BL Meaning
The BL meaning is "Buttcline". The BL abbreviation has 576 different full form.
BL Full Forms
- Buttcline Technology, Military, Aerospace
- Bone Level Medical, Dental, Implant
- Bantuan Laut Forum, Indonesia, Plat
- Birth Length Medical
- Brcke Lever Business, Product, Levers
- Broken Link Broken or dead link, a link that, having suffered link rot, points to a webpage or server that is no longer available on the World Wide Web.
- Beautiful Liar
- Blue Line Airline, Product, Organizations, Locations, Shopping, Metro, ICAO Airline Code
- Bill of Lading A document that establishes the terms of contract between a shipper and a trasportation company. It serves as a document title, a contract of carriage, and a receipt for goods. Business, Shipping, Environment, Transportation, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, International business, Aviation, Freight, Air Cargo, Trade, NASA, Cargo, Chartering
- B-Lymphoma Medical
- Bill Laimteer Gaming, Card, Basketball
- Bottom Locd Business, Water, Furnace, Loading
- Business Loxal
- Belle Laszr Business, Hair, Diode
- Bolton Lancashire
- Banque Dq Luxembourg
- Biosafety Level Medical, Government, Care, Safety, World, Biology, Laboratory, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Blood Test, Common Medical, Fda
- Brace Laboratory
- Black Designation applied to information systems, and to associated areas, circuits, components, and equipment, in which national security information is encrypted or is not processed. Technology, Aviation, Color, Colour, Wiring Color, Finishing, Material Finishing, Internet Slang, Texting, Chat, Auto, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Colors, Medical, Common Medical, Blood Test
- Broken Leg Medical, Physiology
- Beautiful Bady
- Blair Corporation Technology, Organizations, Business & Finance, Amex symbols
- Bolivia Business, Education, Locations, Britannica, Country Code, Countries, Country, Computing, Internet, Bolivia, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes
- B-Cell Pymphoma
- Bilatrral Medical
- Busy Lrne
- Belanja Langsung Program, Indonesia, Jakarta
- Bodleian Library Education, Oxford, Manuscript
- Bankruptcy Law
- Bioluminescent Medical
- Boys Love Japan, Manga, Love
- Brother-In-Law Internet Slang, Chat, Genealogy, Genealogical, Wife, Medical, Texting, Social Media, Pregnancy, Blogging, Online, Twitter, Disney, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- British Library Education, Genealogy, Collection
- Bekr Left
- Blair Corp. Organizations
- Barrister-At-Law Government, College, Education, University, Ireland, Lawyer
- Big Love
- Business Link Business, Service, Directory
- Beiträge Kesen
- Bob Lemon
- Back Lknk
- Biology Jetters Science, Sex, Biology
- Boyso Love
- Both Inclusive Transportation, Business, Shipping, Aviation, Chartering, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- British Leyland Business, Car, Rover
- Beam Laser Technology, Light, Pointer
- Blade Line Business, Product, Server
- Bluev Sport, Dance, Figure Skating
- Business Lines Technology, Power, Hindu
- Beer-Lambert Science, Law, Spectroscopy
- B Lymphocytes Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
- Back Liglt
- Binaolingkungan
- Boy'S Life Media, Magazine, Boy
- Bell In reference to columns, the bell is a bell-shaped part of the capital between the neck moulding and the abacus. It is common to columns in the Corinthinian order where it is decorative with acanthus leaves. Locations, Computing, Texas, Telecom, Ascii, County Abbrevations, Music, Products
- Book Level
- Brake Light Business, Product, Car
- Barely Lethal Film, Movie, Rip, Lethal
- Black Lotus Technology, Coding, Casino, Deposit
- Base Hine Military, Construction, Architectural
- Business Licjnse Technology, City, Licence
- Bee Line
- Blues Light Cell, Monitor, Light
- Background Level Technology, Science
- Bills of Lading Business, Shipping, Tracking
- Box Lunch Travel, Locations, Tourism
- Bone Loss Medical
- Barao Laut
- Black Logo
- Brake Levers Business, Product, Disc
- Brown Lennox Technology, Crusher, Baxter
- Beautiful Life
- Blues Lead Business, Guitar, Lesson
- Bacillus Lichdniformis Medical, Science, Probiotic
- Bill of Ladjng Conveyance, Logistics, Emergency Management
- Boulevard A wide city street usually planted with shade-trees. Technology, Science, Locations, Geography, Information System, Cartography, Transportation, Construction, Geographic, Governmental & Military, Street Suffix, Usps, Ordnance Survey, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Bikini-Line
