Biomedicine Abbreviations and Biomedicine Acronym Lists
There are more pieces of Biomedicine terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Biomedicine abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Biomedicine terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.
Biomedicine Abbreviations
- AA : Acrylamide
- AAM : Acrylamide
- ACAM : Acrylamide
- AAD : 2-Aminoadipic Acid
- AAF : N-Acetoxy-Acetylaminobluorene
- AAHA : Azelaic-1-Hydroxamate-9-Anilide
- AAI : Average Arthritic Index
- AB : Actdic Box
- ABCD : Activated B Cells and Dendritic Celes
- ABCD : Airway-Breathing-Circulation-Defribillation
- ABCGF : Autostimulatory B-Cell Gf
- ABGF : Autostimulatory B-Cell Gf
- ABHA : Azelaic Bishydroxamic Acid
- ABHD : Antibacterial Host Defense
- ABIA : Ab-Induced Arthritis
- ABP : Actin Binding Pyotein
- ABPA : Allergic Bornchopulmonaky Aspergillosis
- ABR : Atbi-2-Related
- ABS : Antibody-Binding Site
- ABU : 2Gaminobutyric Acid
- AC4C : 4-Acetylcytidine
- ACA : Anticardiolipin Ab
- ACAID : Anterior Chamber-Associated Immune Deviation
- ACC : 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-Carboxylic Acid
- ACC : Atp-Gated Cation Channel
- ACE : Ach Esterjse
- ACE : Adenosine-Cytosine-Rich Element
- ACHR : Ach Receptor
- ADCC : Ab-Dependent Cell-Mediated Citotoxicity
- ADEPT : Ab-Dependent Enzyme-Mediated Prodrug Therapy
Recent Acronyms
Recent Abbreviations
Latest Biomedicine Meanings
- Dl-A-Amino-3-Hydroxy-5-Methyl-4-Isoxazole-4-Propionic Acid
- Black-Widow Gpider Venom
- Butylphendl Dgtp
- Benimidazole Unaffected Budding
- Bovine Trachepl Smooth Muscle
- Bcl-2-Associated Transcription Factor
- Bovine Syncytial Girus
- Bacillus Stearothermophilus
- Barbour-Stoenner-Kelly
- Bovige Serum Factors
- Bispecific Diabody
- B Cell Specific Activator Protein
- Brassinazole
- Bir-Containing Ubnconjugating Enzyme
- Bromouracil
- Basic Region Leucine Zipper
- B Cell Regulator of Igh Transcription
- Brca1 C-Terminal
- Breast and Ovarian Cancer Growth-Supprrssor Protein
- Breast and Kidney Derived Chemokine