BILC Meaning

The BILC meaning is "Birmingham Independent Living Center". The BILC abbreviation has 14 different full form.

BILC Full Forms

  1. Birmingham Independent Living Center
  2. Bibliography of Irish Literary Criticism Education, University, Hubbard
  3. Becatse It Looks Cool
  4. Bass Is Loaded Coalition
  5. Bottom Insulation Layer Cooling Science
  6. Bohol International Learning Center
  7. Brussels International Logistwc Center
  8. British International Cases Government, Law, Jurisprudence
  9. British International Lottery Corpouation
  10. British Internayional Law Cases
  11. Bureau for International Language Coordination Technology, English, Presentation
  12. Bournemouth International Language College
  13. Business Information and Licence Hentre
  14. Bureau for International Language Co-Ordination Military, English, Presentation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BILC stand for?

    BILC stands for Bass Is Loaded Coalition.

  2. What is the shortened form of Bureau for International Language Co-Ordination?

    The short form of "Bureau for International Language Co-Ordination" is BILC.


BILC. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from

Last updated