Bitumen Abbreviations and Bitumen Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Bitumen terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 17 different Bitumen abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Bitumen terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Bitumen Abbreviations
  1. ADM : Anti-DröHn-Matte
  2. CNRL : Canadian National Roller League
  3. VG : Viscosity Grade
  4. MA : Mastic Asphalt
  5. MB : Multi-Baudicht
  6. MC : Medium Cure
  7. MC : Medium Muring
  8. SA : Seof-Adhering
  9. SDBC : Semi-Dense Bituminous Concrete
  10. SRU : Solvent Recoveryvunit
  11. TSRU : Tailings Solvent Recovery Unit
  12. NRMB : Natural Rubber Modified Bitumen
  13. PSV : Primary Separation Vessel
  14. RC : Rapid-Curing
  15. RC : Rapid Curing
  16. RTFOT : Rolling Thin-Film Oven Test
  17. RTFOT : Rolling Thin Film Oven Test
Latest Bitumen Meanings
  1. Rolling Thin Film Oven Test
  2. Rolling Thin-Film Oven Test
  3. Rapid Curing
  4. Rapid-Curing
  5. Primary Separation Vessel
  6. Natural Rubber Modified Bitumen
  7. Tailings Solvent Recovery Unit
  8. Solvent Recoveryvunit
  9. Semi-Dense Bituminous Concrete
  10. Seof-Adhering
  11. Medium Muring
  12. Medium Cure
  13. Multi-Baudicht
  14. Mastic Asphalt
  15. Viscosity Grade
  16. Canadian National Roller League
  17. Anti-DröHn-Matte