Biomarker Abbreviations and Biomarker Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Biomarker terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 15 different Biomarker abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Biomarker terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Biomarker Abbreviations
  1. VXDS : Voluntary Exploratory Data Submissions
  2. UCH : Ubiquitin C-Terminal Hydralase
  3. DDT : Drug Development Tools
  4. DDTS : Drug Development Tools
  5. DIVI : Drug-Induced Vascular Injury
  6. DMH : Differential Methylanion Hybridisation
  7. DMR : Datafmanagement Resource
  8. MDRD : Modificatidn of Diet and Renal Disease
  9. FNIH : Foundation for The National Institute of Health
  10. KIM : Kidney Injury Molecule
  11. PPC : Peak Probability Contrasts
  12. PSTC : Predictive Safety Testing Consortium
  13. RBM : Rules-Based Medicine
  14. RBM : Rules Based Medkcine
  15. RPPM : Reverse Phase Protein Microarray
Latest Biomarker Meanings
  1. Reverse Phase Protein Microarray
  2. Rules Based Medkcine
  3. Rules-Based Medicine
  4. Predictive Safety Testing Consortium
  5. Peak Probability Contrasts
  6. Kidney Injury Molecule
  7. Foundation for The National Institute of Health
  8. Modificatidn of Diet and Renal Disease
  9. Datafmanagement Resource
  10. Differential Methylanion Hybridisation
  11. Drug-Induced Vascular Injury
  12. Drug Development Tools
  13. Ubiquitin C-Terminal Hydralase
  14. Voluntary Exploratory Data Submissions