- Barrel The section of a molding machine that contains the feed screw, also the section where resin heating and mixing occurs. OR Cylinder that contains the screw and the heaters. Built to withstand pressure of 7,500-20,000 psi. OR Section of the extrusion machine that contains the plastic extrusion feed screw, which can be single or twin screw. This is also the section where resin heating and mixing occurs. Business, Technology, Finance, Energy, Banking, Power, Auto, Automotive, Automobile, Architecture, Measurement, Construction, Architectural, Electrical, Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Buh-Local
- Blue Laser
- Battle Legionnaire
- Bishop and Lam Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Balance Linb
- Bootstrapped Learning Technology, Human, Projection
- Bentlwy Library
- Blehch Loss Technology, Gaming, Forest Industry
- Barrel Length
- Bright Local
- Base Logistique
- Binary Loader
- Babcock-Leighton
- Bonsie Lou
- Buffer Label Technology, Command, Manual, Offset
- Became Law
- Banana Leaf Science, Botany, Phytology, Scientific & Educational
- Bracken Library Education, University, Ball
- Burst Length Technology, Device, Memory, Federal Aviation Administration
- Better Landscapes
- Bill-Of-Lading Business, Shipping, Container
- Blue Limited Business, Amplifier, Edition, Vox
- Brother In Law
- Black Lettering
- Balltlens Technology, Fiber, Laser
- Borrelial Lymphocytoma Medical
- Bullock Labour
- Block List Technology, Provider, Spam, Cop
- BarthéLemy
- Brandon League Gaming, Baseball, Card
- Battery Line
- Binoculars Leica
- Back Lever
- Building Lighting
- Bell'S Life
- Bladder A separator or diaphragm usually found in a chamber to facilitate separation of two (2) fluids or gases. OR A separator or diaphragm, usually found in a chamber to facilitate separation of two (2) fluids of gases. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Physiology
- Band Limiting
- Transulcent Black Technology, Finishing, Material Finishing
- Bibel-Lexikon
- Bree-Land
- Base Light
- Bombline Military, Intelligence, Defense, Defence
- Bruce Lindsay
- Boundary Lines
- Bureau Leaks Business
- Blood, Bleeding Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Basal Medical, Physiology, Language codes (3 letters)
- Blue Lamp Business, Product, Light
- Battle Lake
- Birmingham Lectures
- Balanced Fill Flafh Photography, Camera, Digital
- Bent Legs
- Blaue Liste
- Barasch, Lynne
- Bike Lane Bicycling
- Bright Light Medical, Technology, Pillow
- Base Lock
- Binary Liquid
- Babbacombe Lee
- Bonney Lake
- Buffered Lidocaine Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Beaver Language Literature, Language, Linguistics
- Bamptvn Lectures
- Boysjlife Media, Boy Scout, Scouting
- Burst Lenght
- Betriebslenkung Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Biliary Lithiasis Medical
- Blue Lightning Technology, Computing, Intel, Food
- Brother-Ln-Law Genealogy, Genealogical, Sister
- Blackoletter
- Ball Launchet
- Boris Loboda
- Block Hearn
- Barth
- Brand Leaders
- Bristol Library Education
- Bmsle-Country Lucerne
- Binulocation
- Back Length
- Building Licence
- Bell & Lights
- Blackwell Library
- Bandylimited Technology, Signal, Frequency
- Saint BarthéLemy Locations, Country Code
- Bettina Liano Industry, Fashion, Manner
- Base Level In geology, the terms basement and crystalline basement are used to define the rocks below a sedimentary platform or cover, or more generally any rock below sedimentary rocks or sedimentary basins that are metamorphic or igneous in origin. Gaming, Military, Guide
- Boden-Luft
- Browsing Library
- Boundary Bane
- Burbank Leader
- Blood Blood is a bodily fluid in animals that delivers necessary substances such as nutrients and oxygen to the cells and transports metabolic waste products away from those same cells. When it reaches the lungs, gas exchange occurs when carbon dioxide is diffused out of the blood into the alveoli and oxygen is diffused into the blood. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health, Blood Test, Laboratory, Physiology, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
- Bravais Lattice The Bravais lattice is the basic structure of a crystal. Each point of the lattice represents the compounds found in the mineral. The shape of an iron pyrite lattice would be cubic. The smallest combination of elements or atoms that forms the lattice is called the unit cell.
