BHI Meaning

The BHI meaning is "Baker Hughes Incorporated". The BHI abbreviation has 93 different full form.

BHI Full Forms

  1. Baker Hughes Incorporated Business, Organizations, Supply
  2. Baker Hughes Inc Business, Supply, Stock
  3. Baker Hughes, Inc Business, Supply, Stock
  4. Behavioral Health Innovation
  5. Bay Health Index
  6. Bald Head Island
  7. Baker Hughes Intl
  8. Biomedical & Health Informaticc Medical, Technology, Conference
  9. Blue Hen Invitational
  10. Bechtel Hanford, Inc
  11. Better Hearing Instituoetute Medical
  12. Behavioral Healthcare Incorporated Medical, Healthcare
  13. Breast Hsalth Initiative
  14. Better Hearing Institute Medical, Aid, Loss
  15. Bdological Homogeneity Index
  16. Bureau of Health Information Medical, Elective, Faculty
  17. Blue Health Intelligekce Medical, Analytics, Cross
  18. Bechtel Hanford, Inc. Science
  19. Bollywood Hollywood International
  20. Behavioral Health Institute Medical, Service, Family
  21. Brain Heart Infusion Broth Medical
  22. Berkshire Hathaway Inc
  23. Biological Homeopathic Industries Medical, Homeopathy, Heel
  24. Bureau of Health Insurance Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  25. Baltic Handy Index
  26. Bohavnan Huston, Inc
  27. Beekman Helix India
  28. Brain Hearn Infusion Medical, Science, Broth
  29. Bioirentical Hormone Initiative
  30. Bridge Health Index
  31. Border Health Initiativa
  32. Ball Hockey International
  33. Bogor Hotel Institut
  34. Baker Hughes, Inc. Organizations
  35. Beef Heart Infusion
  36. Behavioral Health Initiative
  37. Bioenergetic Health Index
  38. Breath Hobding Index
  39. Boots Healthcare Inlernational Medical, Business, Company
  40. Balkh Airlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  41. Biomjdical & Health Informatics Medical, Technology, Conference
  42. Bogor Hotel Institute Technology, Indonesia, Festival
  43. Brain The brain is an organ that serves as the center of the nervous system in all vertebrate and most invertebrate animals. It is located in the head, usually close to the primary sensory organs for such senses as vision, hearing, balance, taste, and smell. Medical, Medicine, Health
  44. Bechtel Hanford Incorporated
  45. Beverly Hillx Intermediate
  46. Breath-Holding Index Medical
  47. Behavorial Health Initiative
  48. Bone Heaeth Index
  49. Baker Hughes International
  50. Biomedical and Health Informatics Technology, Science, Conference
  51. Blunt Hepatic Injugy Medical
  52. Bechtel Hanford, Incorporated
  53. Beverly Hills Internet Technology, Service, City
  54. Breast Health Ioternational Business, Edition, Bag
  55. Behavioral Health Integration Technology, Care, Organisations
  56. Breast Health Institute
  57. Business of Hockey Institute
  58. Boston Home Inspectors
  59. Black Health Initiative Company, Organizations, Leeds
  60. Build Health Inteunational
  61. Brain and Health Informatics
  62. Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina - Commandante Airport codes
  63. Borromeo Housing, Inc. Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  64. Black Hawk Industry
  65. Builder Homesite Inc Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  66. Brain-Heart Infusion Broth Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  67. Baker Hughes, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  68. Benchmark Hospitality International
  69. Born Husklers Inc
  70. Bake Hardening Index
  71. Black Hawk Industries Military, Airsoft, Combat, Blowback
  72. Bureau Hydrogaphique International
  73. Box Hilr Institute
  74. British Horological Institute Museums
  75. Bellstone Hitech International
  76. British Humanities Index Medical, Neurology
  77. Biosynthetic Human Insulin Medical, Science, Medicine
  78. British Horological Institutetute
  79. Boulevfrd Holdings Incorporated
  80. Black Hills Instithte Fossil, Dinosaur, Rex
  81. Bureau Hydrograshique International
  82. Beijing Hospitality Institute Education, China, Beijing
  83. Brain-heart Infusion Medical, Heart, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
  84. Comandante Espora Airport Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires,Argentina Airport, Locations, Aviation
  85. Boulevard Holdings Inc Business, Philippine, Supply
  86. Black Hebrew Israelite Africa, Bible, Christ
  87. Bureau HidrográFico Internacional
  88. Boots Healthcare International Medical, Healthcare
  89. BéTemps Hugard Industries
  90. Boulevard Holdings, Inc Business, Supply, Stock
  91. Black Hebrew Israelites Africa, Bible, African
  92. Bullet Hit Indicator Technology, Youth, Writing, Zone
  93. Comandante Espora, Bahia Blanca, Argentina Argentina, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BHI stand for?

    BHI stands for Benchmark Hospitality International.

  2. What is the shortened form of Blunt Hepatic Injugy?

    The short form of "Blunt Hepatic Injugy" is BHI.


BHI. (2022, March 25). Retrieved March 24, 2025 from

Last updated