BLM in Technology Meaning

The BLM meaning in Technology terms is "Bilayer Lipid Membranes". There are 18 related meanings of the BLM Technology abbreviation.

BLM on Technology Full Forms

  1. Bilayer Lipid Membranes
  2. Bilayer Lipid Membrane
  3. Bureau of Land Management
  4. Beam Loss Monitoribg
  5. Business Leaders for Michigan
  6. Beam Loss Monitor
  7. Bulk Liquid Membrane
  8. Bayerische Landeszentrale Fuer Neue Medien
  9. Building Lifeqycle Management
  10. Bleomycin Bleomycin is a medication used to treat cancer. This includes Hodgkin's lymphoma, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, testicular cancer, ovarian cancer, and cervical cancer among others. Typically used with other cancer medications, it can be given intravenously, by injection into a muscle or under the skin. It may also be administered inside the chest to help prevent the recurrence of a fluid around the lung due to cancer; however talc is better for this.
  11. Ball-Limiting Metalization
  12. Block Learn Memory
  13. Boundary Layer Model
  14. Black Lipid Membranes
  15. Beam Loss Monitors
  16. Brissonneau & Lotz Marine
  17. Business Line Management
  18. Business Line Manager

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BLM stand for Technology?

    BLM stands for Ball-Limiting Metalization in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Beam Loss Monitors in Technology?

    The short form of "Beam Loss Monitors" is BLM for Technology.


BLM in Technology. (2020, October 23). Retrieved March 24, 2025 from

Last updated