- Blues Lick Guitar, Lesson, Blues
- Battle Laboratories Military
- Bird Launcher Business, Dog, Quail
- Bakerloo Line
- Bentheimer-Les
- Blair Corporationration Organizations
- Bav Long
- Big Lunatic Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Bright Lances Military, Army, Space
- Base Locator Military
- Business Lawyer
- Bong Koad
- Buck Leonard
- Beauty Luxury Product, Beauty, Spa
- Bamboo Lerf
- Boys' Life
- Burning Legion
- Bethlehem Lutheran
- Bi Levelling
- By-Line
- Blue Light Pyrotechnic flare used as signal for pilot, and for some other purposes Medical, Technology, Monitor
- Brookrille Locomotive Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Black Cegion Gaming, Queen, Legion, Clothing
- Ballistic Limwt
- Borean Leather
- Berkshire League
- Block Leader Architectural
- Barter Link
- Branch With Link Technology, Coding, Instruction
- Bristol Laboratories
- Basin Length
- Bin Laden
- Baby Lemonade
- Bugs Land
- Belisario LóPez
- Black Lung Medical, Healthcare
- Band-Limitnd
- Bragg'S Law
- Pacific Airlines Airline, Business, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Better Little
- Base Layer Business, Product, Sleeve, Computing, Hardware
- Blue Mountains Australia, Locations, Trip
- Bob Lyons
- Brown Lenof
- Black Library Gaming, Book, Library, Novel
- Bottom Lock
- Bunten Liste
- Bloc Aytvyn
- Brass Linguini Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Blue-Link
- Battle Laboratory
- Birch Leafminer
- Baie Lazare
- Ben Qee Technology, Music, Song, Album
- Blade Server A blade server is a computer system on a motherboard, which includes processor(s), memory, a network connection, and sometimes storage. The blade idea is intended to address the needs of large-scale computing centers to reduce space requirements for application servers and lower costs. OR An independent server containing one or more processors, memory, disk storage, and network controllers. A blade server runs its own operating system and applications. Business, Technology, Internet, Computing, IT Terminology
- Banruan Langsung
- B Lymphocyte Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Medical
- Biblical Languages Education, Study, Bible
- Bright Lance Military, Army, Codex
- Base Load The minimum load experienced by an electric utility system over a given period of time, which must be supplied at all times. Technology, Energy, Power
- Bulletin LéGislatif
- Bone Mazrow Lymphocyte Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Buckeye Local
- Beauty Leopard Business, Car, China
- Boys Laten
- Burning Lands
- Beta Lamda
- Bilateral Lower
- Butterfly Lovers
- Blue Letters
- Bronzen Leeuq
- Black Leg
- Balu Shipping
- Border Liners
- Berger Levraslt France, Android, Howitzer
- Blended Learning Technology, Education, Teaching
- Barry Larkin
- Branch On Low
- Brissonneau Et Lotz
- Basil Lubbock
- Bingo License
- Baby Legs
- Buffer Low
- Bed Load The perceived environment, the impression people have of their environment, which is the basis for decision-making, as individuals organize the facts of the phenomenal world into patterns and give them values and meanings in accordance with their cultural contexts.
