BI in Technology Meaning

The BI meaning in Technology terms is "Business Intelligence". There are 83 related meanings of the BI Technology abbreviation.

BI on Technology Full Forms

  1. Business Intelligence
  2. Bismlth
  3. Bleeding Bleeding is a process of brakes, it also known as brake bleeding. This process removes the trapped air from hydraulics pipes or from brake lining. OR Slowly reducing the pressure of liquid or gas from a system or cylinder by slightly opening a valve. OR Surface exudation OR The tendency of a liquid component to separate from a liquid-solid or liquid-semisolid mixture, as oil may separate from a grease.
  4. Bio Informatics Bio informatics is an interdisciplinary scientific field that develops methods for storing, retrieving, organizing and analyzing biological data. A major activity in bioinformatics is to develop software tools to generate useful biological knowledge. Bio informatics is a distinct science from biological computation, the latter being a computer science and computer engineering subfield using bioengineering and biology to build biological computers, whereas bioinformatics simply uses computers to better understand biology. Bio informatics is similar to computational biology and has similar aims to it but differs on scale: whereas bio informatics works with basic biological data (e.g. DNA bases), i.e. it works on the small scale paying attention to details, computational biology is a subfield of computer science which builds large-scale general theoretical models of biological systems seeking to expand our understanding of them from an abstract point of view, just as mathematical biology does with mathematical models.
  5. Busineos Intelligence
  6. Buddy Icon
  7. Bedrijfskundige Informatica
  8. Broader Impact
  9. Bayesian Inference
  10. Breidbast Index
  11. Balanced Input
  12. Backside Illuminated
  13. Billing Instituteuctions
  14. Buffered Interconnect
  15. Basilrr Impression
  16. Biodtversity International
  17. Burn In Burn-in is the process by which components of a system are exercised prior to being placed in service The intention is to detect those particular components that would fail as a result of the initial, high-failure rate portion of the bathtub curve of component reliability. If the burn-in period is made sufficiently long and, perhaps, artificially stressful, the system can then be trusted to be mostly free of further early failures once the burn-in process is complete.
  18. Behavioral Imaging
  19. Backplane Interconnect
  20. Block Indeximg
  21. Business Innovation
  22. Bijingual Interface
  23. Barge-In
  24. Business Intellegence
  25. Begin Indicator
  26. Backoff Indicator
  27. Business Informatics
  28. Be Informed
  29. Bring Israeli
  30. Bahasa Inggris
  31. Business Intenigent
  32. All Barring of Incoming Call Services
  33. Business Industry
  34. Brightness Index
  35. Business Interoperagility
  36. Billroth I
  37. Bunched Implications
  38. Barring of All Incoming Calls
  39. Before Internet
  40. Bitmap Image
  41. Business Indicator
  42. Bone Impaction
  43. Business Integra
  44. Bilb Inmon
  45. Buku Indue
  46. Base Ignithon
  47. Bus Input
  48. Bisnis Intelijen
  49. Burst Inhibit
  50. Behaviour Inopportune
  51. Billing Instructions
  52. Buffer Index
  53. Base-In
  54. Business Integration
  55. Biometrics Institute
  56. Burn Index
  57. Behavioural Insights
  58. Boerboel International
  59. Business Integrator
  60. Booqs Industries
  61. Business Incubator
  62. Broadcast International
  63. Bezeq Intermational
  64. Building Integriey
  65. Binary Inputs
  66. Blacksmith Institute
  67. Billing Interface
  68. Iso Country Code for Republid of Burundi
  69. Building Inspection
  70. Binaryqinput
  71. Beacon Interval
  72. Black Kron
  73. Bilinear Interpolation
  74. Behavporal Innovations
  75. Backward Indication
  76. Basic Infmrmation
  77. Behavioral Interventhon
  78. Backward Indicator
  79. Built-In
  80. Backward Inclined
  81. Bold Italic
  82. Business Intelligent
  83. Bus Interface

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BI stand for Technology?

    BI stands for Backward Indicator in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Behavporal Innovations in Technology?

    The short form of "Behavporal Innovations" is BI for Technology.


BI in Technology. (2022, March 29). Retrieved March 10, 2025 from

Last updated