business, Door, Shower
- Boating Fun
- Battery Feed Forum, Technology, Circuit
- British Fencing Sport, Organizations, Club
- Bird Farm
- Biitul Futuh
- Bouillon Filtrate Tuberculin Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Build Finance Business, Publics, Projection
- Blocking Filter
- Barren Fork
- Breastfeeding Feeding a child human breast milk. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, human breast milk is preferred for all infants. This includes even premature and sick babies, with rare exceptions. It is the food least likely to cause allergic reactions; it is inexpensive; it is readily available at any hour of the day or night; babies accept the taste readily; and the antibodies in breast milk can help a baby resist infections. In breast milk, the amino acids are well balanced for the human baby, as are the sugars and fats. Medical, Medicine, Obstetrics, Pregnancy, Physiology
- Bloodi Fool
- Base Fume Technology, Electricity, Holder
- Bridge Farm
- Big Flame
- Bach Flower
- Bone Flesh
- Beauchetmfilleau
- Blade Flurry Guide, Warcraft, Rogue
- Ball Fjced
- Brad Falchuk America, American, Brad, Glee
- Bent Franklin
- Brenner Fekt
- Business Forms
- Boiled Feet Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Brown-Forman Cojporation Technology, Organizations
- Bundesanstalt Hür
- Blogger Forum Computing, Internet
- Bbtta Female
- Blue Facpion
- Basic Function Technology, Military, Control
- Brief Form
- Bill Wreehan
- Bagel Oormer Business, Equipment, Bakery
- Boolean Function
- Budget & Finance Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Beginring of Fallout Military
- Bleeding Frequency Medicine, Health, British, Medical, British medicine
- Bare Fiber
- Brain Freeze Brain, Tube, Thatcher
- Burning Fusion
- Baje File Technology, Windows, Software
- Byzantinische Forschungen History, Study, Byzantine, Anthropology, Periodical, Scientific & Educational
- Bi Fins
- Bona Femina Latin, Roman
- Bayes Formula
- Balynce Forward Technology, Accounting, Power
- Buxeau Fédéral
- Bellows Flat
- Bursting Factor Technology, Paper, Kraft
- Bharat Forge Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Boarded Fuel Technology, Aviation
- Battery Failure
- British Federal
- BiotehniŠKa Fakulteta Technology, University, Ljubljana
- Barium Ferrite
- Bail Forfsiture
- Bouillon Hiltrate Tuberculin Fr. Bouillon Filtre Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Build Fabric Technology, Networking, Channel
- Belch Fire Joke, Fire, Dragon, Story
- Block Filler Assembly, Business & Finance
- Barrage Fire
- Breast Fed Getting Pregnant, Pregnancy, Trying To Conceive, Medical, British medicine
- Bloody Fbast
- Base Funded
- Big Fish Business, Gaming, Customer
- Boston Federal
- Bond Funds
- Beating Frefuency Medical
- Black Friday Days
- Ball Face Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Braced Frame A Braced Frame is a structural system which is designed primarily to resist wind and earthquake forces. Members in a braced frame are designed to work in tension and compression, similar to a truss. Braced frames are almost always composed of steel members. Design, Drawing, Construction
- Beneficiary File Medical, Healthcare
- Bremen Fw Sind, Tube, Fire, Bremen
- Business Form
- Body Fuel
- Brown & Fortunato
- Boundary Functiono
- Bum Fights