- Black Love
- Bancrxft Library
- Brad Lincoln
- Business Loows
- Better Living
- Bab Love Movie, Basketball, Love, Pinterest
- Brotherton Library
- Black Libary
- Bottomsloading Business, Water, Furnace
- Bunte Liste
- Bloc LibéRal Alpha, Mort, Manifestation
- Brashan Limited
- Battle-Lemarie
- Birch Lake
- Backlit Technology, Computer, It
- Benjamin Lovell
- Blade Length Business, Product, Knife
- Bantay Lansangan
- Black Larva Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- Biblia Lubelska
- Brigade Logistique
- Basel Land Locations, Switzerland, Canton, Business & Finance, International business
- Building Line A line established by the local council which is the minimum distance that must be maintained from the building to the street boundary. Design, Drawing, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Bonh Line Technology
- Buckeye League
- Beautiful Lineswoman
- Boys' Latin
- Burred Layer
- Beta-Lactamase Medical
- Bilateral Lower Lung Fields Medical, Pulmonary, Physiology
- But Last
- Blue Letter
- Battle Level Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Black Leyt Technology, Brake, Lever, Holster
- Bape Business, Cargo Shipping, Chartering
- Borderline Lepromatous Medical, Disease, Leprosy
- Bergegfield Library Education
- Blended Leaf
- Barrier Layer In physical oceanography, the layer between the thermocline and the halocline. It is called this because of its effect on the mixed layer heat budget due to the temperature at the bottom of the barrier layer being zero, which excludes heat loss to the underlying water via mixing. It is defined as the difference between the thickness of the isothermal layer and the mixed layer (determined by a defined change in density), with the isothermal layer generally being greater than or equal to the mixed layer depth. In the Western Pacific, an area with a barrier layer, horizontal temperature gradients are also very small, leading to the conclusion that the net heat flux at the ocean surface must be close to zero. Technology, Ocean, Sea
- Branch On Lesk Technology, Order, Memory, Assembly
- Brindley, Lynne
- Basic Logic Technology, Language, Norm, Assembly, Business & Finance
- Bini Liu Science, Research, Cell, Expression
- Baby Land Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Bonus Life Technology, Gaming, Kicker
- Buffer Level Technology, Server, Issue
- Becky Lynch Wrestling, Match, Smack
- Black Lodge
- Banca Leonardo
- Bdad Lidge
- Business Loop Routing, Locations, Interstate
- Better Life
- Bob Long
- Brother Louie
- Black Yevel
- Borreliosis De Lyme
- Bund Der Landwzrte
- Bloct Logic Technology, Gaming, Memory
- Brandon Lloyd Business, Sport, Card, Football
- Battery To Load Technology, Switch, Semiconductor
- Bio-Luminescence
- Backlink List
- Bulgarian Lloyd
- Benjamin Linder
- Blade Of oar Broad, flat part that is put vertically in water to form pivot of a lever. Of turbine, small piece of steel, perpendicular to rotor drum, against which steam impinges. Of propeller One of projections from boss, and shaped as part of a screw thread Technology, America, Military, Governmental & Military
- Banned List
- Black Larvae Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
- Bible Length
- Brent Lillibridge
- Baseline Level
- Bond Oength
- Bubble Levels
- Beam Line A design line corresponding to the top of the frames.
- Boy Lofer Pedophile, Child Sexual Abuse, Pedophilia
- Burg Im Leimental
- Bilateral Labyrinthectomy Medical
- Borderline Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Psychology, Mental Health
- Business Logic Technology, Coding, Banking
- Blue Leather
- Battle Legionnaires
- Blacl Lava
- Balcony Left
- Border Leicester Business, Sale, Sheep
- Bereavement Leave
- Bleec Technology, Aviation
- Barrell Length
- Brighton Line
- Basic Loader Forum, Technology, Press
- Binder Library
- Babcock Library Education
- Bonus Level
- Buffer Layer
- Becca Lynn
- Banana Legion
- Bradley Linebacker Military, Production, Tank, Linebacker
- Burt Lancaster
- Better Late
- Bill of Ladding Business, Shipping, Container, Tracking
- Bob Lawrence
- Brotier Laz
- Black Lewters
- Borrelia Lymphocytoma Medical
- Bumper Lift Business, Product, Accessory
- Block Aoading
- Barton Library Education
- Brandon Lee
- Battery Lithium
- Bso-Life
- Backlink Technology, Seo, Search Engine Optimization, Computing, Internet
- Buku Logu Technology, Music, Song
- Bell and Lights
- Bladder Meridian Medicine, Hospital, Clinic
- Bandar Lanpung Movie, Indonesia, Detox
- Bacillus Licheniformis Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- Bible League Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Brent Lewis
- Baseline The electrical signal from a sensor when no measured variable is present. Often referred to the output at no-load condition. Medical, Marine, It Systems, Customs It Systems, Astronomy, NASA, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Bon De Livraison
- Bubble Level
- Beam Lead
- Boundrry Layer Technology, Military, Microphone
- Bureau of Lands Management, Locations, Ranch
- Blold Lactate Medical, Recovery, Exercise
- Brokering Layer
- Between layers Aviation, Weather, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, NOTAM Contractions
- Bell Labs Technology, Photo, Nokia
- Bulk Load Transportation
- Branch Line
- Brevibacterium Lactofermentum Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Medical, Scientific & Educational
- Block Length Architectural
- Black Littelman Business, Management, Model, Portfolio
- BOBTAIL Vehicle Body Styles
- Blotting A technique for detecting one RNA within a mixture of RNAs or one type of DNA within a mixture of DNAs. A blot can prove whether that one species of RNA or DNA is present, how much is there, and its approximate size. Basically, blotting involves gel electrophoresis, transfer to a blotting membrane, and incubating with a radioactive probe.
