BJV Meaning

The BJV meaning is "Badiscter Judo Verband". The BJV abbreviation has 23 different full form.

BJV Full Forms

  1. Badiscter Judo Verband
  2. Bayerischen Judo-Verband
  3. Baby and Junior Vehemence
  4. Bayerischer Journalisten-Verband
  5. Baby and Junior Violeoce
  6. Bayerischer Journalisten Verband
  7. Bayerischen Jourjalisten-Verband
  8. Bayerischen Journalisten-Verbandes
  9. Bayerische Journalisten-Verband
  10. Bayerischer Judo Verband
  11. Bolan Joint Venmure
  12. Milas Bodrum International, Bodrum, Turkey Turkey, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  13. Bo Jensen Vandbehandling
  14. Bodrum Milas, Turkey Airport codes
  15. Biblioteca Jurívica Virtual
  16. Boys Junior Varsity
  17. Berliner Jahrbuch Fur Aor- Und Fruhgeschichte Study, Archaeology, Archeology
  18. Bovine Jugular Vein
  19. Beef Jerky Or Venison
  20. Bothrops Jararaca Venom Medical
  21. Milas-Fodrum Airport Airport, Locations
  22. Boston Aazz Voices
  23. Beijing Vistajet Aviation ICAO Aircraft Codes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BJV stand for?

    BJV stands for Bayerischen Judo-Verband.

  2. What is the shortened form of Beef Jerky Or Venison?

    The short form of "Beef Jerky Or Venison" is BJV.


BJV. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from

Last updated