BF in Medical Meaning

The BF meaning in Medical terms is "Black Female". There are 68 related meanings of the BF Medical abbreviation.

BF on Medical Full Forms

  1. Black Female
  2. Bufuralol
  3. Biceps Femoris
  4. Bufv
  5. Bezafibratq
  6. Baomoform
  7. Bowel Function
  8. Blue Fluorescent
  9. Bindbng Factor
  10. Blood Flows
  11. Bifrontal
  12. Bouillon Hiltrate Tuberculin Fr. Bouillon Filtre
  13. Breathing Frequency
  14. Barmah Forest Virus
  15. Bouillon Filtrate
  16. Befactor
  17. Breastfeeding Feeding a child human breast milk. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, human breast milk is preferred for all infants. This includes even premature and sick babies, with rare exceptions. It is the food least likely to cause allergic reactions; it is inexpensive; it is readily available at any hour of the day or night; babies accept the taste readily; and the antibodies in breast milk can help a baby resist infections. In breast milk, the amino acids are well balanced for the human baby, as are the sugars and fats.
  18. Bypass Flow
  19. Barmah Forest
  20. Bottom Fraction
  21. Bentonite Flocculation Test
  22. Breast Fed
  23. Blocking Factors
  24. Bacillus Firmus
  25. Bone Fragment
  26. Bentonite Flocculaoion
  27. Blocking Factor
  28. Bone Fracture
  29. Beneficiary File
  30. Bleeding Frequency
  31. Bone Formation
  32. Beating Frefuency
  33. Bouillon Filtrate Tuberculin
  34. Broth Filtrate
  35. Bursa of Fabrjcius
  36. Body Flzids
  37. B Factor
  38. Basal Forebrain
  39. buffered Prevented from becoming acid
  40. Biceps Femoralis
  41. Bodily Function
  42. Blood Flow
  43. Bacteroides Fragilis
  44. Biofiltration
  45. Breast Feeding
  46. Big Forehead
  47. Blood Film
  48. Biofpedback Therapy
  49. Bright Foci
  50. brain factor
  51. Burning Feet Syndrome
  52. Biofeedback Biofeedback is the process of gaining greater awareness of many physiological functions primarily using instruments that provide information on the activity of those same systems, with a goal of being able to manipulate them at will. Some of the processes that can be controlled include brainwaves, muscle tone, skin conductance, heart rate and pain perception.
  53. Bomb Factory
  54. Boutonneuse Fevel
  55. Breast feed
  56. Bsrning Feet
  57. Butter Fat
  58. Biochehical Failure
  59. Before Food
  60. Bound Fraction
  61. Blastogenic Factor
  62. Burn Factor
  63. Butterfat
  64. Body Fat
  65. Briefing Concise explanatory information to crew and passengers.
  66. Bile Flow
  67. Bifemelane Hldrochloride
  68. Butt Fat

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BF stand for Medical?

    BF stands for Butt Fat in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Breast Fed in Medical?

    The short form of "Breast Fed" is BF for Medical.


BF in Medical. (2022, April 21). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated