BGG Meaning

The BGG meaning is "Bon Gros GéAnt". The BGG abbreviation has 34 different full form.

BGG Full Forms

  1. Bon Gros GéAnt Film, Ant, Dahl, Gros
  2. Board for Geologists and Geophysicists
  3. Baba Geek Games Gaming, Porn, Geek
  4. Billy Goat Gruff
  5. Blueprint for Good Growth
  6. Briggs Organizations
  7. Before Green Gables
  8. Bovine Gamma Globulin Business, Science, Protein, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
  9. Barclays Gedi Group
  10. Blue Goose Growers
  11. Banque Genevoise De Gestion
  12. Black Grape Green
  13. Bovine Gamma-Globulin Medical, Medicine, Health
  14. Bandung Giri Gahana
  15. Biomass Gasification Group
  16. Board Game Geek Business
  17. Baby Gassy Gooma
  18. Billy Goats Gruff
  19. Brandenburgische Genealogische Gesellschaft Business, Porn, Sex, Teen
  20. Business Generator Group
  21. Boyner Grubu GöNüLlüLeri Technology, Gaming, Porn, Sex
  22. Brown Girl Gumbo
  23. Business Graphics Group
  24. Bovine Igg Medical
  25. Brooklyn Goes Global
  26. Bongouanou, Bongouanou, Ivory Coast Iata Airport Codes, Ivory Coast
  27. Bovine Gamma Globulins Medical
  28. Briggs and Stratton Corporationration Organizations
  29. Aero Bg Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  30. Bongouanou, Cote D'Ivoire Airport codes
  31. Briggs and Stratton Corp. Organizations
  32. Briggs & Stratton Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
  33. Briggs and Stratton Corporation Technology, Organizations
  34. Blackgold International Holdings Limited (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BGG stand for?

    BGG stands for Bovine Gamma-Globulin.

  2. What is the shortened form of Briggs & Stratton Corporation?

    The short form of "Briggs & Stratton Corporation" is BGG.


BGG. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated