BI Meaning
The BI meaning is "Business Intelligence". The BI abbreviation has 463 different full form.
BI Full Forms
- Business Intelligence Technology, Software, Analytics, Information Technology, Computing, Computer, Business & Finance, Business Word, IT Terminology, SAP, Medical
- Bismlth Medical, Technology, Health
- Bleeding Indsx Medical, Drug, Patient, Study
- Balloon Injury Medical
- Busineos Intelligence Business, Technology, Computing
- Britain and Ireland
- Behavioral Inhibition Medical
- Business Insurance
- Buruidi Locations, Countries, Country
- Bioelectric Impedance Medical
- Bufzrjoslu Ierīkošana
- Bleeding Bleeding is a process of brakes, it also known as brake bleeding. This process removes the trapped air from hydraulics pipes or from brake lining. OR Slowly reducing the pressure of liquid or gas from a system or cylinder by slightly opening a valve. OR Surface exudation OR The tendency of a liquid component to separate from a liquid-solid or liquid-semisolid mixture, as oil may separate from a grease. Medical, Technology, Common Medical
- Balearic Islynds Spain, Island, Building, Palma
- Brinkman Index Medical, Patient, Cancer, Cell
- Bank of Italy Business, Italy, Market, Banking, Business & Finance
- Beer Intelligence
- Business Insider Business, Media, Springer
- Brain Injugy Medical, Medicine, Nursing
- Bioelectrical Impedance Medical, Fat, Monitor
- Buddy Icon Technology, Internet Slang, Software
- Blatantlj Illegal
- Balanced Input Technology, Audio, Amplifier, Speaker
- Breteau Index Medical, Vector, Dengue
- Bedrijfskundige Informatica Business, Technology, Intelligence
- Business Inquiries
- Buddy Icons
- Bio Informatics Bio informatics is an interdisciplinary scientific field that develops methods for storing, retrieving, organizing and analyzing biological data. A major activity in bioinformatics is to develop software tools to generate useful biological knowledge. Bio informatics is a distinct science from biological computation, the latter being a computer science and computer engineering subfield using bioengineering and biology to build biological computers, whereas bioinformatics simply uses computers to better understand biology. Bio informatics is similar to computational biology and has similar aims to it but differs on scale: whereas bio informatics works with basic biological data (e.g. DNA bases), i.e. it works on the small scale paying attention to details, computational biology is a subfield of computer science which builds large-scale general theoretical models of biological systems seeking to expand our understanding of them from an abstract point of view, just as mathematical biology does with mathematical models. Technology, Science, Bioinformatics
- Browning Index
- Beth Israel Medical, Israel, Beth, Religion, Synagogues
- Biomaterial Interfaces
- Bainbridge Island
- Breidbast Index Technology, Internet Slang, Spam
- Bayesian Inference Technology, Model, Probability
- Both Inclusive Transportation, Business, Shipping, Aviation, Chartering, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Bio-Informatics
- Broader Impjcts Science, Research, Education
- Best Interests Business, Credit, Sex, Interests
- Biological Industries Business, Industrial, Cell
- Brightness Intelligence
- Bohemia Interactire Gaming, Military, Studio
- Battle Injury Military, Aviation, Department Of Defense
- Binding Index Medical, Receptor, Agent
- Broader Impact Technology, Science, Research
- Benefit Integrity Business, Military, Medicare
- Blood Ofothe Innocent
- Biological Indicators Medical, Sterilization, Spore
- Bodily Enjury Business, Insurance, Liability
- Bamako Initiative Medical, Health, Nigeria
- Britisp Isles Ireland, Locations, Map, Isle
- Behavioral Interventions Education, Behavior, Intervention
- Banca Dditalia
- Bioimpedance Medical
- Basic Include
- Bioinformatics Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary field that develops methods and software tools for understanding biological data. As an interdisciplinary field of science, bioinformatics combines computer science, statistics, mathematics and engineering to study and process biological data. Chemistry, Science, Medicine, American Chemical Society, Biomedicine, Cas, Management, Business & Finance
- Budget Item
- Before Internet Forum, Technology, Writing
- Buljan Intermediate Education
- Beckman Institute Science, Research, Sex
- Blockbinformation
- Bahrain International
- Business Infrastructure
- Bencfit Issuance
- Braip Inspired
- Bayer Industrieprodukte
