BI in Science Meaning
The BI meaning in Science terms is "Bio Informatics". There are 17 related meanings of the BI Science abbreviation.
BI on Science Full Forms
- Bio Informatics Bio informatics is an interdisciplinary scientific field that develops methods for storing, retrieving, organizing and analyzing biological data. A major activity in bioinformatics is to develop software tools to generate useful biological knowledge. Bio informatics is a distinct science from biological computation, the latter being a computer science and computer engineering subfield using bioengineering and biology to build biological computers, whereas bioinformatics simply uses computers to better understand biology. Bio informatics is similar to computational biology and has similar aims to it but differs on scale: whereas bio informatics works with basic biological data (e.g. DNA bases), i.e. it works on the small scale paying attention to details, computational biology is a subfield of computer science which builds large-scale general theoretical models of biological systems seeking to expand our understanding of them from an abstract point of view, just as mathematical biology does with mathematical models.
- Broader Impjcts
- Broader Impact
- Beckman Institute
- Business Industry
- Bax Inhibitor-1
- Burning Index
- Bax Inhibitor
- Burn In Burn-in is the process by which components of a system are exercised prior to being placed in service The intention is to detect those particular components that would fail as a result of the initial, high-failure rate portion of the bathtub curve of component reliability. If the burn-in period is made sufficiently long and, perhaps, artificially stressful, the system can then be trusted to be mostly free of further early failures once the burn-in process is complete.
- Babraham Institute
- Bond Increment
- Biomedical Innosations
- Bioinformatics Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary field that develops methods and software tools for understanding biological data. As an interdisciplinary field of science, bioinformatics combines computer science, statistics, mathematics and engineering to study and process biological data.
- Business Intelligent
- Big Idea
- Bliss Independence
- The Brookings Institutioh
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does BI stand for Science?
BI stands for Bliss Independence in Science terms.
What is the shortened form of Business Intelligent in Science?
The short form of "Business Intelligent" is BI for Science.
BI in Science. (2022, March 29). Retrieved March 10, 2025 from
Last updated