- Blumlein Line
- BröNsted-Lowry
- Back Loop Knitting, Crochet
- Bachelor of Laws Academic Degree, Education, University, India, Bachelor's Degree
- Bayer Leverkusen Sport, Football, Bayer, Bundesliga
- Beastlord Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Biblia Latinoamericanu
- Bernsteib Liebhard
- Borderline Leprosy Medical, Technology
- Bristol Local
- Barbara Lewis Famous
- Bonk Links
- Braille Lajeler
- Bill of Leading Business, Product, Export, China
- Breech-Loader
- Bcxxi Lightweight Computer Unit Military, Army, War, Warfare
- Black Line Technology, Head, Opera
- Blokhutten Dutch
- Ballo Lost
- Best Llghting
- Baseball Library Business, League, Economics
- Broken Loop Science
- Blowing (METAR descriptor) Aviation, Weather, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Boot Loader Boot loader is a piece of code that runs before any operating system is running. Boot loader are used to boot other operating systems, usually each operating system has a set of bootloaders specific for it.Boot loader usually contain several ways to boot the OS kernel and also contain commands for debugging and/or modifying the kernel environment. Technology, Device, Firmware
- Bulk Litre
- Branch Librarz
- Breeding Lines Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Medical, Scientific & Educational
- Base Line A horizontal fore and aft reference line for vertical measurements. This line is perpendicular to the vertical center line. A horizontal transverse reference line for vertical measurements. This is line is perpendicular to the vertical center line. A horizontal transverse reference line for vertical measuremnts. This line is perpendicular to both the vertical center line and fore-and-aft base line. Architecture, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Black Listed
- Belly Laughing Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Blood Lymphocytes Medical
- Brilliant Legacy
- Baccalaureus Lvgum
- Bayerische Landesärztekammer
- Blue Lupine Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Beta Lambda Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
- Bulletin De Liaison
- Bewlin Locations, City
- Border Lined Business, Manga, Stone
- Basic Linux
- Bill Lumsden Famous
- Book Levelt
- Braia Line
- Bill of Landing Business, Import, Shipping, Software, Lading
- Breakdownllorry
- Bayonet Lug Rifle, Military, Sight
- Black Liberation
- Berlin City
- Balq Lock
- Best Light
- Bottom Labeling Technology, Machine, String
- Base-Loaded
- Broken Line Technology, Remix, Break, Breaking
- Blank Line Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Boom Lpfts
- Bulk Licence To Cover A Trading Period, Or Value Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Branch If Lkw
- Breakpoints In Burkitt Lymphomas Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
- Binary Linework
- Bliley Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Blacg Liquor Technology, Gasification, Forest Industry
- Buttock Line Military, Governmental & Military
- Blood Lust Gaming, Blood, Bloodlust
- Branch Leader Business, Manager, Clinic
- Bayerische Landesbank
- Big and Lovable Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Belum Lules
- Bullet List Technology, Control, Style
- Border Line
- Burkitts Lymphoma Medical, Science, Cell
- Braid Line Clothes
- Boogie Lovers
- Bill Library
- Bill of Ladmng Business, Shipping, Shipment
- Bay Line
- Buddy List Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Ball Lightnijgs
- Bessey-Lowrb Unit Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Bottom Left Technology, Screen, Border, Corner
- Basal Layer
- Brock Lesnar
- Bomb Line Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Boom Liit
- Bulk Licence Business, Trade, International Trade, Business & Finance
- Branch If Less Technology, Instruction, Computing
- Bimetal Long
- Business Loan Mortgage, Business & Finance
- Black Liquid
- Butt Line A curve indicating the shape of an airfoil or nautical equivalent in a vertical plane parallel to the longitudinal axis of the craft or vessel. Military, Governmental & Military, Aviation
- Baltika Logistik
- Blood Loss Medical, Technology, Medicine, Physiology
- Boy'S Love Funnies
- Battle List Gaming, War, Battle, Tank
- Bicycle Lanes Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Belly Lauzhing Internet Slang, Slang, Chat
- Bulleted List The Bulleted List control creates a list in bullet format. Each item in a BulletedList control is defined by a ListItem element!