- Burn In Burn-in is the process by which components of a system are exercised prior to being placed in service The intention is to detect those particular components that would fail as a result of the initial, high-failure rate portion of the bathtub curve of component reliability. If the burn-in period is made sufficiently long and, perhaps, artificially stressful, the system can then be trusted to be mostly free of further early failures once the burn-in process is complete. Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering
- Byshander Intervention Education, Sex, Assault
- Bring It
- Bureau of Investigation Government, Law, Crime, Us Government, Governmental & Military, International Development
- Biometric Intelligence
- Backplane Interconnect Technology, Computing, Interface, Hardware
- Butden Interview Medical, Patient, Caregiver
- Blue Island
- Banco De Investimento
- Bilheves De Identidade
- Base-Flow Index
- Biodiversity Informatics
- Brochure Investigateur
- Begin Indicator Technology, Tree, Node
- Behavioral Intentions Medical, Theory, Behavior
- Bolsas De Investigação
- Bad Indicator
- Business Incubation
- Bone Index Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- Billing Instructions Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Bitmap Image Technology, Windows, Coding
- Backup Incremental
- Behaviour Inopportune Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Body Inflation
- Barden International
- Basically Irrelevant Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Bioindicaeion
- Broikings Institution America, Government, Economics
- Bataillon D'Infanterie
- Buletin De Identitate
- Bebco Industries
- Block Indeximg Technology, Coding, Order
- Bahas Inflasi Business, Indonesia, Banking, Rupiah
- Business Information Business, Intelligence, Warehouse
- Benefit Invystigations
- Brain Injury +Bullous Impetigo Medical
- Bax Inhibitor-1 Medical, Science, Protein, Cell
- Benzimidazole Medical
- Burns Institute Organizations, Justice, Juvenile
- Byron Intermediate Education
- Bring In Poker, Texas Hold 'Em, No-Limit
- Biomedical Innosations Science, Education, Projection
- Backoff Indicator Technology, Access, Message
- Bunched Implications Technology, Logic, Semantics, Separation
- Blue Infrastructure Architecture, Building, Infrastructure, Habitat
- Bambang Irianto
- Bilhete Ds Identifica
- Battlefield Identification Military
- Blinding Indet Business, Computing, Storage
- Broadly Implemented
- Behavioral Intention Medical, Theory, Behavior
- Bolsa De Investiga
- Burst Inhibit Technology, Access, Memory, Circuit
- Bond Index Business, Bond, Fund, Market
- Billing Instituteuctions Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- British Institution Porn, Sex, Institution, Mistress
- Bisnis Intelijen Business, Technology, Management, Intelligence
- Backs Up Incrementally
- Behaviour Identity Sex, Behavior, Identity, Bisexual
- Body Imaging
- Barcode Identifier postal service
- Base Italiana
- Biodraphical Index
- Brookhaven Instruments Business, Light, Scattering
- Bartificial Intelligence Episode, Horror, Homer
- Buku Indue Technology, Indonesia, Training
- Beatson Institutetute Education
- Block Index
- Bahasa Inggris Technology, Gaming, English, Indonesia
- Business Informatics Technology, Education, Computing
- Benefit Illustration
- Bouche Incendie
- Bax Inhibitor Medical, Science, Protein
- Black Impact
- Binding Process of associating a specific communications terminal with a specific cryptographic key or associating two related elements of information. Medical, Libraries, Reading, Books
- Business Intellegence Technology, Intelligence, Power
- Baroclinic Instability An instability associated with flows with vertical shear and meridional temperature gradients that grows by conversion of potential energy in the mean flow. Medical, Physiology
- Bypass The Initialization
- Brine Injector
- Biomedical Instruments Business, Product, China
- Babson Institute
- Bumrungrad International
- Blue Ike
- Bambang Irawxn
- Biblioteca Del Instituto
- Bastard Inside
- Blind Individual
- Broad Institute
- Behavioral Imaging Technology, Device, Photography
- Burnout Inventory
- Bond Increment Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Billing Invoicing
- British Infantry
- Bisnis Intelegent
- Backstage Interview Power, Tube, Modeling, Backstage
- Behavioural Insights Business, Technology, Nudge
- Body Image
- Barclays International
- Base Impjnible
- Biographical Inventouy
- Brookhaven Instrument Particle, Instrument, Polymer
