BLK Meaning

The BLK meaning is "Batas Landas Kontinen". The BLK abbreviation has 41 different full form.

BLK Full Forms

  1. Batas Landas Kontinen
  2. Balkamp Transmission Organizations
  3. Blocks Sports, Basketball, Nba, Real Estate, Business & Finance
  4. Black Designation applied to information systems, and to associated areas, circuits, components, and equipment, in which national security information is encrypted or is not processed. Technology, Aviation, Color, Colour, Wiring Color, Finishing, Material Finishing, Internet Slang, Texting, Chat, Auto, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Colors, Medical, Common Medical, Blood Test
  5. Block The name given a pulley or sheave, or system of pulleys or sheaves mounted in a frame, and used to multiply power when moving objects by means of ropes run over the sheaves. Single, double or triple-when used with the word block indicate the number of sheaves it contains. Business, Technology, Aviation, Architecture, Property, Telecom, Architectural, Electronic Engineering, Property Rent, Sport, Football, Construction, Real Estate, Business & Finance, Power Plant
  6. Blackrock, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  7. Bielska Liga KoszykóWki
  8. Bina Lingkungan Keluarga Program, Indonesia, Salah
  9. Betriebs-Lenkungs-Konzentrator
  10. Berman Larson Kane
  11. Business Link Kept
  12. Balai-Balai Latihan Kerja Indonesia, Jakarta, Orang
  13. Bundesverband L
  14. Badan Latihan Kerja
  15. Bingkisan Lebaran Keluarga
  16. Block/Black Technology
  17. Bik-Like Killer Science, Medicine, Biomedicine
  18. Bendgn Lichenoid Keratosis Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
  19. blockwork Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  20. Bulk Loaded Deadload Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  21. Blackham Resources Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  22. Westqoast Energy Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  23. Benign Lichenoid Keratosis Medical, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
  24. Bulk Bulk Carrier. Old name for hull of a ship 'Bulkhead' is a reminder. A kind of cargo which is homogenous, unpacked and dry such as grain, iron ore or coal Business, Cargo Shipping, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  25. Westcoast Energy Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  26. Iata Code for Blackpool Airport, Blackpool, United Kingdom Locations
  27. Blackpool, England, UK Airport codes
  28. British Link Kuwait
  29. Bundesverband LöSlicher Kaffee
  30. Blackpool Airport, Blackpool, United Kingdom Texting, United Kingdom, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Iata Airport Codes
  31. Brake Line Kits
  32. Bund-LäNder-Kommission FüR Bildungsplanung Und Forschung Government, German
  33. Black Lace Kuumba Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  34. Bonnet Latch Kit
  35. Autocad Block Template File Computing, File Extensions
  36. Bund-LäNder-Kommission Technology, Germany, Bonn
  37. BlackRock, Inc. Computing, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Nyse symbols
  38. Blank Simulating the nitriding operation without introducing nitrogen. This is usually accomplished by using an inert material in place of the nitriding agent or by applying a suitable protective coating to the ferrous alloy.  OR Solid metal disk or plate inserted into a line to prevent the flow of gases or liquids through the line. OR Blank1 The character entered by pressing the spacebar. also space character. Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Business & Finance, Power Plant
  39. Abbyy Finereader Area Template Computing, File Extensions
  40. Bund-L
  41. Temporary file (WordPerfect for Win) Computing, File Extensions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BLK stand for?

    BLK stands for Black.

  2. What is the shortened form of Berman Larson Kane?

    The short form of "Berman Larson Kane" is BLK.


BLK. (2020, October 27). Retrieved February 19, 2025 from

Last updated