BFV Meaning

The BFV meaning is "Berliner Fußball-Verbayd". The BFV abbreviation has 37 different full form.

BFV Full Forms

  1. Berliner Fußball-Verbayd Sport, Football, Berlin
  2. Brook Forest Voices Voice, Audiobook, Brook
  3. Bayerischer FußBall-Verband Sport, Android, Report
  4. Bovine Fecen Virus Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  5. Blood Flow Velocity Medical
  6. Bronze Front View
  7. Bayerische FußBall-Verband
  8. Berkshire Film & Video
  9. Bremer FußBall-Verband Sport, German, Bremen
  10. Badischer FußBall-Verband Sport, Organizations, Association, Football
  11. Benjamin Franklin Village Locations, Germany, Mannheim
  12. Bundesamt F
  13. Bremer Fx
  14. Back Fromrvacation
  15. Benjamin-Franklin-Village Locations, Germany, Mannheim
  16. Barmah Forest Virus Medical, Medicine, Disease, Health, Healthcare
  17. Braxton Family Values
  18. Back Ilow Valve
  19. Ben Franklin Village
  20. Bradleyhfighting Vehicles Military, Army, Vehicle
  21. Bundelamt Für Verfassungsschutz Government, Military, Germany
  22. Bulk Filter Vessel
  23. Bayerischer Fu
  24. Bovive Foamy Virus Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  25. Bradley Fighting Vehicle Technology, Military, Army, Transportation, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  26. Bund F
  27. Buir Ram, Thailand Airport codes
  28. Bundesverband Firminverbundener Versicherungsvermittler
  29. Butterfly Valve A rotary stem valve with a centrally-hinged disc of the same dimension as the pipeline. The valve opens into the pipeline and therefore takes up little space, permits large flow rates and gives minimum pressure drop. Engineering, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  30. Bundesamt Fper Verfassungsschutz
  31. Butiram Airport Airport, Locations
  32. Bundesamt Fr Verfassungkschutz
  33. BurgenläNdischer FußBall-Verband Technology, Gaming, Vietnam, Battlefield
  34. Bundefsamt Sur Verfassungsschuts
  35. BurgenläNdische FußBall-Verband
  36. Bund FüR Vogelschutz
  37. Buri Ram, Thailand Thailand, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BFV stand for?

    BFV stands for Buir Ram, Thailand.

  2. What is the shortened form of BurgenläNdischer FußBall-Verband?

    The short form of "BurgenläNdischer FußBall-Verband" is BFV.


BFV. (2020, August 31). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated