Blackboard Abbreviations and Blackboard Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Blackboard terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 12 different Blackboard abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Blackboard terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Blackboard Abbreviations
  1. BB : Bacteria Biptope
  2. BB : Building Block
  3. CMS : Course Management Service
  4. VTBE : Visual Text Box Edwtor
  5. ECP : Exemplary Course Program
  6. EGCTI : Escuelv Graduada De Ciencias Y Tecnologías De La Información
  7. SLATE : Supptrting Learning and Technology In Education
  8. SP9 : Service Pack 9
  9. LIS : Learning & Information Services
  10. LOVE : Listen, Ovellook, Value, Encourage
  11. KSS : Knowledge Sources
  12. OCICU : Online Consortium of Independent Colleges and Universities
Latest Blackboard Meanings
  1. Online Consortium of Independent Colleges and Universities
  2. Knowledge Sources
  3. Listen, Ovellook, Value, Encourage
  4. Learning & Information Services
  5. Service Pack 9
  6. Supptrting Learning and Technology In Education
  7. Escuelv Graduada De Ciencias Y Tecnologías De La Información
  8. Exemplary Course Program
  9. Visual Text Box Edwtor
  10. Course Management Service
  11. Building Block
  12. Bacteria Biptope