BJ in Names and nicknames Meaning

The BJ meaning in Names and nicknames terms is "Brandon James". There are 61 related meanings of the BJ Names and nicknames abbreviation.

BJ on Names and nicknames Full Forms

  1. Brandon James
  2. Billy Joel
  3. Billy Joe
  4. Buddy Junior
  5. Brian Jacques
  6. Big Jew
  7. Bonnie Joy
  8. Billy Junior
  9. Bailey Junior
  10. Billie Joe Armstrong
  11. Baby Jay
  12. Bobbie Jo
  13. Bambi Jo
  14. Betty Joyce
  15. Billie Jean
  16. Barbara June
  17. Bobo Junior
  18. Ben Junior
  19. Barbara Jean
  20. Baby John
  21. Barbara Josephine
  22. Benjamin James
  23. Big Johnson
  24. Barbara Jane
  25. Beagle Jeff
  26. Brandy Josephine
  27. Bonnie Joan
  28. Beverly Jane
  29. Big Junkie
  30. Bryan John
  31. Big John
  32. Bobbie Jean
  33. Bianca Jane
  34. Baby Janea
  35. Bradley John
  36. Barclay James
  37. Blain Joseph
  38. Betty Jean
  39. Bruce Junior
  40. Betty June
  41. Bernadette Jasmine
  42. Bobbie Joe
  43. Benjamin Jason
  44. Barbara Joy
  45. Bobby Joe
  46. Bobby Jean
  47. Bear Junior
  48. Bill Junior
  49. Becky Jolene
  50. Beverly Jean
  51. Benjamin Junior
  52. Bud Junior
  53. Bianca Jasmine
  54. Bruno Junior
  55. Betty Jo
  56. Bari Joan
  57. Brian Junior
  58. Billie Joe
  59. Brian Joseph
  60. Brendon Jonathan
  61. Brittany Janet

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BJ stand for Names and nicknames?

    BJ stands for Benjamin Jason in Names and nicknames terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Barclay James in Names and nicknames?

    The short form of "Barclay James" is BJ for Names and nicknames.


BJ in Names and nicknames. (2022, March 23). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from

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