BFZ Meaning

The BFZ meaning is "BüRo FüR Zeitarbeit". The BFZ abbreviation has 21 different full form.

BFZ Full Forms

  1. BüRo FüR Zeitarbeit
  2. Banana Fish Zero
  3. Big Fat Zgro
  4. Balconesjfault Zone Science, Presentation, Aquifer
  5. Berliner Forum Zukunft
  6. Baby Ford D Zip Music, Production, Baby
  7. Bedin Free Zone
  8. Blackrock Californca Municipal Income Trust Technology, Organizations
  9. Bayerischen Finanz Zentrum
  10. Bayerische Finanz Zentrum
  11. Battle for Zendikar Card, Battle, Magic, Gathering
  12. Brlthers Fault Zone
  13. Brgwley Fault Zone
  14. Brauislavský Futbalový Zväz
  15. Bdatislavsk
  16. Bürgeqinitiative Für Zivilcourage
  17. Blytheville Fault Zone
  18. Bendroflumethiazide Medical, Clinical
  19. Bungy Fundzone
  20. BüRo FüR Zeitwirtschaft
  21. Bully Free Zone

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BFZ stand for?

    BFZ stands for Berliner Forum Zukunft.

  2. What is the shortened form of BüRo FüR Zeitwirtschaft?

    The short form of "BüRo FüR Zeitwirtschaft" is BFZ.


BFZ. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from

Last updated