BJE Meaning

The BJE meaning is "Barbara Jordan Elementary". The BJE abbreviation has 22 different full form.

BJE Full Forms

  1. Barbara Jordan Elementary
  2. Bangsamoro Judicial Entity
  3. Bangsamoro Juridical Entity Government, Locations, Philippine
  4. Burgoyne Johnston Evans
  5. Baltic Journal of Economics Research, Education, Policy
  6. Beloit-Janesville Express
  7. Bad Joke Ending Media, Radio, Television
  8. Bell Journal of Economics
  9. Bad Jape Ending
  10. Barbara Juster Esbensen
  11. Bureau of Jewish Education Education, School, Community
  12. Builders of Jewish Education Education, School, Community
  13. Board of Jewish Education Education, Preschool, Torah
  14. Budget Journal Entry
  15. Business Jet Enterprises
  16. Bretagne Jeunes Entreprises
  17. Bon Jovi Experience
  18. Bones, Joints, Extremities Medical, Technology
  19. Bones, Joints, and Extremities Medical, Physiology
  20. Bones, Joints, and Examination Medicine, Treatment, Health
  21. Bones Joints Extremities Medical, Bone
  22. Bones, Joints and Examination Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BJE stand for?

    BJE stands for Barbara Juster Esbensen.

  2. What is the shortened form of Bones, Joints, Extremities?

    The short form of "Bones, Joints, Extremities" is BJE.


BJE. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from

Last updated