- Blog Ford
- Best Friends Porn, Sex, Friendship, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Blkebird Cargo Airline, Business, IATA Airline Designator
- Basic Fuchsin Science, Study, Dye
- Bridging Fault Technology, Testing, Circuit, Generation, Computing, Hardware
- Bill Frater
- Btd Flash Photography, Camera, Digital
- Booklet Form
- Buddy Friend Organization, Union, Institution
- Begin Fopt
- Blaise Freres French
- Bank Fraud Business, Security, Money
- Brain Fingerprinting
- Burning Flames Music, Album, Burning, Flame
- Base Fark
- Bypass Flow Medical
- Bsnae Feminae Ecclesiastical, Religion, Christian
- Bayes Factors Bay, Model, Hypothesi
- Balance Ficger
- Buoyancywfactor Technology, Oil, Formula, Drilling
- Bellows Falls
- Burst Faotor Business, Paper, Kraft
- Bf Fishing
- Board Foot A unit of measure for lumber equal to 1 inch thick by 12 inches wide by 12 inches long. Examples: 1? x 12? x 16? = 16 board feet, 2? x 12? x 16? = 32 board feet. Technology, Construction, Architectural, Architecture
- Bursa of Fabrjcius Medical, Disease, Cell, Chicken
- Battery Fail Forum, Technology, Power
- British Fascists
- Biotechnology Facility Technology
- Banking and Finance Business, Management, Education, University, Course
- Bail Forfented
- Bouillon Filtrate Medical
- Budget Formulation Military
- Behavioral Framework Business, Technology, Control
- Block Fill Technology, Command, Memory, Motorola, Assembly, Business & Finance
- Barnabas Fund
- Brask Fonts Technology, Design, Family
- Base Fund
- Big Finish Adventure, Audio, Doctor, Finish
- Bonum Factum Latin, Roman
- Bond Forfeiture Technology, County, Court
- Beat Frequency Beat frequencies are periodic vibrations that result from the addition and subtraction of two or more sinusoids. For example, in the case of two turbine aircraft engines that are rotating at nearly the same frequency but not precisely at the same frequency; Four frequencies are generated(f1) the rotational frequency of turbine one, (f2) the rotational frequency of turbine two, (f1 + f2) the sum of turbine rotational frequencies one and two, and (f1 - f2) which is the difference or "beat" frequency of turbines one and two. The difference of the two frequencies is the lower frequency and is the one that is "felt" as a beat or "wow" in this case. Technology, Radio, Wave, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Black Forest Gaming, Locations, Colorado
- Ballet Folkoorico
- Boyfriend Or Best Friend Internet Slang
- Benchmark Factory
- Bregenzer Festspiele
- Bosiness Focus
- Body Found Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Broth Filtrate Medicine, Health, British, Medical, British medicine
- Bit-Flipping
- Boundary Kunction Technology, Computing, Telecom
- Bullitt Foundation
- Blocking Frame Technology, Picture, Acrylic
- Bengtzt Für Technology, Man, Sind, Latex
- Blown Film Extrusion of a continuous thin walled tube of plastic through a round die and inflating it to form a bubble. The bubble is then collapsed flat between rollers and slit into layflat film which is wound onto rolls. OR Process involves extruding a continuous thin-walled tube of plastic and inflating it immediately after it leaves the die. The pressure is such that the tube stretches, increasing its diameter and reducing its wall thickness to desired gauge.