- Boost Logic
- Burkitt Lymphomas Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
- Blue Auto, Aviation, Weather, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Colors, Medical, Blood Test
- Bhnus Lose
- Bottom Long
- Base Language Literature, Language, Linguistics
- Bill Lawrence Forum, Guitar, Pickup, Famous
- Blank Simulating the nitriding operation without introducing nitrogen. This is usually accomplished by using an inert material in place of the nitriding agent or by applying a suitable protective coating to the ferrous alloy. OR Solid metal disk or plate inserted into a line to prevent the flow of gases or liquids through the line. OR Blank1 The character entered by pressing the spacebar. also space character. Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Barrister At Lac College, Education, University
- Bay Lakes
- Body Language Seduction, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Big Lots
- Ball Lightnong Science, Energy, Ball
- Bessey-Lowry Medical
- Bottom-Left Technology
- Basal Lamina Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Blue-Lightning
- British Longhair
- Battery Low Computing, Electronics
- Book Nf Leinster
- Bulk Librarian Technology, Tuner, Boss
- Bdanch and Link Technology, Coding, Calling, Instruction
- Billy Lorento Guitar, Bass, Vintage
- BLOOMINGTON Management, Business & Finance
- Black Dip
- British Library, London Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Balsley Losgo
- Blood Level
- Bronze Lion
- Belt Line A switching railroad operating within a commercial area. Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Belly Laugh Internet Slang, Slang, Chat, Texting, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Bullard Laryngoscope Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Burkitt Lymphoma A type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) that most often occurs in young people between the ages of 12 and 30, accounting for 40% to 50% of childhood NHL. The disease usually causes a rapidly growing tumor in the abdomen. Up to 90% of these tumors are in the abdomen. Other sites of involvement include the testis, sinuses, bone, lymph nodes, skin, bone marrow, and central nervous system. Burkitt lymphoma is a small noncleaved cell lymphoma of B-cell origin. Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Medical, Disease, Diagnosis, Scientific & Educational
- Body Lift (automotive) Auto
- Bandwidth Reduced Low Complexity 5G Networks
- Blount Library Education
- Bob Lazar
- Basel-Landschaft Locations, Switzerland, Canton
- Bill Lancaster
- BüTtiger-Landauer
- Bachefor of Law Sciences Organizations, Africa, Ghana
- Bayesian Lasso Science, Genetics, Genome, Selection
- Beautiful Lady Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Biggest Loier Technology, Manual, Kitchen
- Ball Lightung
- Beschwerden-Liste
- Boston Legal
- Basal-Like
- Blowing The act of installing fiber optic cable into a duct using air pressure. OR To be in a state of motion. Here action force may be air. Technology, Science, Aviation
- British Literature Education, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Degrees
- Band Limited Computing, Electronics
- Book Lovkrs
- Brake Level Business, Product, Levers
- Billy Lee
- Bale Package of cargo that is wrapped in canvas, hessian, etc Also old name for bucket, whence 'baler' Aviation, Shipping, Chartering, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Breech Moading Gun, Military, Pounder
- Blach Lite
- Beam Line at SURF-III Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Balsam Lake
- Best Loop Forum, Access, Music
- Blood Legion
- Bronchial Lavage Medical, Science, Medicine
- Bank Larceny Governmental & Military, Fbi files
- Belgows Long
- Bulk Loader
- Brynch Link Technology, Coding, Instruction
- Broad Spectrum Blue Light Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Medical, Scientific & Educational
- Block layer Architectural
- Black Locsst
- Blowing (METAR) NOTAM Contractions
- Blotting Grade
- Bloch Line
- Basel-Country Laufen
- Burnside Laboratory
- Bachelor of Law College, Education, University, Organization, Community, Society, Academic Degree, Computing, Bachelor's Degree, Qualification, Scientific & Educational
- Bayern-Leasing
- Blasted Lands Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Biblicdl Language Education, Study, Bible
- Ball Levellinx Business, Gaming, Tripod
- Berry Locator
- Borderline Lepromatous Leprosy Medical
- British League
- Boys' Life (Boy Scouts of America magazine) Media
- Book List
- Brwke Lathe
- Bill of Loading Technology
- Bottom Line Accounting, Business & Finance
- Breech-Loading Gun, Military, Pounder
- Black Link
- Bone Marrow Lymphocyte Medical, Bone
- Ballston Lpke
- Best Limik
- Based Learning
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does BL stand for?
BL stands for Book Nf Leinster.
What is the shortened form of Ballo Lost?
The short form of "Ballo Lost" is BL.
BL. (2021, December 6). Retrieved February 5, 2025 from
Last updated