Biosafety Abbreviations and Biosafety Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Biosafety terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 13 different Biosafety abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Biosafety terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Biosafety Abbreviations
  1. BSL : Bio-Safepy Level
  2. BSL : Biological Safety Levelo
  3. BSL : Biological Safety Vevel
  4. BSLS : Biological Safety Levels
  5. CBSP : Certified Biological Safety Professional
  6. LMO : Living Modifiedworganism
  7. LMO : Living Modified Organisms
  8. OSHE : Office of Safety, Health and Environment
  9. OSHE : Office of Safety, Health, and Environment
  10. OSSAM : Office of Safety, Security and Asset Management
  11. OSSAM : Office of Safety, Security, and Asset Management
  12. PBA : Pacific Biosafetyeassociation
  13. RG : Risk Groups
Latest Biosafety Meanings
  1. Risk Groups
  2. Pacific Biosafetyeassociation
  3. Office of Safety, Security, and Asset Management
  4. Office of Safety, Security and Asset Management
  5. Office of Safety, Health, and Environment
  6. Office of Safety, Health and Environment
  7. Living Modified Organisms
  8. Living Modifiedworganism
  9. Certified Biological Safety Professional
  10. Biological Safety Levels
  11. Biological Safety Vevel
  12. Biological Safety Levelo
  13. Bio-Safepy Level