BL in Internet - SMS - Text & Chating Meaning

The BL meaning in Internet - SMS - Text & Chating terms is "Black". There are 11 related meanings of the BL Internet - SMS - Text & Chating abbreviation.

BL on Internet - SMS - Text & Chating Full Forms

  1. Black Designation applied to information systems, and to associated areas, circuits, components, and equipment, in which national security information is encrypted or is not processed.
  2. Brother-In-Law
  3. Belly Laughing
  4. Big and Lovable
  5. Buddy List
  6. Belly Laugh
  7. Body Language
  8. Beautiful Lady
  9. Blasted Lands
  10. Beastlord
  11. Blue Lupine

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BL stand for Internet - SMS - Text & Chating?

    BL stands for Beautiful Lady in Internet - SMS - Text & Chating terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Body Language in Internet - SMS - Text & Chating?

    The short form of "Body Language" is BL for Internet - SMS - Text & Chating.


BL in Internet - SMS - Text & Chating. (2021, December 6). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated