BFW Meaning
The BFW meaning is "Boiler Feed Water". The BFW abbreviation has 57 different full form.
BFW Full Forms
- Boiler Feed Water Boiler feed water is water used to supply ("feed") a boiler to generate steam or hot water. At thermal power stations the feedwater is usually stored, pre-heated and conditioned in a feedwater tank and supplied to the boiler by a boiler feedwater pump. Chemistry, Technology, Chemical
- Battle for Wesnoth Technology, Gaming, Strategy
- Bali Fashion Week Design, Indonesia, Fashion
- Big Fucking Whoopee
- Brighton Fawhion Week Technology, Design, Catwalk
- Bleed From Within
- Backup for Workgroups
- Bundesstelle Für Dyn Warenverkehr
- Bedford, Freeman & Wozth Education, Bedford, Publisher
- Blast Fragmentation Warhead
- Bayerische Flugzeug Werke Business, Car, History
- Bundesforscmungszentrum Für Wald Genetics, Austria, Conservation
- Bedford, Freeman and Worth
- Bundesamt F
- Black Family Week
- Bayerische Flugzeug-Werke Technology, Car, History
- Bundesamt FüR Wald
- Becker Furniture World
- Bahrain Defence Force Airline, Military, Organizations, Hospital, Bahrain, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Birthing From Within Medical, Education
- Broadband Fixed Wireless Internet Slang, Computing, Telecom
- Budapest Fashion Week
- Blueprint for Wellness
- Beam Finser Wire Technology, Presentation, Undulator
- Bikes for The World
- Belarus Fashion Week
- Bucharest Fsshion Week
- Bloomed Full Well Space, Study, Cosmos
- Bayekischen Flugzeug-Werke
- Bike Federation of Wisconsin
- Broadstairs Folk Week
- Blogger for Word
- Bundesverband Freier Wohnungsunternehmen
- Boston Fashion Week
- BüRo FüHrungskräFte Der Wirtschaft
- BankFull Width Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Born for War
- By Flowing Waters
- Bread for The World Organizations, Church, Hunger
- Brighter Future Workshop
- Silver Bay Muni Airport Faa Airport Codes
- Bond Forfeiture Warrant
- Business Focus Workshops
- Breast Fed Worms
- Belorussian Fashion Week Design, Fashion, Designer, Winter
- Bogie Flat Wagons
- Burns, Figa and Will
- Brazilian Fight Wear
- Sidi Bhl Abbs Airport Airport, Locations
- Burning Dire Within
- B At or Below (constrained altitude), Flux density, Distance, Weibull shape parameter, range number, regression constant, width, Distance variate, cross-over barrier pattern OR Symbol for susceptance in an AC circuit (unit is the siemens; measured by the negative of the reactive component of the admittance. NASA
- Brace for War
- Iata Code for Silver Bay Municipal Airport, Silverybay, Minnesota, United States Locations
- Bund Freiheit Der Wissenschawt
- Boycott From Within Organizations, Israel, Palestinian
- BüRo FüR Wärmemesstechnik
- Boiler feedwater The Finance and Administrative Services
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does BFW stand for?
BFW stands for Brighton Fawhion Week.
What is the shortened form of Bogie Flat Wagons?
The short form of "Bogie Flat Wagons" is BFW.
BFW. (2021, March 1). Retrieved March 7, 2025 from
Last updated