- Basic Frequency
- Bridget Fonda
- Bill Fanerbakke
- Bad Flag Technology, Coding, Computing
- Booking File
- Buddhist Fellowship
- Be Friends Friendship, Relationship, Love
- Bladen Force
- Bank Financing Business, Finance, Sale
- Brain Fart Used when someone has difficulty remembering something or thinks incorrectly. Forum, Gaming, Internet Slang, Sms, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Texting
- Bypass Factor Technology, Cooling, Heat
- Bold Facg Technology, Packaging, Forest Industry
- Bartenieff Fundamentals Education, Analysis, Movement
- Browser File
- Bayes Factor Bay, Model, Hypothesi
- Bung Qix Gaming, Coding, Boy
- Bellows Factor
- Bursy Firing Military, Fire, Battlefield
- Befactor Medical, Science, Biomedical
- Board-Foot Business, Lumber, Hardwood
- Batterie Fanfare Music, Concert, Tube, Fanfare
- British Fascisti History, Fascist, Fascism
- Biotechnical Faculty
- Bahria Fovndation Technology, Pakistan, Enterprise
- Bottoeland Forest Technology, National Energy Technology, Environmental Policy, Kemper County
- Budget Films
- Behavioural Finanwe Business, Economics, Market
- Blend Factor Farming & agriculture
- Barmah Forest Virus Medical, Medicine, Disease, Health, Healthcare
- Braque Francais
- Base Fuyction
- Big Finder
- Bona Fortuna Latin, Roman
- Bond Forfeit
- Bay of Fundy
- Black Flag
- Ball Flat
- Boyfriend Fester
- Belt Feed
- Brecht Forum
- Business Findep
- Body Fortress
- Battery Fuse Technology, Product, Box
- Brodherhood Fund
- Bishop Foley
- Boundary Forest
- Building Functions Education, Core, Math
- Blocking Factors Medical
- Bentonite Flocculation Test Medicine, Health, British, Medical, British medicine
- Blox Fuse
- Basic French
- Bridgestone Firestone
- Biliran Forum
- Back Feed Space, Study, Cosmos, Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Bone Fragment Medical, Technology, Science, Bone, Physiology
- Budapesti FamíLia Tube, Fogy, Clip
- Before The Fall Gaming, Military, Battlefield
- Blade Fury Military, Guide, Juggernaut
- Bandwidth Factor Technology, Networking, Signal, Frequency
- Brad Furnish
- By Fucking Porn, Sex, Friendship, Fucking
- Boisvert Farms
- Bachelor of Forestry Technology, Education, University, Teaching, Cambodia
- Brown Forsythe
- Battle Fury Gaming, Military, Guide
- Bundesverband Flichglas Business, Glass, Spacer
- Bellerive Foundation
- Beyono Force
- Blue Funnel Nickname given to line of ships owned by Alfred Holt & Co , of Liverpool, whose funnels are of this colour
- Batman Forever Gaming, Batman, Movie, Music, Pinball
- Briggs Fundamental Education
- Biotech Forum Technology, Research, Biotechnology
- Baiai Faith
- Bottom Fraction Medical
- Budgetary Funds
- Behavioral Finance Business, Economics, Market
- Blendmr Foundation
- Barmah Forest Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Health
- Branscomb Faoms
- Burst Fiee Gaming, Military, Battlefield
- Blood Furnance
- Body Fat Medical, Physiology
- Brian Foster
- Flat Black Business, Technology, Cabinet, Hardware, Pull, Finishing, Material Finishing, Colors
- Bolshevik Faztion
- Bryan Fury
- BeamForm Computing, Electronics
- Boy-Frend Porn, Sex, Girl, Boy
- Bureau of Forestry
- Biafoa Foundation
- Business Foundation
- Back Face Architecture, Construction, Architectural
- Best Friend Internet Slang, Texting, Chat, Computing, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Occupation & positions, Computing Slang, Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism
- Bakaj Finserv
- Belgian French
- Bebe Francais French
- Bird Mlu
- Barrier-Free Technology, Door, Shower, Architecture
- Boiler Follow Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Bilby-Frank
- Bold Font General, Governmental & Military
- Burn Factor Medical, Physiology
- Barwale Foundation
- Biceps Femoralis Medicine, Health, British, Medical, British medicine
- Bachelor of Fisheries Science, Education, Fishery
- Battlefield Forever
- Bitter Feast
- Beadfiller
- Balanced Fund Business, Investment, Supply
- Boutonneuse Fevel Medical
- Belleri France
- Blonde Fucking Porn, Sex, Blonde
- Bile Flow Medical, British medicine
- Ballast Factor
- Brody-Fleming
