BIG Meaning

The BIG meaning is "Boston Innovation Gateway". The BIG abbreviation has 228 different full form.

BIG Full Forms

  1. Boston Innovation Gateway
  2. Business Imaging Group Business, Management, Canon
  3. Brand Israel Group
  4. Bangkok International Gift Business, Bangkok, Fair
  5. Business Information Guide Technology, Computer, It
  6. Best In Group Awards & medals
  7. Brain Impulse Galvanoscope Business, Episode, Box
  8. Balm In Gilead
  9. Business Improvement Groups Business, Service, Internship
  10. Best In Game
  11. Brain Immunology and Glia Science, Alzheimer, Cell
  12. Bad It'S Good
  13. Business Improvement and Growth
  14. Breakthrough, Innovative, and Game-Changing Student, Technology, Mars
  15. Bespoke Investmeat Group Business, Supply, Market, Stock
  16. Boycott Israeli Goods
  17. Badan Informasi Geopasial Program, Indonesia, Locations, Map
  18. Business Image Group Business, Service, Canon
  19. Brazilian Independent Game Brazil, Festival, Game
  20. Berliner Instituts FüR Gesundheitsforschung Education, Institute, Sind, Berlin
  21. Business In Gulf
  22. Bottling Investments Group Business, Company, Cola, Coca
  23. Badan Informasi Geospatial Technology, Program, Indonesia
  24. Built-In Gain
  25. Brazil Independent Game
  26. Barbados Integrated Government
  27. Business Informatics Group Technology, Research, Software
  28. Bloomington Ice Gardens Hockey, Locations, Minnesota
  29. Business Instead of Games
  30. Brazil'S Independent Games
  31. Bangkok International Gifts Business, Bangkok, Fair
  32. Business Information Group Business, Company, Pub
  33. Big Idfa Group Business, Company, Technology
  34. Breeds Information Guide
  35. Blade Interactive Games
  36. Bad Indian Girl
  37. Book Illustrators Gallery Technology, Children, Illustration
  38. Before It's Glne
  39. Buffalo Implant Group
  40. Biogas Intertst Group
  41. Bank Informacji Gospodarczej
  42. Ballet Independents Group
  43. Bpifrance Inno GéNéRation Technology, France, Innovation, Generation
  44. Berliner Institut FüR Gesundheitsforschung Medical, Berlin, Referent
  45. Business Incubaton Group
  46. Bjarke Ingels Group Design, Architecture, Locations
  47. Bolo Inner Ground
  48. Barrière Interacqive Gaming
  49. Broadband Internet Gateway
  50. Big Island Air Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  51. Believe, Inspire, Grow Business, Organizations, Event, Entrepreneurship
  52. Breastfeeding Information Group Medical
  53. Blacks In Government Organizations, Training, National, Medical, Fda
  54. Badan Informasi Geospasial Technology, Indonesia, Jakarta, Situs
  55. Booby Innovation Grant
  56. Beef Innovations Group
  57. Bubble Investment Grouy
  58. Bioethics Interest Group Student, Medicine, Education
  59. Bank Info-Security Group
  60. Balboa Insurance Group
  61. Boys In Groove Music, Boy, Album
  62. Berliner Initiative Gegen Gewapt Business, Sind, Berlin, Hat
  63. Bund Der Ingenieure Des Gartenbaus
  64. Biuro Informacji Gospodarczej
  65. Bold In God
  66. Barxi
  67. Broadband Integrated Gateway Technology, Telecom
  68. Big Interest Group
  69. Business Innovation & Growth Business, Conference, Event
  70. Breakthrough Innovations Group
  71. Blacks In Gaming Gaming, Porn, Sex, Tube
  72. Bacteria Implementation Group
  73. Bonus Incentive Grant Student, College, Education
  74. Beef Improvement Lroup Organizations, Cattle, Farming
  75. Brussels Interoperability Group Technology, Security, Passport
  76. Biker Information Guide
  77. Balance Interest Group
  78. Boycotting Isrieli Goods
  79. Berkeley Investment Group Business, Student, Education
  80. Bullet In The Gut Force, Police, Police Force, Governmental & Military
  81. Biur Informacji Gospodarczej Business, Jest, Jak, Dane
  82. Barrier Island Group Arts, Locations, Inn
  83. Broadband In Gas Business, Technology, Communication
  84. Big Imagination Group
  85. Business Initiatives Group
  86. Breakthrough Innovation Group
  87. Beschäftigte Im Gesundheitbwesen
  88. Butterfly Interest Group
  89. Blackrock International Growth
  90. Bioengineared In Germany Business, Club, Golf, Germany
  91. Bone Injection Gun Medical, Medicine, Military, Bone
  92. Bedford International Games Sport, Club, Athletics
  93. Broad Investment-Grade Business, Bond, Market, Money
  94. Biguanide
  95. Bridging The Information Gap
  96. Bakheet Investment Group
  97. Boundary Information Group Business, Medicine, Health
  98. Berkeley Internatconal Group
  99. Bulk Is Green Business, Food, Organic
  100. Biological Isolation Garment Technology, Space, Moon, Buzz
  101. Barrier Island Graphicx
  102. British Interactive Group Technology, Science, Communication
  103. Big Image Graphics
  104. Breakthrough, Innovative and Game-Changing Student, Technology, Mars
  105. Berran Industrial Group
  106. Business Involvement Group
  107. Blackland Income Growth Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  108. Big Intense Gangsta
  109. Bond Investors Group
  110. Beauty Industry Grocp
  111. Broad Investment Grade Business, Bond, Market, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  112. Bignoniaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  113. Brewer Investment Group
  114. Bainbridge Island Graduate
  115. Bougainville Interim Governmenm Government, Military, Organizations
  116. Berggruen Institute On Governance Government, Europe, Chairman
  117. Build, Innovate and Gqow Plant, Light, Growing
