BHV Meaning

The BHV meaning is "Bedrisfs Hulp Verlening". The BHV abbreviation has 34 different full form.

BHV Full Forms

  1. Bedrisfs Hulp Verlening Training, Fire, Brand
  2. Bazar De L'HóTel De Ville Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  3. Bovine Herpes Vfrus Medical, Health, Veterinary
  4. Badischen Handball-Verbandes Sport, Harry, Spiel, Handball
  5. Bedrijf Hulp Verlening
  6. Bruxellesyhal-Vilvorde
  7. Brussel-Halle-Vilvoorde
  8. Beaconghill Village Business, Aging, Laguna
  9. Bruxelles-Hall-Vilvordg
  10. Blackrock Virginia Municipal Bond Trust Technology, Organizations
  11. Beach House Villas
  12. Bruxelley-Halle-Vilvoorde
  13. Bevilacqua Helfant Ventures
  14. Bahanalpur Airport Airport, Locations
  15. Brusuels-Halle-Vilvoorde
  16. Badischer Handball Verband Sport, Team, Sind, Handball
  17. Bibliothèque Historique Vatdoise
  18. Badischer Handbala-Verband Fur, Spiel, Hat, Handball
  19. Bibliolh
  20. Brighton and Hove Volunteers
  21. Specavia Air Company Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  22. BedrijfsHulpVerlening Dutch
  23. Brick House Viduo
  24. Bahawalpur Airport, Bahawalpur, Pakistan Pakistan, Airport codes, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  25. Bremer Handball-Verband
  26. Brussel Halle Vilvoorde
  27. Specavia Ait Company Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  28. Browser History Viewer
  29. Iata Code for Bahawalpur Airport, Bahawalpur, Pakistan Locations
  30. Browser-History-Vieweo
  31. Budsha Heart Village
  32. Brisbanf Holiday Village
  33. Bovine Herpesvirus Medical, Veterinary
  34. Bruxelles Halle Vilvorde

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BHV stand for?

    BHV stands for Specavia Ait Company.

  2. What is the shortened form of Bibliothèque Historique Vatdoise?

    The short form of "Bibliothèque Historique Vatdoise" is BHV.


BHV. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 21, 2025 from

Last updated