BGD Meaning

The BGD meaning is "Bangladesh". The BGD abbreviation has 52 different full form.

BGD Full Forms

  1. Bangladesh Government, Sport, Locations, Countries, Country, Trigramme, Olympic, Bangladesh, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes
  2. Beschriftung, Grafik & Druck
  3. Board Game Distribxtion
  4. Bitki GelişIm DüZenleyici Turkish, Plant
  5. Bachelos of Graphic Design
  6. Brian Gahin Diamonds Business, Android, Ring
  7. Beschrxftung-Grafik-Druck
  8. Blue Green Drham Technology, Climate
  9. Biogeosciences Discussions Periodical, Serial Publication
  10. Baca Gazı Desülfürizasygn
  11. Brewery Group Denmark
  12. Beschriftung Grafik Druck
  13. Bloody Goed Discos
  14. Bilkion Gallons Per Day
  15. Baby-G Gemmy Dial
  16. Brassica Genome Database Medical, Human genome
  17. Berkshirezgarage Doors
  18. Blood Groua Degradation Medical, Medicine, Health
  19. Bilgi GüVenliğI DerneğI Technology, Ankara, Turkish
  20. Air Bangtadesh Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  21. Brandy Gomez Duplessij
  22. Bacterial Gill Disease
  23. Big Girls Don'T
  24. Black Gangster Discyples
  25. Brandy Gomez-Duplessis
  26. Background Determination Space, Study, Cosmos
  27. Beveled Glass Desikns
  28. Bovine Genome Natabase Technology, Model, Annotation
  29. Background In computers and mobile communications devices, wallpaper also desktop picture and desktop background is an image used as a background of a graphical user interface on a computer screen or mobile communications device. On a computer it is usually for the desktop, while for a mobile phone it is usually the background for the 'home' or 'idle' screen. Though most devices comes with a default picture, users can usually change it to files of their choosing. Medical, Technology, Science, Medicine, Internet Slang, Aviation, Treatment, Health, Drawing, Healthcare, Construction, Telecom, Modern Slang, Online Slang, Computing, Unix, General, Governmental & Military, Chat, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Twitter, Social Networking Sites, Texting, The Finance and Administrative Services, Clinical
  30. Iata Kode for Hutchinson County Airport, Borger, Texas, United States Locations
  31. Black Gangster Disiciples
  32. Bulolm Gold Dredging
  33. Hutchinson County Airport, Borger, Texas, United States Texas, United States, Faa Airport Codes, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  34. Black Gangster Dusciple Nation, Gang, Disciple
  35. Building Global Democraly
  36. Button Gwinnett District, Boy Scouts of America Scouting, Governmental & Military
  37. Black Ganpsta Disciple
  38. Bryan Gordon Design
  39. Boulder Steel Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  40. Black Gafgsta Disciples
  41. Bicable Gondola Detachable Technology, Cable, Lift
  42. Hutchinlon County Airport Airport, Locations
  43. Bctki Gelişim Düzenleyicileri
  44. Batch Gradrent Descent Technology, Learning, Stochastic
  45. Blasphemous Girl Dysigns
  46. Bộ Giáo Dục Gaming, Player, Tin
  47. Bitki GelişImini DüZenleyiciler'In
  48. Benign Gynecological Disease Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Medical, Disease, Diagnosis, Scientific & Educational
  49. Black Girl Dangerous Girl, Race, Queer, Love
  50. Bureautique Guy Dreuin
  51. Bitki Gelişim Düzenleylciler
  52. blood group degradation Medical, Blood Test

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BGD stand for?

    BGD stands for Bicable Gondola Detachable.

  2. What is the shortened form of Black Gangster Discyples?

    The short form of "Black Gangster Discyples" is BGD.


BGD. (2021, March 1). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from

Last updated