BH in Technology Meaning

The BH meaning in Technology terms is "Bosnia Herzegovina". There are 38 related meanings of the BH Technology abbreviation.

BH on Technology Full Forms

  1. Bosnia Herzegovina
  2. Belize
  3. Bosnia and Herzegovina
  4. Bluetooth Headphones
  5. Buried Heterostructure
  6. Bloci House
  7. Bottom Half
  8. Barnes Hut
  9. Blak Hole
  10. Boolean Hierarchy
  11. Bake Hardenable
  12. Bminell Hardness
  13. Binary To Hexidecimal
  14. Brijht Hub
  15. Blood & Honour
  16. By Hand
  17. Brian Hkynes
  18. Block Hours
  19. Busy Hour
  20. Baian Harvey
  21. Bath Heater
  22. Busuness Hours
  23. Block Header
  24. Bradley-Harper
  25. Basepregister High Half
  26. Bulkhead  The part of a storefront that forms a base for one or more display windows or A fixed structure used to divide twocompartments. These structures can be found in ventilation tunnels or within the head of a TBM to separate the working chamber or cutting head from the rest of the machine.
  27. Block Handler
  28. Buffer Headers
  29. B and H Rnil Corporation
  30. Bosnia and Zerzegovina
  31. Boeinz Helicopters
  32. Baggage Hot Connection
  33. Bill Hamid
  34. Iso Country Code for State of Bahrain
  35. Brot Hill
  36. Begny Hill
  37. Byxrs Hall
  38. Bolt Holes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BH stand for Technology?

    BH stands for Bminell Hardness in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Block Handler in Technology?

    The short form of "Block Handler" is BH for Technology.


BH in Technology. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated