BIT Meaning
The BIT meaning is "Baroda Institute of Technology". The BIT abbreviation has 212 different full form.
BIT Full Forms
- Baroda Institute of Technology Education, Computing, Course
- Bimasakti Inti Teknologi Business, Staff, Admin
- Bearys Institute of Technology College, Education, Engineering
- Built In Test Technology, Aviation, Computing
- Barcelona Innovative Transportation
- Bilateral Investment Treaties Business, Government, Trading, Treaty
- Babaria Institute of Technology College, Education, Gujarat
- Built-In-Tests Technology, Channel, Robot, Operation
- Balochistan Institute of Technology
- Bienes De InformáTica Y Telecomunicaciones
- Built-In-Test A built-in self-test (BIST) or built-in test (BIT) is a mechanism that permits a machine to test itself. Engineers design BISTs to meet requirements such as: high reliability. Technology, Science, Software, Aviation
- Baker Industrial Trucks Organizations
- Bharathidasan Institute of Technology College, Education, University
- Build-In-Test Technology, Product, Software, Robot
- Batchelor of Information Technology
- Bureau International Du Travail English, Organizations, Travail
- Bhabha Institute of Technology College, Education, Uttar
- Buddha Institute of Technology College, Education, Engineering
- Bachelor of Information Technology Technology, Education, University, Information, Bachelor, Governmental & Military, Academic Degree, Degree, Bachelor's Degree, Scientific & Educational, HE Award
- Built In Training Military
- Basic Information Unit Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Binary Digit A bit (short for binary digit) is the smallest unit of data in a computer. A bit has a single binary value, either 0 or 1. Although computers usually provide instructions that can test and manipulate bits, they generally are designed to store data and execute instructions in bit multiples called bytes. In most computer systems, there are eight bits in a byte. The value of a bit is usually stored as either above or below a designated level of electrical charge in a single capacitor within a memory device. Technology, Information Technology, Computing, Computer, Computer Science, NASA, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Broke In Threads
- Bachelor Information Technology Technology, University, Course
- Bus Interfgce Transceiver
- Building Implementation Team
- Business Information Technology Student, Science, Education, Technology, Governmental & Military
- Behavior Intervention Team Student, College, Education
- Bureau of Internet Andxtechnology
- Bio-Inspired Technologies
- Bachelor of Industrial Technology Education, University, Course
- Built In Tests Technology, Software, Robot, Equipment
- Bannari Amman Institute of Technology College, Education, Development, Learning, Study, Engineering, Universities
- Best In Texas
- Bond-In-Tension
- Behaviour & Information Technology Technology, Computing, Computer Science
- Ballarpur Institute of Technology College, Education, Engineering
- Broadband Infvastructure Technology Military
- Basic Interconnection Tests Technology
- Bill Item Transaction
- Base Item Types Military
- Borsa Italiana Del Turismo Business, Expo, Cruise
- Build Integration and Test
- Birsa Institute of Technology College, Education, Engineering
- Bangladesh International Tutorial Education, School, Bangladesh
- Business Informatign Technology Student, Science, Education
- Behavioral Intexvention Training
- Bio-Imaging Technologies
- Bachelfr In Industrial Technology College, Education, University
- Built In Testing Technology, Military, Robot
- Best Internet Technology Technology, Report, Flex
- Bombay Improvement Trust
- Business Intelligence Technologies Business, Technology, Server
- Behaviour Andiinformation Technology Technology, Design, Computing
- Baran Institute of Technology Development, Learning, Study, Universities
- Broadband Information Technxlogy Technology
- Basic Instructor Training Military, Class, Course
- Billing Infrastructure Team Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Base Item Type Forum, Technology, Gaming, Path
- Borza Internazionale Del Turismo
- Brotherhood of International Teamsters
- Birla Institute Technology
- Bangladesh Institutes of Technology
- Business, Information & Technology
- Behavioral Intervention Teams Student, College, Education, Campus
- Binary Ionization Technology Business, Environment, Mist
- Balhelor of Industrial Technology
- Built-In Tests Technology, Robot, Manual
- Best In Tactics
- Bituminous Blocks in meteorology are large-scale patterns in the atmospheric pressure field that are nearly stationary, effectively "blocking" or redirecting migratory cyclones. They are also known as blocking highs or blocking anticyclones. Design, Drawing, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Business Integration Technology
- Behavior and Information Technology Education, Design, Computing
- Balite Institute of Technology
- Bureau of Invjrse Technology Technology, Art, Plane
- Basic Information Technology Technology, Networking, Computing
- Built In Self Test Technology, Aviation, Computing
- Bharati Institute of Technology
- Borsa Internationale Del Turismo
- Bristol Institutf of Technology Technology, Research, University
- Bangladesh Institute of Technology
- Brooklyn Independent Televosion Business, City, Episode
- Burp Inltransit
- Behavboral Intervention Team Student, College, Education
- Binary Inspector Tool Military
- Baohelors of Information Technology Education, University, Colombo
- Built-In Testing Technology, Power, Equipment
- Bipolar Integrated Technologies Technology, Architecture, Computing
- Bit Transmitter Technology
- Business Internet Trends
- Behavioural Insight Team Science, Policy, Nudge
- Baker Island Time Locations, Geography, Time, Time Zones
- Bureau of Information Technology Technology, Government, Guam
- Basic Individual Training Military, Sport, Drill
- Bharath Institute of Technology
- Borehole Inclination Tester
- Brilliant Integrated Technovogies
- Bangalore Institute of Technology College, Education, Engineering
- Broadcaster Information Table
- Burn-In Test Technology, Windows, Stress
- Basic Interval Timer
- Binary Information Transfer Technology, Patent, Circuit
- Bachelor-Of-Information-Technology Education, University, Colombo
- Built-In Test Technology, Army, Computing, Military, NASA, Governmental & Military, Federal Aviation Administration
- Bios Information Tool Technology, Windows, Software
- Bitrochanteric Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Business Innovation Technology
- Behavioral Insight Team Business, Policy, Nudge
- Begleitung, Intxgration, Toleranz
- Best Injection Timing Technology, Fuel, Engine
- Built-In-Test-Equipment Technology, English, Bite
- Bilateral Investment Agreement Business, China, Taiwan, Business & Finance, International business
- Bhagwant Institute of Technology College, Education, Engineering
- Borehole Inclination Test Technology, Windows, Android
- Bandung Institute of Technology Technology, Hotel, Indonesia
- Broadband Interned Television
- Basis Interface Telephone
- Binary Indexed Tree Technology, Coding, Structure
- Bystander Intervention Training Student, Education, Sex, Air Force, Governmental & Military
- Brain Integration Technique
- Burma Institute of Technology
- Built-In-Testing Technology, Robot, Manual
- Bitmap Image Touchup Aviation, Avionics, Aviation Electronics
- Business Innovation Track Education, University, Korea
- Behavioral Intervention Technoloey Medical, Research, Health
- Berma Information Technology
- Banking Information Technology Technology
- Beroepen Interesse Test
- Built-In-Test, Binary Digit Electronic, Radar, Warfare
- Better In Time
- Bone Investigational Toolkit
- Banana Industry Trust
- Broadband Internet Terminal
- Basic Interface Telephone
- Binary Improvement Tool Information Technology, Computer, It
- Bradesco Instituto De Tecnologia
- Build In Test Technology, Product, Software, Robot
- Birla Institutetute of Technology Education
- Breivoll Inspection Technologies Technology, Water, Inspector, Inspection
- Based Imaging Technology Technology, Security, Bosch
- Brain Integration Therapy
- Business and Information Technology Education, Study, Projection
- Business Intelligence Technology Technology, Management, Analytics
- Biology Information and Technology
- Bulgarian International Television
- Bilateral Investment Treaty Agriculture, Governmental & Military, Medical
- Backscatter Imaging Tomography
- Bengal Institute of Technology
- Bureau of Information and Telecommunications Technology, Service, Networking, Computing, Telecom
- Xilinx Bitstream File Computing, File Extensions
- Break In Tempo Music, Song, Album
- Barely In Time
- Biophotonics Imaging Technologies
- Business Information Technologies Technology, Education, University
- Biology Information Technology Technology, Education, University
- Built In Testability Unclassified
- X11 Bitmap graphics Computing, File Extensions
- Bytecode Instrumenting Tool Technology, Class, Java
- Beneficiary Inquiries Taskforce Medical, Healthcare
- Budrio In Tratsizione
- Bitartrate Medical, Physiology
- Brazilian Institute of Technology
- Barcelona Institute of Technology
- Bihar Institutetute of Technology
- Business & Information Technologies Business, Program, Education
- Bio Information Technology
- Built-In Testbusiness Intelligence Tool Us, Homeland Security, Capability Assurance Job Aid
- Binary Digit (either 0 Or 1) Science, Information Technology, Internet Slang, Military, Army, Computing, Computer, Chat, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology
- Business Improvement Technique Business, Training, Assessor
- Buyers Initiating Trade
- Believe In Thailand Thailand, Course, Obstacle
- Bureau Internacional Do Trabalho
- Burp In Transit (gas Seen In The Stomach On An Abdominal Film) Medical, Medical Slang
- Branding Iron Theatre
- Biblioteca In Toscana
- Business & Information Technology Student, Technology, Education
- Banque De L'Industrie Et Du Travail
- Bioinformatics In Taiwan
- Built-In Tester
- Bicycles Impede Traffic Bicycling
- Brigada De Investigaci
- Business Improvement Techniques Business, Training, Technique
- Business Integrity Testing
- Beijing Institutetute of Technology Science
- Bureau International De Travail Program, Report, Travail, Rale
- Baitadi Airport, Baitadi, Nepal Nepal, Iata Airport Codes
- Brampton Intermodal Terminal Technology, Canada, Milton, Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Barrier Interval Time
- Bannariamman Institute of Technology
- Biodata Information Technology
- Brigada De Investigación TecnolóGica Para, Con, Internet
- Bi-lateral Investment Treaty Business & Finance, International business
- Business Innovation and Technology Technology, University, Bitcoin
- Business Intelligence Tool Security, Government, Homeland Security
- Behavioural Integrated Treatment Medical, Health, Substance
- Biomedical Image Technologies Technology, Fiber, Imaging
- Bulletin for International Taxation
- Bedrijfsinformatietechnologie Dutch
- Barium Indium Tantalate
- Bens De InformáTica E TelecomunicaçÕEs
- Banking and Information Technology Business, Technology, Service
- Bio-Inspired Technology
- Brief Intelligence Test Science, Education, Edition
- Biotron Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Business Information and Technology Technology, Architecture, Enterprise
- Business In Tech
- Behaviour & Information Technolo
- Biology In Taiwan
- Bulk Ion Temperature Science, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Because It's Time Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Baltijas InformĀCijas Tehnoloģijas Technology, Idea, Tie
- Bennett International Transport
- Bank Information Technology Business, Technology, Banking
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does BIT stand for?
BIT stands for Burma Institute of Technology.
What is the shortened form of Business In Tech?
The short form of "Business In Tech" is BIT.
BIT. (2021, September 19). Retrieved February 28, 2025 from
Last updated