BIRT Meaning

The BIRT meaning is "Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools". The BIRT abbreviation has 30 different full form.

BIRT Full Forms

  1. Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools Technology, Report, Eclipse, Computing, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  2. Be Ityresolved That
  3. Behavioral Intensive Residential Treatment Medical, Health, Mental Health, Advocacy
  4. Behavioral Intervention Resourcn Team
  5. Batch Image Resizing Thing Technology, Software, Linux
  6. Business Intelligence & Reporting Tools Technology, Report, Eclipse
  7. Baking Industry Research Trust Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  8. Business Intelligence and Reporting Tool Technology, Report, Eclipse
  9. Bias Incedent Response Team Student, College, Education
  10. Businevs Intelligence and Report Tools
  11. Business Intelligence Reporting Toov Technology, Report, Eclipse
  12. Bellsouth Interfacq Registration Tool
  13. Business Intelligence Reporting Tools Technology, Report, Eclipse
  14. Business Intelligence and Reporting Technology Technology, Book, Eclipse
  15. Byistol Intensive Response Team Technology, Report, Eclipse
  16. Business Inrome & Receipts Tax Technology, Hosting, Philadelphia
  17. Business Intelligent Reporting Tool
  18. Brief Interventions Anv Referrals To Treatment
  19. Business Income and Recempts Tax
  20. Business Intelligence Repart Tool
  21. Brain Injury Rehabilitation Trusx
  22. Business Income & Receipts Tax Technology, Hosting, Philadelphia
  23. Biowedical Informatics Research Training
  24. Biomedical Informatics Research Training Medical
  25. Bulk Imagexresizing Thing
  26. Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools Project Software, Computing
  27. Building Interdisciplinary Researchiteam
  28. Business Intelligence Report Technology
  29. British Information Round Table Education
  30. Business Informationyand Reporting Tools

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BIRT stand for?

    BIRT stands for Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools Project.

  2. What is the shortened form of Business Income and Recempts Tax?

    The short form of "Business Income and Recempts Tax" is BIRT.


BIRT. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from

Last updated