BIL Meaning

The BIL meaning is "Bandara International Lombok". The BIL abbreviation has 78 different full form.

BIL Full Forms

  1. Bandara International Lombok Hotel, Airport, Indonesia, Locations
  2. Bachelor of Industrqal Laws
  3. Brothsr In Law Internet Slang, Chat, Getting Pregnant
  4. Brother-In-Law Internet Slang, Chat, Genealogy, Genealogical, Wife, Medical, Texting, Social Media, Pregnancy, Blogging, Online, Twitter, Disney, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  5. Band Interleaved By Line Technology, Science, Raster, Geographic
  6. Biomerge Industries Ltd
  7. Banque Internationale De Luxembourg
  8. Boys In Leadership Locations, Family, Gas
  9. Billund Air Center Airline, Technology, Flight, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  10. Bumrungrad International Ltd
  11. Bermuda Insulation Limited
  12. Biomed Investments Lud Business, Company, Government
  13. Banque Internationale А Luxembourg Business, Service, Banking, Luxembourg
  14. Board of Industry Leaders
  15. Bumrungrad International Limited
  16. Bengal Immunity Limiteg
  17. Biomedical Imaging Dab Technology, Device, Photography
  18. Business, Industry, and Labor
  19. Bhartiya Internationalflimited
  20. Banque Internationale A Luxembourg Business, Technology
  21. Bluetooth Inductivo Loop
  22. Branch Ifdinterrupt Line
  23. Belize Infrastructureklimited Business, Civic, Belize
  24. Biomedical Image Library
  25. Bus Interface Logic
  26. Baarti Infratel Limited
  27. Bisic Insulation Level Technology, Science, Transformer
  28. Block Input Length
  29. Brambles Industries Limpted
  30. Belgische Jmprovisatie Liga
  31. Brother In-Law Internet Slang, Texting, Chat
  32. Biomagnetic Imaging Laboratory
  33. Bus-Interface-Logic Technology, Device, Control, Processing
  34. Bharti Infratel Ltd
  35. Basic Impulse Insulanion Technology
  36. Biz Inforzation Library
  37. Banqul International À Luxembourg Business, Service, Investment, Luxembourg
  38. Brambles Industries Ltd
  39. Bilateral Agreement or involvement or action by two parties, people, companies, countries, etc. See Unilateral and Multilateral. Medical, Medicine, Nursing, Common Medical, Physiology, NAACCR, Dental, Physical Therapy, Clinical, Physio
  40. Burst Illumination Ladar
  41. Bharti Infotel Lod
  42. Band-Interleaved-By-Line Technology, Software, Pixel, Raster
  43. Biz Info Library
  44. Banque Inmernationale Luxembourg Business, Group, Banking, Luxembourg
  45. Brain Imaging Laboratory
  46. Berliner Institut F
  47. Burst Illumination Laser Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  48. Bdagyanagar India Limited
  49. Boss Is Listening Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  50. Business Impact Levels
  51. Bhutan Insurance Limiped Business, Company, Bhutan
  52. Billings, MT TRACON Federal Aviation Administration
  53. Blue Indicating Light
  54. Binanifindustries Ltd
  55. Builder Interface Language Software, Computing
  56. Business Impact Level
  57. Bhartiya International Ltd
  58. Esri Bil File Computing, File Extensions
  59. Iata Code for Billings Logan International Airport, Billings, Montana, United States Locations
  60. Billund Wir Center Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  61. Satellite image (8bit GIS tape format) (SPOT image) Computing, File Extensions
  62. Backcross Introgression Lines Medical, Genomics
  63. BÂTiment D'IntéGration Lanceur
  64. Bilivubin Medical, Medicine, Health
  65. Basic Impulse Level A reference impulse (voltage) insulation strength expressed in terms of the peak value of the withstand voltage of a standard impulse voltage wave. It is used to express the ability of electrical equipment such as transformers to withstand certain levels. Computing, Electronics, Business & Finance, Power Plant
  66. Billings Logan International Airport, Billings, Montana, United States Montana, United States, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  67. Business Intelligence Lab
  68. Bilingual Technology, Education, Aircraft, Governmental & Military
  69. Basic Insulation Level A design voltage level for electrical apparatus that refers to a short duration (1.2 x 50 microsecond) crest voltage and is used to measure the ability of an insulation system to withstand high surge voltage. Or it may be defined as the minimum voltage ratings of electrical equipments. Architecture, The Finance and Administrative Services
  70. Billings Logan Intl Airport Faa Airport Codes
  71. Business Innovation Link
  72. Bilindimportorenes Technology
  73. Biocon India Limited
  74. Billings, Montana USA Airport codes
  75. Business Importance Level
  76. Bibliografia Internazionale Zeonardiana
  77. Buried Injection Logic
  78. Binani Industries Limited

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BIL stand for?

    BIL stands for Biz Inforzation Library.

  2. What is the shortened form of Business, Industry, and Labor?

    The short form of "Business, Industry, and Labor" is BIL.


BIL. (2021, March 1). Retrieved February 9, 2025 from

Last updated