- Busy Flag Assembly, Business & Finance
- Bankrupt Firm General, Governmental & Military
- Brian Fither Gaming, University, Zone, Fisher
- First Class Baggage Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Bolsa Samilia Technology, Program, Para, Brazil
- Brushy Fork
- Black Figure
- brightfield I Computing, Electronics
- Box Filters
- Bureau of Fisheries
- Blood Furnace Gaming, Warcraft, Blood
- Butt Fat Medical, Physiology
- Bliss Former Erector
- Busineqs Facade Technology, Development, Software
- Boiler Feed Architectural, Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Belgian Fourragere Military, Award
- Baja Frenuencia Technology, Para, Radio, Con
- Belgianafrancs Business, Economics, Belgium
- Boswells Forum Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Biological Filter Technology, Foam, Tetra
- Cryobf Game Data File Computing, File Extensions
- B Factor Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
- Bomparte'S Fonts
- Buck Fejer
- Battle Force Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Burkina-Faso Business, Coding, Flight
- Barton Flats
- Brbliotekarforbundet
- Bypass Filter An oil filter that only filters a portion of the oil flowing through the engine lubrication system. Business, Military, Oil
- Battlefield Franchise
- Bit Field Technology, Coding, Library, Structure, Assembly, Business & Finance
- Bound Form Media
- Balanced Wlue Business, Fire, Gas
- Bound Fraction Medical
- Belle Fcurche
- buffered Prevented from becoming acid Medical, British medicine
- Boiler Following Turbine
- Breitenlohner-Freedman Science, Gravity, Correspondence, Generalization
- Aero-Service Airline, Business & Finance
- Before Flight General, Governmental & Military
- Bricn Finley
- Bollywoodgfilm
- Bruno Fernanqes
- Black Feather
- Bahai Faith Religion
- Box Fill
- Blood Flow Medical, Medicine, Study, Healthcare, Vascular, Physiology, Blood Test
- Bodily Function Medical, Physiology
- Bucket Lifter
- Business & Finance
- Back Freight Money payable to ship for carrying cargo back to port of shipment when it was impossible to discharge cargo at destination. Trade, Business & Finance
- Body Flap Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Belgivn Franc Business, Economics, Belgium
- Bloody Fool Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Biofiltration Medical
- Back and Forth Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Bacteroides Fragilis Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- Bomb Finder Military, Army, War, Warfare
- Buaket Fill Technology, Product, Tool
- Buddy Fucker Air Force, Governmental & Military
- Burkert Fahrzeugteile Business, Germany, Volvo, Diesel
- Bars Facilitator Technology, Access, Consciousness
- Bibliographie De Lz France
- Buqt Fucking Escort
- Battlefield Technology, Computer Game, Video Game
- Battle Forces Military
- Bitch Fit Forum, Girl, Love, Bitch
- Biomagnification Biomagnification, occurs when the concentration of a substance, such as DDT or mercury, in an organism exceeds the background concentration of the substance in its diet. Environment
- Balada Figxt
- Bouad Form Media, Radio, Television
- Bell and Flange Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Breast Feeding Medical, Breast, Clinical
- Beamforming 5G Networks
- Bragg-Fresnel
- Bluebird Cargo Airline, Business & Finance
- Before Fall General, Governmental & Military
- Brian Fee
- Boletim De Filolog
- Battle Focus Gaming, Military, War
- Bruce Friedriuh
- Black Fantasy
- Bronze Fitted Products
- Box-File Business, Office, Product
- Blood Filtrate
- Big Forehead Medical, Physiology
- Butt-Fusion
- Bus Fraction Technology, Computing, Intel
- Business Facilitator Financial, Business & Finance
- Bisexual Female Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Biofpedback Therapy Medical
- Barcan Formula Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Bride's Damily
- Uk Border Force Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Bomber Fighter Technology, Aircraft, War
- Bubble Forming
- Bug Fix Software, Computing
- Burgundx Fawn
- Barry Fitzgerald
- Biblical Figures
