BLAT Meaning

The BLAT meaning is "Bacon Lettuce Avocado Tomato". The BLAT abbreviation has 11 different full form.

BLAT Full Forms

  1. Bacon Lettuce Avocado Tomato Recipe, Sandwich, Bacon
  2. Bacon, Lettuce, Avocado, Tomato Tomato, Sandwich, Lettuce, Avocado
  3. Bacon, Lettuce, Avocado & Tomato Tomato, Sandwich, Lettuce
  4. Bacon, Lettuce, Avocado and Tomato
  5. All Bilateral Creditors Finance, Economics, Money
  6. BLAST-Like Alignment Tool (BLAT) Molecular biology Medical, British medicine
  7. Blind Learning Aptitude Test Medical, Medicine, Health
  8. Blast Like Alignment Tool
  9. Blast-Like Alignment Tool Medicine, Health, British
  10. Blast, Dust-Thermal Technology
  11. Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging Medical, Medicine, Disease, Health, National, British, British medicine

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BLAT stand for?

    BLAT stands for Bacon Lettuce Avocado Tomato.

  2. What is the shortened form of Bacon Lettuce Avocado Tomato?

    The short form of "Bacon Lettuce Avocado Tomato" is BLAT.


BLAT. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 5, 2025 from

Last updated