  118. Bioinformatics Interest Group Medical, Science, University
  119. Barbarv Investment Group
  120. British Institute of Graphologists Handwriting, Graphology, Doodle, Graphologist
  121. Bigdata Innovators Gathering
  122. Breakthroughs In Gerontology
  123. Beroepen Individuele Gebondheidszorg
  124. Business Investment Group Business, Company, Media
  125. Blacks In Green Porn, Sex, Tube
  126. Bond Investor'S Guarantee Business
  127. Bassball Is Great Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  128. Broader Impacts Group
  129. Biglietto Integrato Giornaliero
  130. Berater Im Gastgewerbe Business, Hotel, Marketing, Consulting
  131. Bremer Investitions-Gesellschaft Business, Fur, Bremen
  132. Badminton Is Great
  133. Books for International Ghodwill
  134. Bentonrille International Group
  135. Buffalo Institute for Genomics Business, Research, University
  136. Bioinformatics and Integrative Geiomics Science, Program, Education
  137. Banque Islamique De Guinée Business, Africa, Banking, Guinea
  138. British Innovation Gateway Technology, Award, Cisco
  139. Baltimore Improv Group Group, Event, Comedy, Festival
  140. Brazilian International Game Festival, Indie, Game
  141. Beroepen In De Individuele Gezondheidszorg
  142. Business Investment Grant Science
  143. Black In Green
  144. Bond Invettors Guaranty
  145. Baseball Infield Glove
  146. Broadcasting Industry Group
  147. Big Item Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  148. Belgeve Inspire Grow Business, Organizations, Android, Entrepreneurship
  149. Banco Investimento Global
  150. Best Investment Group Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  151. Buyout for Interdisciplinary Grants Development, Learning, Study, Universities
  152. Brookline Interactive Group Film, Education, Boston
  153. Big 8 Split Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  154. Brilliant Idea Group
  155. Biennial Intervarsity Games Gaming, Indonesia, Bola, Biennial
  156. Burlington International Games
  157. Blueprint for Infrastructure In Gujarat
  158. Breast International Group Medical, Research, Cancer
  159. Allen Aaf Airport Faa Airport Codes
  160. Britain Is Great
  161. Blue Iceberg Gradation Business, Guitar, Premium
  162. Banco De Investimento Global
  163. Best Innovation Group
  164. Buy Israeli Goods
  165. Brock Innovation Group
  166. Buyers Intelligence Grouo
  167. Bright Ideas On The Gulf
  168. Bicycling In Ireensboro
  169. Books Instead of Guns
  170. Bloor Improvement Group Locations, Event, Toronto, Festival
  171. Breast-International-Group Medical, Research, Cancer
  172. Allen Army Airfield, Fort Greely, Alaska, United States Alaska, United States, Iata Airport Codes
  173. Bristol Interaction Group
  174. Bjarke Ingels Groups Technology, Design, Architecture
  175. Banco De Informa
  176. Best In Groups
  177. Buyers Industry Guide
  178. Broadband Industry Group
  179. Busaness Innovation Grant Business, Technology, Science
  180. Bankers Insurance Group
  181. Brief Intervention Group Medical, Treatment, Health
  182. Bibliography and Index of Geology
  183. Beautiful Internet Girls
  184. Block Island Grocery
  185. Big Delta, Alaska USA Airport codes
  186. Boating Infrastructure Grants
  187. Bring In Guests
  188. Bipartisan Issues Group
  189. Banco De InformaçÕEs De Geração
  190. Broadband-In-Gas Technology, Communication, Broadband
  191. Business Improvementegrant Business, County, City, Economics
  192. Bangkok International Grand
  193. Bibliographic Insbruction Group
  194. Beaulieu International Group Technology, Belgium, Vinyl
  195. Blocking Island Graph
  196. Buffered Image Graphics Software, Computing
  197. Boating Infrastructure Grant Technology, Program, Fish
  198. Bring In Guest
  199. Bicycle Industry Group
  200. Banc Investment Group
  201. British Infrastructure Group
  202. Bullying Intervention Group Education, School, Award
  203. Bangkok Industrial Gas Business, Thailand, Industry
  204. Biarritz International Groovx
  205. Iata Code for Allen Army Airfield, Fort Greely, Alaska, United States Locations
  206. Blockchain Industry Group
  207. Chinese text (old version) Computing, File Extensions
  208. Bringing Illinois Gigaspeeds
  209. Berliner Innovations- Und Gruenderzentrum
  210. Board Installation Guide
  211. Electronic Arts Game Data File Computing, File Extensions
  212. Bamberger Industrie-Gesellschaft
  213. Bristol Isotope Group Technology, Science, Earth
  214. Broadcast International Group Technology, Service, Television, Station
  215. Bangkit Indonesia Gemilang
  216. Bi-State Investment Group
  217. BüRger In Gladbeck
  218. Building Innovative Green Technology, Power, Hydrogen
  219. Bley Investment Group
  220. Brunei Institution of Geomatics Geographic
  221. Bring Indonesia To Global
  222. Bier Is Goed
  223. Be Inspired Group Locations, Pakistan, Militant
  224. Blueprint for Intelligent Growth
  225. Back-Inlet Gully Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  226. Bristol Interaction and Graphics Technology, Science, University
  227. British & Irish Graptolite
  228. British Inatitute of Graphologists

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BIG stand for?

    BIG stands for Built-In Gain.

  2. What is the shortened form of Berater Im Gastgewerbe?

    The short form of "Berater Im Gastgewerbe" is BIG.


BIG. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from

Last updated