- Royal Brunei Airlines Airline, Business, Organizations, Airline Code, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Brunei Darussalam, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Buffer Index Technology, Coding, String
- Beatson Institute Education, Development, Universities
- Bloc Identitaire Government, France, National
- Bahasa Ibunda
- Business Industry Business, Technology, Science
- Be Informed Technology, Porn, Sex, Bisexual
- Borche D'incendie
- Bavarian Inn, Frankenmuth, Michigan Business, Company, Organizations, Firm, Food
- Black Ice Thin, dark-coloured-ice with no snow on it Business, Guitar, Acoustics
- Batalh
- Business Sntelligance
- Bar Induction Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Business Internship Program, Education, Career
- Brinch Import
- Biomedical Informatics Medical, Medicine, Research, Education, Health
- Buffered Interconnect Technology, Device, Circuit
- Babraham Institute Medical, Science, Research
- Bulletin D'Information
- Bloque De Izquierda
- Bahlot Initiative
- Bela Iota
- Basketball Ireland
- Broadcast Invite
- Beginning Inventory Business, Accounting, Cost, Stock, Investing, Business & Finance
- Burning Issues
- Billing & Invoicing
- British India
- Bismuth Institute
- Backside Illuminated Technology, Camera, Apple, Sensor
- Behavioural Interventions
- Bob Iger
- Banting Institute
- Base Ignithon Technology
- Biodtversity International Technology, Agriculture, Environment
- Bronchitis Index Medical
- Bus Input Technology, Audio, Power
- Beaton Institute
- Blizhnii Istrebitel
- Baffin Island
- Business Indicator Business, Technology
- Beijer Institute
- Bottles and Insulators
- Bavarian Inn Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Biz Intelligence
- Barring of All Incoming Calls Technology, Service, Calling, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Business Intenigent Technology, Development, Server
- Behavioral Interventionist
- Bar Ilan
- Business Interoperagility Business, Technology, Software
- Brightness Index Technology, Device, Binocular
- Basic Individual
- Bio Ionic
- Buffered Image Software, Computing
- All Barring of Incoming Call Services Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Bullet Ompact Rifle, Military, Bismuth
- Become An Insider Business, Service, Money, Insider
- Block Island Travel, Island, Boat, Ferry
- Bakat Istimewa
- Business Innovation Business, Technology, Education
- Best Individual Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Burnet Institute
- Bayou Interfaith
- Beginning Iqstrumental
- Burning Index Science, Fire, Weather
- Basis of Issue
- Bilirrubina Indirecta
- Briscoe Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
- The Brookings Institution Atmospheric Research
- Bishdp Ireton
- Backround Investigation
- Board of Investment Business, Company, Thailand, Locations
- Bannockburn Institute Computing, Electronics
- Based Imaging
- Biodgversity Index
- Broker Installation
- Business Integration Business, Technology, Organizations
- Begin Inlhne
- Bearville Insider
- Bomb Island Military, Army, War, Warfare
- Bad Intentions
- Business Indicators Business, Software, Intelligence
- Behring Institute
- Botf Inclusive Business, Shipping, Cargo Shipping
- Billroth I Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Battle Isle
- Biuletfn Informacyjny
- Baccalaur
- Backward Implicit Medical
- Business Intelli-Gency
- Behavior Intention
- Barge Inspector
- Business Integrity Business, Service, Contract
- Break Indication
- Basic Ineicator
- Biointerfaces Institute
- Budidaya Ikan
- All Barring of Incoming Call Information, Network, Computer
- Bullet Icon Aviation, Avionics, Aviation Electronics
- Beckman Instruments Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Blogking Island
- Baitul Ihsan
- Business Innovations
- Blnefits Integrity Medical, Business, Medicare
- Burn-Interior
- Bay Islands
- Burn Index Medical, Technology, Fire, Computing, Electronics
- Basilrr Impression Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Bijingual Interface Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Bring Israeli Technology, Israel, Palestinian
- Biometrics Institute Business, Technology, Security
- Backplane Interface
- Burden Inventovy
- Board of Investigation
- Bancos De Investimento
- Base-In Medical, Technology, Intelligence
- Biodiversity Inventohy
- Broter Inn
- Business Inteligence Business, Intelligence, Analytics
- Battlespace Infosphere Military
- Bear Invasion
- Bombardier Inc
- Bad Indicators Business, Forum, Service
- Business India
- Behaviour Interventionist