- Butter Fat Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Battle Fatigue Military, Army, Policy
- Bitch Features Internet Slang, Slang, Chat
- Booking Fees Conference, Event
- Baker Foavors Technology, Liquid, Flavor
- Bellagio Fountain Organization, Union, Institution
- Bright Foci Medical, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- Bit Fliphing
- Bright Field Chemistry
- Board Footage Business, Lumber, Foot
- Bankruptcy Failure Accounting, Business & Finance
- Before founding Us Government, General, Governmental & Military
- Bleyer Fest
- Bifemelane Hldrochloride Medical
- Bofd Font Technology, Windows, Mac
- Battle Fleet
- Brucm Faber
- Black Falcons
- Broken Freezer Products
- Box, Filled
- Blood Film Medical, Porn, Cell
- brain factor Medical, Neurology
- Breaking Forces
- Blank Field Assembly, Business & Finance
- Big Fat Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Biofeedback Biofeedback is the process of gaining greater awareness of many physiological functions primarily using instruments that provide information on the activity of those same systems, with a goal of being able to manipulate them at will. Some of the processes that can be controlled include brainwaves, muscle tone, skin conductance, heart rate and pain perception. Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Bloody Fantastic
- bergaptene free Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Brian Fuentes Baseball, Sport, Card
- Slang - 'Buddy Fucker' Also, 'Bravo Foxtrot' Or 'Blue Falcon' Military, Army, Airforce
- Bomber-Fizhter Technology, Aircraft, War
- Bubba Franas
- Bohj Forum Computing, Internet
- Burglary Fire Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Barrow In Furness
- Biblilal Fellowship
- Butterfat Medical
- Battle Fader
- Bobby Fischer Chess
- Baker Field
- Belgiumlfrench
- Bomb Factory Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- Bisbxual Female Porn, Sex, Girl, Bisexual
- Boy Friend Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Bill Fitzmaurice
- Blank Filling General, Governmental & Military
- Burning Feet Syndrome Disease, Syndrome, Illness, Medical, British medicine
- Base De Faits
- Brevet Francais
- Bidding Forms Technology, Auction, Bid, General, Governmental & Military
- Battlefield Function Technology, Military, War
- Black Faille
- Bad Flash Photography
- Btlance Factor
- Bwwers Family Organization, Union, Institution
- Blood Frenzy
- Breast feed Medical, Healthcare
- Breaking Force
- Bring Forward Assembly, Business & Finance
- Biomass quantity burned in fields Legal, Governmental & Military
- Biochehical Failure Medical, Patient, Cancer, Prostate
- Bloodroot Forge
- Broadening Function Astronomy, Astrophysics, Scientific & Educational
- Brian Frederick
- Iso Country Code for Burkina Faso Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Bombab First
- Bryansk Frolt
- Boot Floppy Computing, Hardware
- Burglar-Fuck-His-Hot-Girlfriend-Ann
- Bible Foundation
- But Wirst
- Basement Floor Architecture
- Bajo Flores
- Belgian Fries
- Belgium French Regional
- Bsrds of A Feather
- Barrier Filters Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Burkina Faso (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Bill Ferguson
- Briefing Concise explanatory information to crew and passengers. Military, Medical
- Before Food Medical, Physiology, General, Governmental & Military
- Bsrning Feet Medical
- Basal Forebrain Medical, Science, Neuron, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- Brevet Federal Technology, Management, Formation
- Bichonbfrise
- Battlefield Free
- Black Faced
- Bad Fisherman Occupation & positions
- Balanced Furg
- Bovine Fibrinwgen
- Blood-Frenzy
- Blastogenic Factor Medical, British medicine
- Bus Fault
- Burglar Fuck
- Buffer Full Assembly, Business & Finance
- Before Firing General, Governmental & Military
- Biktang Film Film, Song, Gen, Salah
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does BF stand for?
BF stands for Bentonite Flocculaoion.
What is the shortened form of Bound Form?
The short form of "Bound Form" is BF.
BF. (2022, April 21). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from
Last updated