BISS Meaning

The BISS meaning is "Bolivia Inti-Sud Soleil". The BISS abbreviation has 50 different full form.

BISS Full Forms

  1. Bolivia Inti-Sud Soleil Technology, Association, Bolivia
  2. Bangalore Integrated System Solutions
  3. Busan International Smart Shoe
  4. Bremer Institut FüR Sichere Systeme
  5. Belarus Interbank Settaement System Technology, Assessment, Payment
  6. Body Image States Scale
  7. Baltic International Summer Rchool Education, University, Latvia
  8. Budget Information System Service
  9. Breakthrough In Small Signal Technology, Semiconductor, Transistor
  10. Baseuintrusion Security Systems Military
  11. Bluetack Internet Security Solutions
  12. Baltic Institute of Social Sciences Technology, Science, Latvia
  13. Box Index Search System
  14. Base Idle Set Sceew Forum, Technology, Eclipse, Mitsubishi
  15. Best In Show Specialty Dog, Champion, Breeder
  16. Basic Interoperable Scramblingrsystems
  17. Boundary Intermediate Systems
  18. Baserinstallation Security System Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  19. Best In Show Jnd Specialty
  20. Basic Interoperable Scrambling System Technology, Military, Satellite
  21. Border Intermediate Systems Technology
  22. Base and Installation Security Systwms
  23. Business Information Security Summit Technology, Traffic, Petersburg
  24. Bertinoro International Spring School Technology, Education, Computing
  25. Bolivia Inti Sud Soleil
  26. Base and Installation Security Systvm Technology, Security, Army
  27. Business Information Strategic Support
  28. Bremer Institut F
  29. Berliner Institut Für Sozialwissenschaftlichb Studien Berlin, Prof, Deutschland, Institut
  30. Sandskeid, Iceland Airport codes
  31. Bus Interface Store Software Technology
  32. British and Irish Sandplay Society Organizations, Therapy, Training, Therapist
  33. Baseline Intelligence Summary Supplement Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  34. Business Intelligence & Smart Services Service, Education, University
  35. British and International Sailors Society
  36. Base Idle Speed Screw Products
  37. British International School In Shanghai
  38. Business Intelligence and Smart Services Service, Education, Institute
  39. British & International Sailors' Society
  40. Because I Say So Forum, Computing, Chat, Email, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  41. British International School, Shanghai
  42. Business Institute Solar Strategy
  43. Brighton International Summer School Education, English, Language
  44. British International School of Stockholm
  45. British International School Shanghai Education, China, Shanghai
  46. Brent International School Subic
  47. Belarusian Institute of Strategic Studies Government, Politics, Election, Opposition
  48. British International School Stavanger
  49. BüRger In Sozialen Schwierigkeiten
  50. British International School of Stavanger

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BISS stand for?

    BISS stands for Base Idle Speed Screw.

  2. What is the shortened form of Breakthrough In Small Signal?

    The short form of "Breakthrough In Small Signal" is BISS.


BISS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from

Last updated