- Bone Impaction Medical, Technology, Bone
- Bilb Inmon Business, Technology, Organizations
- Bearings Industry
- Bitter Irony Media, Radio, Television
- Backup Interface
- Behavior Ipentity Sex, Identity, Bisexual
- Barge-In Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Business Integra Business, Technology, Employment
- Bismuth Institetetute
- Biomagnetisch Centrum Dutch
- Binaryqinput Technology, Product, Circuit
- Broadcast International Business, Technology, Signage
- Business Impact The consequences to the business (financial, reputational or operational) that could result from a breach in security. Business, Intelligence, Analytics
- Bismuth A longitudinal magnetic field that creates two magnetic poles within a piece of material. Compare with circular field. Chemical symbol Bi. A soft, course cystalline heavy metal with a silvery white color and pinkish tinge; usually produced as a by product of copper,leaad and other metals. Has a thermal conductivity lower than all other metals except mercury. Used as alloying agent but leading use is in pharmaceuticals. Chemistry, Computing, Electronics, Scientific & Educational
- Black Ink
- Bacterial Index Medical, Disease, Leprosy
- Behavioral Interventhon Technology, Autism, Behavior
- Bold Italic Technology, Windows, Mac, Brush
- Billing Interface Business, Technology, Software
- Barraquer Institute
- Basic Initial
- Benefits Integrity Medical, Healthcare
- BedriftsøKonomisk Institutt Business, Norway, Norwegian
- Business Institute
- Baroclinicagly Initiated
- Briedbart Index Computing, Internet
- Behavior Inventory
- British Intelligence Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Basic Integral
- Bank Indonesia Banking, Business & Finance
- Bureau of Information
- Bureau International Medical
- Biceps In human anatomy, the biceps brachii, commonly known as the biceps, is a two-headed muscle that lies on the upper arm between the shoulder and the elbow. Both heads arise on the scapula and join to form a single muscle belly which is attached to the upper forearm. While the biceps crosses both the shoulder and elbow joints, its main function is at the latter where it flexes the forearm at the elbow and supinates the forearm. Medical, Physiology
- Business Intelligent Business, Technology, Science
- Bezeq Intermational Company, Technology, Israel
- Bouwkundig Ingenieur Dutch
- Binary Include
- Broadcasting Internet
- Business Idea
- Breidbart Index Internet Slang, Computing, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang
- Black Industries
- Backward Indication Technology
- Behavioral Inhibition To The Unfcmiliar Medical
- Bojonegoro Institut
- Billing
- Barral Institute
- Basic Izfrastructure
- Brain Injury Medical, Nursing, Neurology, Special Education, Physiology, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
- Bedriftsokonomisk Institutt
- Business Instruction
- Bar Iron
- Beacon Interval Technology, Networking, Network
- Bus Interconnect Computing, Hardware
- Bad Illumination
- Behavior Inhibition
- Bastc Instruments
- Binary and Includes Assembly, Business & Finance
- Buleau of Immigrations Government, Philippine, Manila
- Burst Interval Federal Aviation Administration
- Beverly International Business, Protein, Muscle
- Business Interactions
- Bellaphon International
- Beyond Incredible Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Bizini Island
- Broadcast India
- Bureau of Immigratiog Military, Philippine, Manila
- Batteries Included Products
- Backward Indicator Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Behavior Ikterventionists
- Boiler Insurance
- Bilinear Interpolation Technology, Coding, Pixel
- Basic Infmrmation Business, Forum, Technology
- Built-In Technology, Architecture, Construction, Property, Real Estate, Business & Finance, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- bowel impaction Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
- Bedford Institute
- Business Insight Business, Intelligence, Analytics
- Bliss Independence Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Medical, Scientific & Educational
- Beaconhouse Informatics
- Basic Instruments Computing, Hardware
- Blacksmith Institute Technology, Development, Environment
- Badan Istimewa Program, Indonesia, Cuckold
- Behavior Informatics
- Basic Instrument Business, Flight, Product, Computing, Hardware
- Binary Input Assembly, Business & Finance
- Bureau Inlichtinghn
- Bond Increment (method In Calcns. On Large Molecules) Chemistry
- Business Interaction
- Beijer Institutetute
