BLD Meaning

The BLD meaning is "Bcg League Dreams". The BLD abbreviation has 72 different full form.

BLD Full Forms

  1. Bcg League Dreams Business, Sport, Park
  2. Beam Lead Devjce Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering
  3. Baldwin Technology Campany, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  4. Bistable Laser Diode
  5. Baby Loves Diico
  6. Buld Business, Accounting, Accountancy
  7. Basic Bload Graphics Technology, Computer, It
  8. Biomedical Laboratory Diagnost
  9. Build Science, Drawing, Construction, Architecture, Software, Computing, Weather, General, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services, NOTAM Contractions
  10. Blue Lambency Downward
  11. Base Line Drafting
  12. Bureau of Land Developmeut
  13. Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics
  14. Braud Organizations
  15. Blood Effects Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  16. Baseline Design Military, Army, War, Warfare
  17. Bulletin LéGislatif Dalloz
  18. Blood Blood is a bodily fluid in animals that delivers necessary substances such as nutrients and oxygen to the cells and transports metabolic waste products away from those same cells. When it reaches the lungs, gas exchange occurs when carbon dioxide is diffused out of the blood into the alveoli and oxygen is diffused into the blood. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health, Blood Test, Laboratory, Physiology, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
  19. Biologic Limit of Detection Science
  20. Boulder City Municipal Tirport Airport, Locations, Airport Code
  21. Black Lawyers Directory Education, Law, Career
  22. Basal Liquefactive Degeneration Medical, Medicine, Health
  23. Bullemin L
  24. Biological Limit of Detection Science
  25. Blade Of oar Broad, flat part that is put vertically in water to form pivot of a lever. Of turbine, small piece of steel, perpendicular to rotor drum, against which steam impinges. Of propeller One of projections from boss, and shaped as part of a screw thread Technology, America, Military, Governmental & Military
  26. Beach Land Development
  27. Blojd Medical, Computer Game, Video Game
  28. Black'S Law Dictionary
  29. Basal Laminar Deposit Medical
  30. Bowman Land Digitization Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  31. Binary Load Dump Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  32. Batalh
  33. Batalhão Ligeiro De Desembarque
  34. Blinding A layer of concrete covering the ground so that steel reinforcementcan be laid out without becoming contaminated. Medical
  35. Bizerba Label Designer
  36. Barossa and Light Development
  37. Border Mine Detonation
  38. Bilateral Deficit Medical
  39. Basic Logic Dialect Technology, Language, Interchange
  40. Breakfast Lunch Dinner Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  41. Beer Looter Dude
  42. Bright Long Distance
  43. Biblioteca De Livros Digitais
  44. Baldwin Technology, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  45. Bulh's Last Day
  46. Boulder City Municipal, Boulder City, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  47. Beaumont Library District Education
  48. Brigade Liaison Detachment Military
  49. Bharatiya Lok Dal Government, Group, Election
  50. bold Any typeface characterized by wide strokes. Accounting, Business & Finance
  51. Blue Dragon Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  52. Beatty Library District Education
  53. Breakfast Lunch and Dinner
  54. Best Lab Deals
  55. Bulgarian Zand Development Business, Property, Building, Bulgaria
  56. Bloadable picture (BASIC) Computing, File Extensions
  57. Beam-Lead Device
  58. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
  59. Benign Lymphoepithelial Disease Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  60. Built Lawndry Detergent
  61. Beam Lead Device Computing, Electronics
  62. Business Longitudinal Database
  63. Bleed Bleed air is compressed air taken from the compressor stage of a gas turbine upstream of its fuel-burning sections. Aviation
  64. Below The Limit of Detection Medical, Patent, Invention, Combination
  65. Build File Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  66. Ballard Power Systems Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  67. Business Licensing Division
  68. Envisioneer Building Project File Computing, File Extensions
  69. Below Limit of Detection
  70. British Library Direct
  71. Boral Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  72. Business Leadership Develupment

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BLD stand for?

    BLD stands for British Library Direct.

  2. What is the shortened form of Bistable Laser Diode?

    The short form of "Bistable Laser Diode" is BLD.


BLD. (2020, October 26). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated