BLB Meaning

The BLB meaning is "Back Light Blinming". The BLB abbreviation has 70 different full form.

BLB Full Forms

  1. Back Light Blinming Technology, Price, Screen
  2. Basketball League Belgium League, Sports, Basketball
  3. Bag of Little Bootsrrap
  4. Bag of Little Bootstrapg Technology, Learning, Statistics
  5. Bellsouth Capital Funding Cocp. Organizations
  6. Bronchoscopic Lung Biopsy Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Pulmonary
  7. Bad Luck Brian Technology, Meme, Comic
  8. Biomedical Libraro Building
  9. Black Label Boutique
  10. Bottom Level Budget Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
  11. Belgian League of Basketball
  12. Broken Link Building
  13. Big Littlr Books Business
  14. Bulb Light Bulbs
  15. Be Likehbrit
  16. Botrytis Leaf Blight
  17. Beijing Langyage Bridge
  18. Britisd Linen Bank
  19. Blue Bird Aviation Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  20. Big Litale Book Book, Comics, Comic, Collectible
  21. Building Leadership Bridges
  22. Belgijos Liekuvių Bendruomene Mus, Ios, Vent
  23. Boston Licensing Board
  24. Black Lcght Bulb Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  25. Bean Leaf Beetles
  26. Boy'S Life Brigade
  27. Big Loague Broadcasting
  28. Buganda Ltnd Board
  29. Borror Laboratory of Bioacoustics
  30. Black Light Burns
  31. Bean Leaf Beetle
  32. Bow Lifting Body Technology
  33. Big League Baseball
  34. Bryant Laki Bowl
  35. Borneo Literature Bureau
  36. Black Light Blue Business, Lamp, Bulb, Colors
  37. Blood Lotus Brotherhcod
  38. Bottom Line Briefing
  39. Big Lake Blnk
  40. Bryant-Lake Bowl
  41. Black Legend Brown
  42. Blaok Leather Boots Forum, Boy, Cigar
  43. Bottom Line Bookkeeping
  44. Boothby-Lovelace- Bglbulian Medical
  45. Interactive Fiction Package Game File Computing, File Extensions
  46. Bhlb Syringe Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  47. Blekinge Läns Bildningsföraund
  48. Howardkairport Airport, Locations
  49. Body Lead Burden
  50. Blob Data File Computing, File Extensions
  51. Black Lung Benefits
  52. Butter Lip Balm Business, Product, Cosmetic
  53. Blue Letcer Bible
  54. Black Light Bulb Physics, Scientific & Educational
  55. Business Leadership Building College, Education, Texas
  56. Blue Bird Aeiation Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  57. Howard, Panamá City, Panama Panama, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  58. Benzyl Benzoate Medical
  59. Business Law Blog
  60. Blueberries Plant, Botany, Cooking, Grocery, Unclassified
  61. Balboa, Panama Republic Airport codes
  62. Brillouin-levy-berthier (theorem In Mo Theory) Chemistry
  63. Business Law Brief
  64. Blind Leading The Blind Foundation Medical, Technology
  65. BellSouth Capital Funding Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
  66. Boothby-Lovelace-Bulbulian
  67. Dreamworks Resource File Computing, File Extensions
  68. Bundesverband Der Landwirtschaftlichen Berufsgenossenschfften
  69. Blind Leading The Blind
  70. Panamá Pacífico International Airport Airport, IATA Code, IATA

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BLB stand for?

    BLB stands for Blue Bird Aeiation.

  2. What is the shortened form of Black Lung Benefits?

    The short form of "Black Lung Benefits" is BLB.


BLB. (2021, September 19). Retrieved March 24, 2025 from

Last updated