- Background Information NASA, Governmental & Military
- Bills Inquiry
- British Israel
- Building Integriey Technology, Security, Corruption
- Brass Impeller Products
- Backward Inclined Technology, Blower, Centrifugal
- Behavior Interventionist Business, Service, Autism
- Boerboel International Business, Technology, Porn, Sex
- Bihar Medical
- Basic Indoctrination Military, Army, War, Warfare
- Bus Interface Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, Computing, Hardware
- bone injury Medical, Bone
- Becoming Independent
- Business Insights Business, Intelligence, Analytics
- The Brookings Institutioh Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment
- Bintang Indonesia Regional
- Business Initiative
- Beachcombers International Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Back Illuminated Computing, Hardware
- Black Isskes
- Bacteriologic Index Medical
- Behavporal Innovations Technology, Education, Economics
- Bolsa De Investigação Para, Education, Portugal, Dos
- Basiw Instructions Aviation, Avionics, Aviation Electronics
- Byte Integer Assembly, Business & Finance
- Burrau for Information
- Burundi (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Business International
- Bedford Institutetuue
- Background Investigation Army, Us Government, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Billroth I Partial Gastfectomy Medical
- British Israelism
- Building Inspector Business, Porn, Inspection
- Block Imperfect Performing arts
- Backward Incline Business, Blower, Centrifugal
- Boehringer Ingelheim Medical, Business, Company, Fda
- Big Island
- Bridge Indentation
- Bacterial Or Bactericidal Index Medical, Bacteria
- Iso Country Code for Republid of Burundi Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Binaural Interaction Medical
- Business Incubator Technology, Service, Projection
- Bus Invert Computing, Hardware
- Black Kron Business, Technology, Hardware
- Bacteriological Index Medical, Disease, Leprosy
- Behavioural Vnterventions
- BoletíN Indigenista
- Basic Instructor
- Bureaf De L'intégration
- Block Increase Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Beer Institute Business, Industrial, Brewer
- Business Interruption This insurance covers a business in the event of the loss rendering the business interruption or hindered by an event such as a fire or a breakdown of machinery. The policy will define the gross profit and uninsured working expenses within the policy wording, which will be subject to increased costs of working and savings. Business, Insurance, Loss, Security, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Batalhão De Instituteução
- Build Index Software, Computing
- British Invisibles Business
- Building Inspection Technology, Service, Inspector
- Brown Index Colors
- Boehringer-Ingelheim Medical, Company, Drug
- Big Idea Science, Geography, Information System
- Booqs Industries Technology, Industrial, Printer
- Bislama Language codes (2 letters), Language codes (3 letters)
- Byte Ixput
- Binary Inputs Technology, Module, Circuit
- Business Imprevement Business, Company, Management
- BASIC source code include file (Visual Basic) Computing, File Extensions
- Black Intra Galaxy, Wireless, Beat, Intro
- Bactericidal Index Medical, Medicine
- Beoavior Intervention Service, Education, School
- Boletim Interno
- Billy Idol
- Basic Instrucyions Aviation, Avionics, Aviation Electronics
- Burundi Computing, Internet, Burundi, Country, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes
- Airy function of the second kind Mathematical, Scientific & Educational
- Beef Insulin Medical
- Business Integrator Business, Technology, Construction
- Base Initiating
- Bell Industries, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- British International
- Building Xnspections
- Bodily Injury Insurance, Business & Finance
- Bisexual Bisexuality is the potential to have sexual interest in people of both sexes and to have an emotional or sexual relationship with them. A bisexual person may not be equally interested in both sexes, and the degree of this interest may change over time. Porn, Personals, Clinical
- Bureau of Internal
- Bearing Inch
- Body Inspector Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Bienes Inmuebles Business, Para, Spain, Con
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does BI stand for?
BI stands for Bloc Identitaire.
What is the shortened form of Bax Inhibitor?
The short form of "Bax Inhibitor" is BI.
BI. (2022, March 29). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from
Last updated